RE: weird problem with braille display

2012-02-24 Thread Tommy Craig
I have never had this problem but I wonder if some how you have the wrong Braille table loaded? Tommy -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Eugenia Firth Sent: Friday, February 24, 2012 7:55 AM To: macvisionaries@g

RE: Upgrading to Mavericks, help please for a new user

2013-10-23 Thread Tommy Craig
Hi, Upgrading will not effect bootcamp. If you want to upgrade and not do a clean install all you have to do is go to the software update and tell it to install Maverick. It is wise to backup first but it seems to be a very safe installer. Once you've started the installation just wait and foll

RE: A few brief questions about Apple Wireless Keyboard

2011-07-13 Thread Tommy Craig
Hi, I haven't found how to jump from page to page but here are a few tips. control plus up arrow goes to the top of the page and control down arrow takes you to the bottom of the page. Double tap by pressing control option space. press the home button by pressing control option plus h. Al

RE: need help with twitterific

2013-06-24 Thread Tommy Craig
This is a link that will take you to the twitter website where you enter your twitter login. There is then a button to authorize the app. Tommy -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of shane christenson Sent: Monday,

RE: need help with twitterific

2013-06-24 Thread Tommy Craig
help with twitterific Hey there, Tommy. I think you forgot the link. Lol. Thanks. Shane On Jun 24, 2013, at 1:40 PM, "Tommy Craig" wrote: > This is a link that will take you to the twitter website where you > enter your twitter login. There is then a button to authorize the

RE: Apple Keynote

2013-09-10 Thread Tommy Craig
ynote What is the url? On Sep 10, 2013, at 10:06 AM, "Tommy Craig" wrote: Hi Paul, I don't think it is beening streamed. Usually they have bloggers that post during the keynote and then Apple puts the video up a couple hours later. If you won't to check out the bl

RE: Apple Keynote

2013-09-10 Thread Tommy Craig
Hi Paul, I don't think it is beening streamed. Usually they have bloggers that post during the keynote and then Apple puts the video up a couple hours later. If you won't to check out the blog, you might try the mac observer website. Tommy -Original Message- From: macvisionaries@goo

RE: Thanks Tommy. I caught Leo Laport's coverage.

2013-09-10 Thread Tommy Craig
Hi Paul, Just a note that the CapMac user group meets the second Tuesday of every month at Sherlock's Baker Street pub at Burnett and 183. We discuss all things Apple and tonight was all about the new things announced today. We'd love to have you come to a meeting sometime. The food is good and

RE: My phone no longer recognizes me?

2013-10-03 Thread Tommy Craig
Hi Jim, I don't have answers to everything but as far as Siri not recognizing you just try telling Siri to call you Jim For example, Siri call me Jim. Tommy -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Jim Portillo

RE: Using Finger print to Purchase on I phone 5S

2013-10-10 Thread Tommy Craig
Yes I have used it. All you do is swipe your finger just like when you unlock the phone instead of typing in your password. You do have to enable this feature before it works though. Tommy -Original Message- From: []

RE: Questions about iPad

2013-05-15 Thread Tommy Craig
Hi Gigi, I think any of the options are very good. The camera in the iphone is a much higher resolution but the Ipad camera is good enough for most things. As for size and price considerations she might look at the Ipad mini. It is definately smaller and easier to deal with than the Ipad. The b

RE: Question about Navigon

2012-09-21 Thread Tommy Craig
Hello, I have been getting this error off and on all day. I think it is just because so many people are downloading so many updates. I got a new app called Transit times plus in the app store. It cost $2.99 and it works well with the maps program. Tommy -Original Message- From: macv

RE: Passbook

2012-09-21 Thread Tommy Craig
Hi Paul, I have at least gotten it set up. When you open passbook the only clickable item is go to app store. This link opens the app store and brings up a list of apps that work with passbook Currently there aren't that many. There are apps for American Airlines, Fandango, Ticket master, United

RE: Boot Camp and 10.8.2

2012-10-06 Thread Tommy Craig
If you already have Windows installed via bootcamp, you can then install VM Fussion and just point to the boot camp partition as your virtual machine. You don't have to reinstall Windows. Unfortunately this does not work the other way around. You can not use a virtual machine that has already been

RE: Boot Camp and 10.8.2

2012-10-06 Thread Tommy Craig
Tommy, are there any problems with the latest version of VMWare Fusion? Do I just buy and install Fusion5 from the app store? - Original Message - From: "Tommy Craig" To: Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2012 11:45 AM Subject: RE: Boot Camp and 10.8.2 > If you already have Wi

RE: vm fusion

2012-10-19 Thread Tommy Craig
Hi, There are two ways to do this. First you can install Fusion and just tell it to use your bootcamp partition as your virtual machine. This would probably be the easies way to go if you already have bootcamp working. With this option you can either use Window from within the Mac by using Fusi

RE: VMWare Fusion and bootcamp

2012-10-21 Thread Tommy Craig
As far as I know there is no downside to keeping you Bootcamp partition. I have been using this method for about two years and have upgraded from Fusion 3 to 4 and now to 5 without any problems. Tommy -Original Message- From: [mailto:macvisionaries@googl

RE: testing brailledisplays for mac and iphone4

2011-02-23 Thread Tommy Craig
Hi, I use the Braillex Trio with a MacBook pro. It works very well. I use it via bluetooth most of the time but it also works with a usb connection. Tommy -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of William Windels Sen

more issues with mobileme

2011-03-07 Thread Tommy Craig
Hi all, I am having a little different problem with Mobileme. I got an account setup and I am now trying to let someone upload files to my public folder of idisk. I have the public folder setup to allow people to write to it and I have enabled a password for it. When My friend or myself try to lo