Hi Tim, thank you for your reply. Yes this is legitimate signed copy of the
installer. The Mac is already run in Catalina so I know this will Not be an
On 17 Jun 2021, at 04:15, 'Tim Kilburn' via MacVisionaries
My first questions is, where did you get the Catalina insta
hi everyone, I hope your all keeping safe during these times. I'm looking for a
nas box solution that I can use on my Mac iPod touch and iPhone. preferably a
nas box that connects via wi-fy any recommendations would be grate. thanks in
advance everyone.
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hey all please could some one tel me the keyborrd short cut to get to
the top of message lists in mail? sorry but ive forgotten thanks in
advance kind regards trahern.
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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thanks but what about if you have a macbook?
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hey all my question to you is this, is there an accessable way of
navigating dvd menus on the mac?
your help with this question would be most welcome!
kind regards trahern.
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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thanks guys but don't you need the num pad for the keyboard commander?
and what are the shortcuts for a laptop keyborred?
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hey all i have axidentily collapsed the devices list in the iTunes
sorses table how do i reexpand it?
your help with this question would be most welcome
kind regards trahern
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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thanks a lot.
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For more options, v
hey all does any one know of any accessible mp3 tagging software for
mac os10? your help with this question would be most welcome kind
regards trahern.
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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hey all does any one know of any accessable games you can play with
mountain lion games centre? your help with this question would be most
kind regards trahern.
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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hey all does any one know of any accessable games you can play with
mountain lion games centre? your help with this question would be most
kind regards trahern.
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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hey all i went to share some files with some one from my publick drop
box folder i right clicked the context menue as you do but the drop
box sub menu has vanished does any one know what the problem is?
your help with this question would be most welcome
kind regards trahern.
You received this
hey all i went to share some files with some one from my publick drop
box folder i right clicked the context menue as you do but the drop
box sub menu has vanished does any one know what the problem is?
your help with this question would be most welcome
kind regards trahern.
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hey all i have some things i want to list so what's the most
accessable way to list things on ebay?
kind regards trahern.
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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hey all i have some *.ogg files that i want to convert to *.mp3 files
please can some one recommend a program to do this with?
your help with this question would be most welcome!! kind regards
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hey all does any one know iff there are any accessable cliants for
direct connect?
thanks for your help kind regards trahern.
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hey all heres one for all the move addict users out there. I got move
addict on leapard and moved over to lion but when using move addict on
lion i'm finding some strange things e.g. after opening move addict i
have to comand tab back to the finder to use move addict also it will
onley let me cut o
Hey all I'm running mac os10 lion the latest version and the latest version
of icab.
I don't know what I've done to course this but for some reason every time i
go to open icab it just crashes I've tried reinstalling it but that hasn't
fixed the problem.
Does any one know what's going on??
hey all, I'm looking to clone 2 harddrives what's the best accessable
program for this? Also is there any thing i should know before i begin the
cloning process? Also what happens in the event that some of the
files/folders on the drive i'm cloning are red-only? your help with these
questions w
hey all, on twitters iphone app you can subscribe to users you follow
meaning every time they tweet the app notefies you. Is there an accessable
twitter cliant for mac with this feature? your help with this question
would be most welcome kind regards trahern.
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hey all, i have a 64gb iPod touch with the latest os.
please could some one explain to me how to remove hole albums from the iPod
with iTunes?
your help with this question would be most welcome kind regards trey.
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hey all, i'm not shure if i'm posting to the rite place but here goes.. I'm
running the latest version of itunes on the latest version of mac os10 i'm
using a play list to manage sinking my ipod touch.
but when i select a hole album then add it to my play list when i check the
list afterwoods
ok heres how i'm doing it i'm selecting all tracks in an album with command a,
then i'm rite clicking going to the "ad to play list" menu then selecting the
play list from the menu then pressing enter.
i hope this helps kind regards trahern.
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hey all, i’m running the latest version of iTunes on the latest version of
My problem is this when i go to add songs to an already created playlist by
rite clicking the songs going to “add to playlist” then clicking the name
of the playlist nothing happens and no songs are adde
hey i tried your tips but the problem is still on going kind regards trey.
