Hey all,
My sighted boyfriend just got the 6th generation nano and holy cow is
it tiny haha! Thought I'd ask ya'll if you've gotten one and how you
like it? Did a search here but just came up with podcasts. I'd like to
know what you think.
You received this message because you are su
Hmmm, so you're saying the iPod Touch is better than the Nano 6th gen?
I don't do anything with iPods other than listen to music and books. I
like the 5th gen because of the built in speaker. It's awesome for
reading in bed. Not sure if the 6th gen has it. You have to pay for
something to use the T
Hey all,
Haven't had any problems, so haven't needed to post. I searched to see
how ya'll were feeling about the latest Safari update, and it seems
I'm not alone. Safari keeps freaking out when I navigate by headers on
certain sites, and it's really freaking out with Blogger now. When I
interact w
Looks like I'm the only one having problems in text edit fields. Hmmm.
I don't use audible and I don't use the full FB just the mobile one.
It's great; doesn't have all the fluff lol.
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"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to
Hi everyone,
Has anyone tried the video recorder in the new iPod Nano 5g? I just
ordered it. It sounds like it whould be accessible, with spoken menus
turned on. The tutorial said you just scroll to video recorder and use
the center button to start and stop. I don't know how I'll do shooting
I think the first "store" is like a heading. It's in all caps. Right
below "iTunes store" is "purchased, store playlist" so I think the
first "store" is like a category thing. If you stop interacting with
the table while focusing on "store" and then interact with the table
again, the focus is on "i
Hi all,
I am restraining myself from calling Apple until tomorrow. I just did
the latest iTunes software update, and when it was done, it asked me
to pick a library. Huh? I think I just selected music. Well, all my
stuff is gone. All of it. Gone. I'm freaking out and have shut down
iTunes until I
Everything still appears to be on the computer. It looks as though
iTunes just got lost. So, I guess that's what I need to fix, but I'm
totally braindead now, so I'll check in here tomorrow and see if there
are posts.
Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
> Wow, Randi, let me know if I can help, once yo
; whatever it is called.. That's actually where the Itunes library is.
> > That's what I have to do a lot of times when software updates come out.
> > Unfortunately, since you didn't do that this time, I'm not sure how to
> > change it back.
> >
> &g
robably what
> happen.
> On Feb 7, 2010, at 8:52 PM, rayna424 wrote:
> > Ok, this is good stuff to look at tomorrow. Do you know if there's
> > anyway to restore iTunes to before the update? Then I can just make
> > sure that library thing doesn't happen
> about the library. that's how you switch from one library to the next. do
> that and find your library and you should be good to go! and that's how you
> can make more than one library!
> On 2010-02-08, at 6:35 AM, rayna424 wrote:
> > Hmmm. Well since you
y!! glad it worked and you don't have to rebuild your library from
> scratch!!
> yay, us doggie handlers got it goin' on!! lol :D
> On 2010-02-08, at 7:54 AM, rayna424 wrote:
> > It worked! I had tried it early but I don't think I held the option
> > key in
Hi Everyone. First I gotta say that this group has been so very
helpful, and if I made it sound like I didn't want emails, I didn't
mean it that way. I did have a member say something in that regard and
I felt terrible. I've always made some great friends here by talking
in email. That said, I'll
Hi all. Through your help, I've gotten much closer. I'm gonna describe
what I'm running in to.
I go to doc. I arrow to downloads. I arrow and bring up the menu and
and managed to open downloads. I do command O to open yahoo. It brings
up the license agreement. I select I agree. Then it says, syst
continue using VO from there on.
> Report back what you find.
> Take care
> Fonzie.
> On Feb 28, 2009, at 5:20 PM, rayna424 wrote:
> >
> > Hi all. Through your help, I've gotten much closer. I'm gonna describe
> > what I'm runn
y will only use it to get back in touch with people. Whew.
rayna424 wrote:
> Hi guys, I've gotten a few replies to this in my email that aren't
> here so I'm just gonna do a general reply here.
> Some of what has been suggested is feeling a little too advanced for
working best. and i actually learn by
playing around. aesome.
rayna424 wrote:
> Hi all. Through your help, I've gotten much closer. I'm gonna describe
> what I'm running in to.
> I go to doc. I arrow to downloads. I arrow and bring up the menu and
> and managed to open
I'm thinking about getting the gmail notifier. Does anyone use it? I
used to love it when I could see. Different ballgame now.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
I just had a friend help me set up facebook yesterday. I'm finding
many limitations which apparently so are a lot of screenreader users.
Anyone use? I go between mobile facebook and the regular one to
accomplish anything. Any pointers?
an posting on people's walls and doing basic
> stuff, I've stopped bothering with it. Hopefuly other people have
> more success/patience.
> Eliza
> On Mar 3, 2009, at 11:51 AM, rayna424 wrote:
> >
> > I just had a friend help me set up facebook yesterday. I
I was gonna respond to the gmail thing in the gmail thread but its
still empty LOL. I was wondering if I was hearing sounds with new
email when gmail was open. H. Guess I am LOL. Thanks, I had no
rayna424 wrote:
> I just had a friend help me set up facebook yesterday. I'm
> http://www.apple.com/accessibility/voiceover/downloads.html
> which is Apple's comprehensive document on using VoiceOver. It's
> available in PDF (use Preview to read) or mp3 files or podcasts, as
> well as Braille and other formats.
> Hope this helps,
> Chee
> a proxy blocking all other trafic.
> Thanks,
> Alex,
> On 3-Mar-09, at 11:50 AM, rayna424 wrote:
> >
> > I'm thinking about getting the gmail notifier. Does anyone use it? I
> > used to love it w
have for Mail Alert alerts me for all my
> mailboxes; doesn't matter which one. Richie Gardenhire, Anchorage,
> Alaska.
> On Mar 4, 2009, at 2:28 PM, rayna424 wrote:
> >
> > So on the mac what kind of nose does gmail make without the notifier?
> > I stil
ll only let me block an ap. Does
> > anyone know how I can fix this problem? Also, can I delete the photos
> > ap and still add photos? I'm sick of seeing "person A has added a new
> > photo" or "B has commented on A's photo". These things
ontact her. The mobile facebook
site is at www.m.facebook.com
The best thing about having my sighted friend help was, you can select
an option to verify the account by text message so you never get the
captias again. So she was able to do the text for me.
rayna424 wrote:
> I just had a friend h
I sure hope someone replies to this, as I've had it happen too.
Normally in Safari when I'm scrolling a lot it'll say busy and then
its ok. But yesterday in ichat it happend and would not stop so I quit
the app and started again. I'd like to know too, though I suspect its
just simply that its busy
alena.roberts2...@gmail.com wrote:
> > Richie Gardenhire wrote:
> > > I posted a comment because when I went to check out her blog, she
> > > didn't give a support number, nor did she give any suggestions as to
> > > how to contact customer service. I hope t
Man I couldn't get logged in here for a bit. Strange. Anyway, I'm
successfully chatting in ichat now, using AIM and I've got a strange
problem that occures. I'm going to try and explain and see if anyone
knows what might be happening.
I'm in a chat window and I type a message and hit enter. To ge
I hope its ok that I'm posting a reply here since everyone wants us to
shut up, but I'm new to this list and couldn't get in for a bit and
had no idea there was another list starting so is ok if I ask some
questions? If you don't want to read this, move on to another thread.
Sorry. I'm just not su
Hi Guys. I keep getting a message that software updates are available.
But it asks me for a password, and I don't remember setting one up. Is
there a way to search for it somewhere?
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I realize that, but I don't remember if I set up a password, therefore
I don't know the password. I'll try hitting enter next time though I
think when I selected the restart it asked for the passwrod.
The second part of my question was, is there a place to look up the
password if I did set one?
Thanks guys. I think I'll try the hitting return next time software
update pops up. All the disk stuff flew way over my head. Hopefullyj
return works.
