Ah, yes. Conversation mode. That's what Postbox is using. Understood.
On 13 Sep 2013, at 7:19, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
On 13 Sep 2013, at 16:13, Ralph Alvy wrote:
Not sure if this is even possible or makes sense, but I'd love to be
able to see Threaded View honor my reverse date sort, even
On 13 Sep 2013, at 16:13, Ralph Alvy wrote:
Not sure if this is even possible or makes sense, but I'd love to be
able to see Threaded View honor my reverse date sort, even within
each thread.
Now that I see how this is done in Postbox on my office machine where
I run Windows, I really miss i
Now that I see how this is done in Postbox on my office machine where I
run Windows, I really miss it. Postbox will sort Threads in reverse date
order of that's the order of dates chosen by the user otherwise. So the
more recent messages appear higher up the list in the thread.
On 10 Sep 2013,
On 13 Sep 2013, at 16:09, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
> Yes, you can define an array of key bindings like this:
> "/" = ( "goToMailbox:", "archive", "mailboxSearch:" );
Correction: The example only works if using `ARCHIVE` instead of `archive`.
On 13 Sep 2013, at 15:50, Zvi Biener wrote:
Since we are on the subject of keybinding: is it possible to bind
multiple actions to a single key? For example, let "/" be
moveToMailbox: X and then mailboxSearch: .
I've tried some grammar options, but trial and error didn't crack it,
if it is ev
Hi Folks,
Since we are on the subject of keybinding: is it possible to bind
multiple actions to a single key? For example, let "/" be moveToMailbox:
X and then mailboxSearch: .
I've tried some grammar options, but trial and error didn't crack it, if
it is even possible.
On 13 Sep 2013, at 4:37, Ryan Erwin wrote:
Benny has already added a bunch of keybindings, such as
selectNextMessageRow and selectNextMailboxRow but I don't think the
ones we're looking for (top of message list) exist yet. I think we
want something like:
"G" = "selectFirstMailboxRow: