Re: [MlMt] Using Gmail

2014-05-16 Thread Jon Garrison
I use mailmate with my personal (vanilla IMAP) account and my work email that is google apps for business. They both seem the same. I don't have ANY issues with gmail, but I have pretty basic labeling. Basically I treat them like folders, but I do have some server side rules that result in mai

Re: [MlMt] Using Gmail

2014-05-16 Thread Alasdair Muckart
On 16 May 2014 at 10:42:15 pm, Gary Hull ( wrote: > If you have a lot of legacy e-mail in a Gmail account, then I certainly  > understand that MailMate support for Gmail labels would be helpful.  > But it sounds like you recently moved to Gmail. In that case, make  > sure that

[MlMt] Can I display a flag on the header?

2014-05-16 Thread Rob McClure
Wondering if there is a way to have a flag show up on the header when the message is in it's own window. I can see it in a list, but the message in a separate window - can't see any flag. Thoughts? Rob McClure sharkez at g ___ mailmate mailing list ma

Re: [MlMt] Using Gmail

2014-05-16 Thread Gary Hull
If you have a lot of legacy e-mail in a Gmail account, then I certainly understand that MailMate support for Gmail labels would be helpful. But it sounds like you recently moved to Gmail. In that case, make sure that you take a close look at MailMate's smart mailboxes, at at tags. For instance

Re: [MlMt] Using Gmail

2014-05-16 Thread Alasdair Muckart
Thanks Gary, I completely understand the design decisions behind MailMate, and Google's strange not-quite-IMAP implementation. The reality though is that Gmail (and GIMAP) actually work *really* well, and recent comments made me wonder if there was more label-compatibility coming in MM.  On 16

Re: [MlMt] Using Gmail

2014-05-16 Thread Gary Hull
My impression is that MailMate doesn't deal well with Gmail by design, and there's no plan to natively support Gmail. MailMate is a standards-based e-mail client that follows the various IMAP RFCs. Gmail uses an undocumented proprietary fork/hack of IMAP ("GIMAP"). There's only one developer fo

[MlMt] Using Gmail

2014-05-16 Thread Alasdair Muckart
Hi all, For various reasons I've had to migrate all of my email out of the 'normal' (courier) IMAP server I was using over to Google (apps for business).  The current documentation seems to indicate that MM still doesn't deal too well with Gmail and labels, and with my current setup I really ne