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Hi guys. I want to register on mlb.com so I can purchase the Gameday
audio. Problem is, I can't access the register button. I called and
the lady on the phone said the register button is located after you
enter all the information, right after, "I want to recieve
newsletters" etc checked check box
I don't even hear button. Where did you hear button?
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Yeah, I went back. And I don't get the word button. There's the
checkbox asking for newsletters, and then it says the server will
encrypt your information.
Guess I'm S.O.L
Thanks anyway.
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I don't know. I have Safari but don't know wich one. Got my
accessibility folks on the case.
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"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@
I probably need to take it in to the Apple store but wonder if any of
you have experienced this. Sometimes I hear a pop, just a quiet one.
The computer will freeze and then be fine. Today I heard a louder pop
and nothing would happen when I hit keys. I could hear that it was on.
I forced a shutdow
> peace and positivity
> Jessi
> follow me on twitter www.twitter.com/canadian_diva
> On 30-Apr-09, at 6:45 PM, rayna424 wrote:
> >
> > I probably need to take it in to the Apple store but wonder if any of
> > you have experienced this. Sometimes I hear a pop, jus
Hmm, interesting. I don't use gmail in mail, just webbased. I've never
had to have a password recovery before. I also use Safari. Do you have
the remember me checkbox checked? I'm grasping at straws haha.
Sometimes out of the blue, I have to reenter my password, but never
have to have it recovered
t; your macbook. I'm not sure if the whole computer freezes when this
> > happens or if it's just a voiceover thing but turning voiceover off
> > and then back on again should definitely fix it.
> > peace and positivity
> > Jessi
> > follow me on twitter www
Max, this is how I do it too. As Mark mentioned though, this doesn't
seem to work for larger areas of text. When I want to copy an entire
email, I hit reply so that the passage I want is in an edit text
field. Then I interact, select what I want and copy. Of course this
doesn't work if there isn't
Hi folks,
I'm learning my macbook and VO one thing at a time and its working
great. I've come much farther since my first post to this group haha.
Its time for me to start navigating by heading. How does this work,
what are the VO commands, and do you do this with pages you're
familiar with and
Ah yes it was the command key I was forgetting. I kept just doing VO H
haha. Thanks!
Mark Baxter wrote:
> Randi:
> In Safari, VO COmmand H will navigate by headings. another thing you
> can do is lock down the VO keys once on a web page, with VO semicolon;
> the you'd only have to press command
to the right and scrool that heading. Hth,
> Chantel.
> On May 2, 2009, at 10:40 AM, rayna424 wrote:
> >
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > I'm learning my macbook and VO one thing at a time and its working
> > great. I've come much farther since my first post t
Hi guys,
I haven't used iTunes yet since buying my macbook in December. I
opened it 2 days ago and it asked some preliminary set up questions
and opens what I assume is the player. I've looked all over it and
there's no way to access the store to do anything. I think I need a
crash course. One of
Ok I just downloaded and installed the latest itunes and there still
isn't an obvious way of getting to the store and downloaded anything.
I'm so lost haha!!
rayna424 wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I haven't used iTunes yet since buying my macbook in December. I
> opened it 2
> interact with it, and select iTunes store. HTH.
> On May 9, 2009, at 12:26 PM, rayna424 wrote:
> Ok I just downloaded and installed the latest itunes and there still
> isn't an obvious way of getting to the store and downloaded anything.
> I'm so lost haha!
I've got it, but can't seem to find a way to search for something in
Mark Baxter wrote:
> Randi:
> If you don't get any good answers sooner--which I doubt will be the
> case--I'd be glad to help you with Itunes. I was deathly afraid of it
> when I started using it, but now I absolute
x27;m sure there are podcasts on how to do this with
Voiceover, or an article or something. How would I search for
podcasts, I mean, what words would I enter? And does anyone know of a
good article?
Thanks, and iTunes rocks!! I got the 50 most essential pieces of
classical music for eleven bucks!! Swe
> or the new list (February 2009 - present) at:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/macvisionaries%40googlegroups.com/
> tab to the search field, put in a few search terms, and press return.
> There's a gap of nearly a month before
d list
> (December 2005 - January 2009) at:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/discuss%40macvisionaries.com/
> or the new list (February 2009 - present) at:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/macvisionaries%40googlegroups.com/
> tab to the search field, put in a few search terms,
Scott Howell wrote:
> >
> > Yep, you need to do VO-keys+shift+m to bring up the context menu. Once
> > you click on buy for the track, it's placed in your shopping cart and/
> > or if you want an entire album, interact with the iTunes html area and
> > locate
think I've mastered the store. Though
the two podcasts I tried failed in downloading so that was
disappointing haha.
I had given up and walked away. So glad I looked here again.
rayna424 wrote:
> I'm confused.
> So it's VO shift and M on the price, not VO shift space?
t. Sorting with VO-Shift-Backslash under the Album column
> should preserve album order of songs. A second VO-Shift-Backslash
> reverses a sort from ascending to descending order.
> Esther
> On May 10, 2009, at 3:32 PM, rayna424 wrote:
> >
> > of playlists and select the name of the playlist you want to add to.
> >
> > The order of the playlist is the order in which you added songs. But
> > you can change that by sorting columns in the songs table of the
> > playlist. Sorting with VO-Shift-Backslas
Nice. Well I've mastered creating playlists and moving stuff to them.
The only thing I didn't figure out was how to move a whole album to a
playlist. Example, I created a classical list, and moved 50 Essential
pieces of classical music, one by one. It was good practice, but for
future, is there a
I feel like an idiot, but in my thread, help with itunes, there are
eight new. And it says messages 1 through 25 of 31. How the heck do I
get to those?? There's no next page or anything. Help?
You received this message because you are subscribe
This is like running a Google search on the list
> archives, and you can navigate through your results with the access
> keys.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> On May 11, 2009, at 9:45 AM, rayna424 wrote:
> >
> > I feel like an idiot, but in my
n the Help with
iTunes thread. Hmmmstrange.
rayna424 wrote:
> Ok I'm going to try command N. I read it online so my inbox doesn't
> get flooded. I wonder why google groups doesn't havea a next link.
> Geez.
> Thanks Esther, you have some really great info. I
er". VO-Space on that and see
> whether that helps.
> Esther
> On May 11, 2009, at 11:28 AM, rayna424 wrote:
> >
> > Well, that didn't work. I view the board in Safari. Not in an email
> > program. Control N didn't do anything. I ac
wn the thread. There's nothing like
> this at Google Groups. I find the search functions at the Mail
> Archive site for this list a lot easier to use, too.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> P.S. I'll take a look at the Google Groups web site to see how to
> expand the
gmail account that is? Gmail works nicely with mail, and it's
> a lot easier than having to deal with the webmail. It's your
> preference and choice of course, but I'm just saying that in my
> opinion it'd be a lot easier to just set up your gmail account in Mail.
> O
Hi all. I was intrigued with the mail program, so I was going to
import my gmail pop address into it, and play with it while still
keeping it online too. I opened up mail, and everything I've ever sent
or received was in there, for my current gmail address. thi is odd,
because when I bought the co
n, maybe you'd set this gmail address
> to forward to that old address as well? But anyway, If you want to
> close windows in any app, mail included, rahter than just closing the
> entire application, command W is the keystroke you want. Mail is
> awesome, and I think yo
, especially the message contents scroll area reading the
whole message. Sweet. I'm so glad so many of you suggested the mail
rayna424 wrote:
> I think I must have that mac account or something then, because I've
> got both the mail program and the webbased acti
will tell you
> if there is a hotkey for the option your on.
> On May 17, 2009, at 9:27 PM, rayna424 wrote:
> Ok great, I will use Command W. As far as the ghost, mail didn't have
> anything from my old gmail, and my new gmail never talked to my old
> one. I know I never t
Excellent. I was popping in to ask this very question, and here it
was. I haven't really had to worry about it too much, because in
typing an address or name, it auto fills, but only if I've previously
written the person. I spent about an hour trying to find a way to add
a friend's address and fin
Hi all,
I had an iPod first, before i got the Mac and figured out iTunes. My
friend had put a bunch of stuff on the iPod that I don't want to
lose. How can I hook it up to my Mac and start puting stuff on it,
without loosing whats on it? I'd like to import what is on it as well.
A friend said th
I can't be of more help.
> Regards,
> Alex,
> On 29-May-09, at 3:36 PM, rayna424 wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I had an iPod first, before i got the Mac and figured out iTunes. My
> > friend had put a bunch of stuff on the iPod that I don&
Hi all,
I just received an email from amazon telling me I can pre-order Snow
Leopard for $29. I didn't know we were so close to getting it! I am
going to pre-order, and I have a question.
I haven't upgraded an OS yet. Is this something I will be able to do
on my own? How does it work? When I go
Oh dear, lol! Ok, I've never upgraded an OS, period, ever. I was a
Windows user before I went blind, but I just bought new computers. I
switched to Mac when I went blind, so this is all new to me. Hold down
the C key when booting? So I don't just insert the cd with the macbook
on? This outta be in
forgotten about that. I know I know, forget everything I
knew about Windows though ;)
Thanks all! Are you all planning to upgrade immediately, or do you
wait to see how it works out?
Kieren wrote:
> On Aug 4, 7:38 am, rayna424 wrote:
> > So I don't just insert the cd with the macboo
> On Aug 3, 2009, at 5:33 PM, rayna424 wrote:
> >
> > Ok yes, that helps. I think I understand about holding down C, but
> > didn't know why it couldn't be done just like any other program. In
> > doing this, does VO work the whole time then? I think
Hi all,
A few months back, someone suggested group mode to navigate sites like
Facebook. I was too scared to try it. Now I'm ready.
I use m.facebook.com but its so limited. I also just signed up for
home grocery delivery at safeway.com, but I have to use the accessible
site, because VO just woul
Hi there,
I don't know if you have used a Mac before or if this is your first,
so just in case you haven't, I'll explain that way.
The Apple key is the Command key, located to the left of the space
bar. With the Macbook, you'll need to use Function as well. So to turn
on Voiceover after the comp
This isn't directly related to Google talk or whatever, but in
response to not finding the continue button.
I had this problem on mlb.com, trying to sign in to use Gameday audio.
There was no 'continue" or "submit" button anywhere and I even called
customer service. She could see the button, my
Hi all,
I had an earlier thread about group mode, asking exactly what its for,
what things change when you use it, and how to turn it on. The only
thing discussed was if there would be a short cut to this in SL.
So, if you use group mode, and you respond? I'm afraid to switch to it
if there are
> Items on a web page are grouped together in several groups. You don't
> have to move through each item at a time. If you don't like it, you
> can change it back.
> On Aug 6, 2009, at 6:48 PM, rayna424 wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
This is odd...I have about 9 bump dots on my keys and this never
happens to me. However, I got in the habit of putting it to sleep
before shutting the lid...I just hit the power button once quickly and
then select "sleep". It sleeps and then I close the lid. I don't think
this would make a differe
Yes yes yes. I have been noticing this as of late. Its not with any
specific web page. It seems to happen at random. I'm so used to
hearing the page load sound, that I don't hear it and think my
internet is being slow. I just now turned on group mode to play with
it, and its not playing loading so
How much are they now? I'm still seeing 0.99 and 1.29 per song. Are
they more than that in the UK?
william lomas wrote:
> ah damn the prices per song now are way to expensive now forget it lol
> On 6 Aug 2009, at 13:53, Chris Hofstader wrote:
> >
> > When iTunes dropped DRM, they let the copy
I just tried this, as I've been wondering how to do this myself. I
brought up the window, interacted with the first table. There are 2
unlabeled tables. I arrowed to bookmarks menu and stopped interacting.
I went to the second unlabeled table but its blank. Its not pulling up
my bookmarks menu. An
Hi all,
I was given an iPod Nano before I got my Macbook. I haven't done
anything with it because i don't want to lose what's on it. I want to
put the songs on it int my iTunes library. I've heard you need skip
for mac or something or other to do this.
I also don't want it to delete everything i
How did you do that? It didn't work for me...what am I doing wrong?
hank smith wrote:
> thanks
> that did the trick
> On Aug 7, 2009, at 6:24 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> >
> > You can just hit option-command-b to bring up all your bookmarks (an
> > application shortcut, not VO specific). From
Hi all,
Quick question on Victor Reader...is it compatible with Mac?
On iPod, I got a nano before my macbook. I hooked it up, had auto sync
off, so didn't lose whats on it. But I can't do anything with it aside
from listen. If I try to add anything, I'll lose whats on it. Also, I
need to change
Hi oh and thank you!! Ok, I have selected manually manage music, did
that a few days ago. So, if I sync though, to add stuff, will I lose
whats on it? How do I add stuff to it? I've never used an ipod before.
I can locate it just fine, and have the manually manage music
selected. Where do I go fro
Hi and thanks so much, both of you.
Ok so, I was playing around last night waiting for replies haha, and
managed to find how to change the voice, but the rate doesn't seem to
change. I can live with that.
I gound the list on the ipod thanks to your reply. My problem now is
that I'm stuck with wh
I just love you! You've done it! Thank you thank you thank you
I'm autofilling my stuff as we speak and its appearing on the iPod!!!
Wooo h!
Hugs hugs thank you thank you!!
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I've completely filled my Nano now, got it all, my music, my books and
podcasts!! Yay! I'm oh so happy!!
Thanks again for all the help!
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"MacVisionaries" group.
To p
Hi all,
Does anyone label discs with a braille labeler? I'm wondering if the
lible impedes the disk in the disk drive, since its so slim. Any
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Wow am I glad I asked this question haha! On another email list, we
were discussing the labelers, and someone mentioned needing to label a
bunch of cds. I had decided to use a cd book to store my back up
disks, and just label the sleaves, but thought I'd ask about the cds
themselves. Very glad I a
Hi everyone,
I know I'm asking lots of iTunes/iPod questions, but I get the most
useful information from ya'll, so I've just given up searches. I don't
understand this smart playlist thing. I click create playlist and it
asks me for all these guidlines, but no matter what I pick, it says
Hi ladies,
Ok, this is helpful. But, my dad had seaid something about creating a
playlist with all songs beginning with "T" or the like. I thought it
would be fun to create a playlist with all number 4 tracks...just to
see what comes up, what gets combined. I don't necessarily want the
same genre
Nice, got my 4 playlist ;) I think my main issue with all this is not
knowing what all the rules mean, what all the options mean, you know?
Plus, I wasn't just making the rules, stopping interaction, and
hitting enter. I thought I had to figure out all these things...so now
I think I can play with
I agree, thats why I bring my questions here rather than trying to
search for answers. Everyone here is so knowledgeable and actually
uses it all. I just have to comment on Brahms and MandM haha, that is
too funny. As I write this, I'm listening to all my track 4's, and I
had Alice and Chains, and
Wow, yeah I seriously doubt that Apple would force us to use
something. This reminds me of having the option of doing group or dom
mode. It'll probably be a setting in the internet area. But, this is
why I'm going to wait to by SL until I see what others say. I'm
terrified of it working totally di
Hi all,
I choose to read this board on the web only, so my email isn't
clogged, and because I don't read every topic. It becomes difficult to
find a topic I've posted in, because it doesn't seem to keep messages
on top in accordance to replies. I tried "clicking the star to watch
topic", hoping i
I too, am nervous. Especially since VO is my first screenreader, and
it took awhile to learn it. I never buy tech toys when they're brand
new; I usually wait to see what others think. I think I'll do this
with SL too, just to kind of have some info before I take the plunge.
It was discussed earlie
Hi all,
I am terrified of upgrading. My Macbook is my first experience with a
screeneader, and I've taught myself by trial and error and by reading
this board. I would like your opinions before I upgrade.
Have the commands changed? Is it still basically the same with some
new funtions? Will I be
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