Re: skype

2012-03-17 Thread khatere roohi
hi friends if your meaning is short cut keys for setting skype's short cuts you can go to tool menue and in option advance hotkeys if you have more things to ask i'll be happy to help my skype name is khatere.roohi On 3/17/12, May McDonald wrote: > Hey there. > > Are there shortcuts for Skype?

audoby audition mixing music

2012-05-29 Thread Khatere Roohi
On 5/30/12, wrote: > = > Today's Topic Summary > = > > Group: > Url: http://groups

do you know any help for using audoby audition by keyboard friends?

2012-05-31 Thread Khatere Roohi
hi friends i asked it before but no guide! please guide me i want to mix my music works and i use windows 7 and jaws13 but in adoby audition i can't find keyboard short keys i read its help but it explained mose function do you know any help book for using adoby audition by keyboard? thanks -- ww

mobile speak for android

2012-10-14 Thread Khatere Roohi
-- hi dear friends one question about android software on my phone i install talk back but it couldn't help me in all ... so i tried to install mobile speak my mobile speak is for simbyan phones please guide me throu finding mobile speak for andiroid thanks alot skype i