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to macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegro
Hi guys, What is currently the best accessible alternative To Mac OS X
pages? You help with this question would be most welcome kind regards trey
The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries
If you have any questions or concerns about the runni
h but have eternal life." John 3:16
Sent from my iPhone 6S running IOS 9.3.1
> On Apr 4, 2016, at 11:57 PM, Trahern Culver wrote:
> Hi guys, What is currently the best accessible alternative To Mac OS X
> pages? You help with this question would be most
hi all, please could some one explain to me how to use night owl to search
for twitter users?
your help with this question would be most welcome kind regards trey.
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If you have any questions or concerns abo
hi guys thanks your help i’ll try itext express i haven’t tried office on mac
os10, kind regards trey.
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feel that a member's po
thanks vary much :)
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If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or
moderators directly rather than p
Hi all, I'm at university and I have some academic Daisy books that I need
to reed. I am looking for an app that works on both Mac OS X and iOS with
bookmarking capabilities and support for sinking across devices. An app
recommendation that has Any other features people think would b
hi all, I have recently acquired a copy of Dragon five for Mac OS X for
use on university course, is there anything I can do to optimise voice-over
for use with DragonDictate? Your help with this question would be most
welcome kind regards Trey.
The following information is important for a
hi all, my university uses google drive for uploading course documents ECt.
I downloaded the google drive app to my mac and i'm trying to find the
setting to change my account but i can't find the google drive menu any
where its not in the status bar does any one know what the problem is and
hey all i’m running mac os10.9 with the latest version of iTunes and i have
the latest ipod touch with the latest i os on it i’m looking for a way to
remove hole albums from the ipod with itunes by searching for them then
deleting them.
can any one help me with this please? your help with th
hey all i have some product manuals i would like to access i would like to
turn them in to audio files with both book marks and chapters like audio
books. does any one know of any programs that will do this to a high
standard? and that will work with pdf doc and rtf formats? your help with
hey all i have some questions about harddrive cloning.
ffirstly whatt's the best prrogram to clone your harddrive with?
secondly is there any situation in which harddrives may become damaged
during cloning? and how can i provent this?
thirdly how does the cloning process handle any files on
so what does it mean if a block is skipped? does it mean that things are not
copied between hard rives?
kind regards trey.
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hey all, i have the latest 64gb ipod touch with the latest o s i'm running
mavrix on the mac side. i know how itunes works but i'm at my wits end with
itunes when it comes to ipod management. so is there an accessable program
for mac os10 that i can use to manage my ipod touch?? your help wit
yes please mat! please post up the link to the website and also please post up
the drop box link.
is it payed free or shareware??
kind regards trey.
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hey all i found a download of itools on there home page and got it but most of
the controls are unlabelled and it doesn't appear accessible on first look
please can some one tell me why this is? am i doing some thing wrong?
your help with these questions would be most welcome kind regards trey.
hie mat and all i managed to put some songs on my iPod touch but when i looked
at them on the iPod they were not in the correct playing order do you know why
this is and how to fix it?? kind regards trey.
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hey all is firefox now accessable on mac os10? if it is please could some
one tell me more about it? your help with this question would be most
welcome kind regards trey.
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hey all, i'm going to clone my mane external hard drive to another external
hard drive which is on the way.
is there any thing i must do to the hard drives to propaire for the cloning
i'm either going to be using CCC or super duper is there different ways of
preparing the cloning pr
hey all i managed to clone my 1tb hard drive to a new 2tb hard drive, i used
carbon copy cloner.
during the cloning process i got an error message saying that the first hard
drive had a physical problem no data would be corrupted but that things may
take longer.
I stopped the cloning proces
hey guys i'm trying to set up a vinux partission on my macbook every
time i try to do this i get an error message saying "this disk can not
be partissioned because some files can not be moved" does any one know
how to solve this problem?
your help would be most welcom!!
kind regards trahern.
hey all how do you add files and folders to the libery in itunes i
cant feager out how to do it
your help with this question would be most welcom!!
kind regards trahern.
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thanks for your help i cant open difrent folders every time i press
the arro keys to do this v o sais "selection replaced" and now v o
also sais "file list" instead of saying "file brouser" like it used to
in the old itunes any one know what's going?
kind regards trahern.
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hey all i've read on there web sight that click to flash does not work
in safari 5.1 so what flash work arounds are there? kind regards
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hey all i have a problem with mail. my problem is this when ever i try
to send e-mails using my hot mail account in mail an error messages
appears which basicly sais that out going SMTP surver is rong and that
my e-mail account was rejected by it, how ever i can still check e-
mails with my hot ma
hey all i have a google talk account but when itride to log in
togoogle talk with ichat an incorect password and user name error
apeard does any boddy know what the problem is? and how to solve it?
your help with this problem would be most welcom.
kind regards trahern.
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hey all i have a very strainge problem with itunes, some songs from
cd's that i have burnt to itunes have compleatly dissapeared from
itunes leaving these albums parshuly intact
does any boddy know why this happens? and how to stop it from
your help with this problem would be most welc
yes i have when using safire vioce over turns its self on and off and
is randomly bizzy
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hey all i've audassity for the mac is accsesable.
how accsesable is it? and are there any online guyds or tutorails for
the woodbe blind user?
when i checked the guyds section of the maccsesabilty network there
nuthing about audassity there.
your help with these questions would be most welcome!!
try mac the ripper mate should work a treet!! kind regards trahern.
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hey all does any one know of any accsessable desk top face book
cliants for mac os10?
your help with this question would be most welcom!!!
kind regards trahern.
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hey all! does any one know of any acsesable auternitivs to the mail
your help with this question would be most welcome!!
kind regards trahern.
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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hey all does any know of any accsesable windows live cliants for mac?
your help with this question would be most welcome!!!
kind regards trahern.
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hey all does any one know of any other accsesible mail programs as
well as mac os10 mail?
your help with this question would be most welcome!!
kind regards trahern.
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mail is diffracilt to use and shows message in a stupid order
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hey all is there any way to tag people on face book that works with
voice over?
your help with this question would be most welcome!!
kind regards trahern.
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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hey all i baught icab the other day and i would like to use it as my
macs defult web browser but how do i change the defult browser to
your help with this question would be most welcome! kind regards
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in itunes when your download starts go to the sorses table go the
right you will find a scrol erreor called downloads interact with it
then find the table called downloads interact with it interact with it
again then go to the right then you should here download status
reports you can go up and dow
hey all a wile ago twitter in there wizdim changed the rules meaning
savrel developers could not develop apps for twitter any more nambu
was amunkst the apps effected by this new ruling how ever it still
continued to work for me up untill yesterday when it stopped working
and hasn't worked since do
hey all does any one know the current state of firefox accessibility
with the latest version of mac os10?
your help with this question would be most welcome kind regards
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hey all in the new iTunes 11 when I go to search for music in the
library iTunes sais not responding and goes this happens everytime
I go to use the new itunes!! does any one know what the problem is?
Your help with this question would be most welcome kind regards
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hey all please can some one recommend an accessable itunes alternative
that will let me manage my current iTunes libary ipod and iPhone?
your help with this question would be most welcome kind regards
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hey all is there a program or browser extension to translate websites
corectly? i don't want to use google translate because you cant fill
in forms with it.
Your help with this question would be most welcome kind regards
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hey all how do you change the view so that songs and the sources list
appear as tables?
your help with this question would be most welcome. kind regards
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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hey all please can some one recommend a good program for the mac that
reads pdf's well?
your help with this question would be most welcome kind regards
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hey all please could some one explane to me how to manuly sink albums
to my ipod with the new iTunes? your help with this question would be
most welcome kind regards trahern.
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hi all i’m running the latest version of iTunes on the latest version of
mac os10.
my question is this how do i add albums and songs to a play list i have all
reddie created?
your help with this question would be most welcome kind regards trey.
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hi all i’m running the latest version of mac os10 with the latest version
of itunes12, I have the latest 64gb iPod touch running the latest version
of is.
in previous versions of iTunes I’ve aded music to a playlist which i have
set up to sink to my iPod touch recently how ever i have had t
hi all, please can any one reccomend a good quality pare of head phones for
use with skype? i will consider both bluetooth and wired options. your help
with this matter would be most welcome kind regards trahern.
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hi all, i’m running the latest version of mac os10 yosemite and i message
and face time are not working.
The problem is that i can’t sine in to both apps when i try to sine in with
face time it doesn’t do any thing and just hangs. When i try to sine in
with i message i get an error message
Hi all, recently I have notest that in the latest version of mac os10 Yosemite
when using head phones the balance of sound drifts towards the rite or left. I
have been going to systems prefs and correcting this manually but how can I
stop it from happening in the first place?
Your help with th
hi all, how accessible is the deezer music streaming survace on both mac
os10 and iOS?
your help with this question would be most welcome kind regards trey.
ps i wasn’t sure if i should post this to mac visionaries or vi phone
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hi all, i’m trying to download the latest version of google chrome. but
when i go to the downloads section of the google chrome page and click the
download link the page just hangs then goes blank and nothing appears in my
downloads folder.
i have tried with icab safari and lightening, but
hi all, i’m running the latest version of yosemite with the latest version
of google chrome. I have a big problem in google chrome when i press
command option u to activate the web roter nothing happens at all.
this is not the case with safari lightening or icab thoughs are the other
web br
hi david the sendspace links are not working for me does your podcast have
its own website? or can i get it from iTunes? kind regards trey.
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hi all, has any one here tried to use blinkbox with mac os10 yosemite? if
yes how accessible is it?
your help with this question would be most welcome kind regards trey.
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happy new year all,
i’mlooking for a program that will take a pdf or regular text document and turn
it in to an audio book or mp3 file using text to speech.
does such a program exist? and is it accessible?
your help with this question would be most welcome kind regards trey.
You receiv
hey all i'm running the latest version of iTunes my media libury is on
an exturnle hd the problem is this, when i tipe in the such box voice
over just sais bizzie and iTunes crashes it doesn't close but i have
to force quit it because it stops working conpleatly any one know what
the problem is? k
hey guys i am looking to make electronic music with my mac.
i want to use protools to do this but how accsesabel are the current
versions of protools? which version is the most accsesabel? and which
one would be best for what i want to do?
your help with these questions would be most welcome!!
well i just use u torrent it works like a dream! and is fully
accsessabel with voice over in my experance kind regards trahern.
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hey all heres my problem in adium i have tride to set up a jabber
account to conect to facebook with my user name as
trahern.cul...@chat.facebook.com the password i enterd is my facebook
password and i set the connection surver to chat.facebook.com but
every adium trise to conect the account it ju
i think so criss but just incase i don't how would i go about setting
one up?
trahern culver wrote:
> hey all heres my problem in adium i have tride to set up a jabber
> account to conect to facebook with my user name as
> trahern.cul...@chat.facebook.com the password i enterd
hey guys can any one tell me how to use the hot spots feature in voice
your help with this question would be most welcom!!
kind regards trahern.
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hey brant u torrent for mac is also fully accsessabel in my experance
kind regards trahern.
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hey all book marks don't appear in the book marks menu when i add them
in saffiri does any one know what the problem is and how to solve it?
your help with this problem would be most welcom!!!
kind regards trahern.
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hey ben! where can people get the logic scrips from? and is there gb
scrips too? kind regards trahern.
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hey guys i'm looking to rip dvd's of tv shows with hand brake i would
like it so every is a seprate vidieo file or tytle please can some one
tell me how to do this?
your help would be most welcome!!!
kind regards trahern.
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i'm not going to cause there my own dvd's please will some one help
with this problem?
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hey guys some times i press keys on my mac and v o sais "serching this
mac" but what does that mean? and what keys do i press to do this?
your help with this would be most welcome!!!
kind regards trahern.
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your help with this would be most welcome!!!
kind regards trahern.ey guys i would like to chainge my mail client
from the mail apps can any one reccomend a deffrent e-mail program?
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hey guys do you know if there are any pdf to html convertrers that
work with v o?
help with this would be most welcome!!!
kind regards trahern.
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hey all please can some one reccomend some audio book converter that
makes audio books from text or pdf files?
your help with this would be most welcome!!!
kind regards trahern.
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so are the kindwall or stanzer Iphone apps accsesable then?
kind regards trahern.
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the m audio oxyejen 8v2 and korg usb micro control should do the trick
on the usb midi controler side of things as for mixwers ive digital
usb mixwers an't very good for blind people ide an anolog one if i was
you what program are you using? logic or garrage band?
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hey all i have enterd the google talk server settings in to ichat
correctly along with my user name and pass word they were also correct
but when i try to log in to goole talk i get a message saying my log
in details are in correct does any one know how to solv this problem?
your help would be mos
mary christmas all i have mac os10.6 with safari and i have a zone bbs
member ship account does any have any or instructions for using the
zone on a mac?
your help with this would be most welcome!!
kind regards trahern.
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