and nothing happened. It will go fine with the left Command Shift D combination.
Tom Frank
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How do I finish entering data into a Numbers field and move to the next cell?
This is a very simple operation but I have not been able to figure it out.
“Enter” kicks me out of the entire table.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group
Mail would open then “quit unexpectedly.” In frustration I checked if there
were any updates, and yes, there was one to 10.11.1 that fixed the problems. I
recommend that everyone updates.
Tom Frank
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know this question has been asked before, but I'm hoping there have been some
new options for those of us who want to write music and are not braille
Tom Frank
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Hi there Jerry,
You can turn the sound volume under Sounds in Settings down to zero. Then three
finger double tap to turn off voice over speech. that should shut up your I
Tom Frank
On Aug 13, 2014, at 8:44 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
> Hello list,
> The subjec
Since updating to Mavericks, I have two separate speech rates. The default
rate that i can adjust with Command Option Control and up or down arrows. How
do I access the non default speech rate. It's the rate I'm hearing now while
typing this message.
Tom Frank
Hi all,
Even at zero percent the screen is too bright for me to see maps on Google . Is
there any way to dial down the brightness even further? It may be limited
because screens are now LEDs and not CRTs.
Tom Frank
On Jun 8, 2011, at 10:21 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
There is no sensor on the I Mac so, I assume, there is no automatic brightness
selection option.
Any ideas?
Tom Frank
On Jun 10, 2011, at 10:38 PM, Esther wrote:
> Hi John and Tom,
> Are you sure that you're using the appropriate keyboard shortcut
ee for now.
Tom Frank
On Jun 11, 2011, at 12:20 AM, Esther wrote:
> Hi Dan, Tom, Ricardo, and Others,
> OK, here's the results about iMac screen brightness for all the inquiring
> minds that want to know. Apparently, the level of screen brightness is,
I downloaded Zoomtext successfully last night and took it for a short spin. It
seems to work quite well. I went to the products link on the AI Squared
website and found the Mac download link there. I had to enter my name, email
and a few other details and it then downloaded the file to my downl
e allowed in to their
> API, it will be the death of mac accessibility as we know it. We will be
> expected to pay outrageous prices for screen readers as has been the norm on
> the windows side.accessibility.
> On Feb 7, 2013, at 5:04 PM, Tom Frank wrote:
>> I downloaded
>>>> attempting to cut costs of their product. I pray that is not the case. Be
>>>> at screen magnification or speech, I certainly do not want to go back to
>>>> the world of SMA agreements with third-party vendors. If AI squared can
>>>> m
, find a way to slow down. what am I
missing?Tom Frank
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to macvisionarie
I took your advice and unchecked the voices option button. But, no matter what
I did, it rechecked itself on restart. I finally reset all VO options to
default and it seems to have fixed the problem.
Tom Frank
> On Nov 21, 2014, at 7:52 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
I'm not getting any messages from this list serve or my VIPhone list. Are they
down or is it me?
Tom Frank
On Jan 17, 2011, at 2:20 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> Part 3 of my audio tutorial on Garageband is up. You can listen at
> ht
I bought it at it's full price and really like it. The smoothing and brightness
controls are much better than what comes with the Mac.
Try it. There's a free trial version so you can't go wrong.
Tom Frank
On Mar 12, 2013, at 9:07 PM, N2KPV wrote:
Where is the link to Ricardo's tutorials. I cannot find his garage band demos
Tom Frank
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Does Logic's step time entry work well with Voice Over? I want to write down
my compositions, but, since moving completely away from Windows, I haven't
found any music notation software that works with the Mac.
Tom Frank
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Is there anyone out there who uses Logic on the Mac? Before I shell out $199 I
want to make sure it is VO friendly. For that price, it better be a love affair
and not just friendly.
Tom Frank
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Hello there,
The latest upgrade allows Windows 8 installation.
Windows 8 works with its limited screen reader but I haven't played around with
it very much.
Tom Frank
On May 22, 2013, at 10:29 AM, Bill Holton wrote:
> Hi.
> Has anyone done a boot camp i
My wife did the installation. I didn't even try so I don't know if it can be
installed without sight.
Tom Frank
On May 24, 2013, at 1:18 PM, Bill Holton wrote:
> Thanks.
> Were you able to complete the install yourself or did you need sighted help
Hi there,
My son the computer engineer helped me yesterday. He had to clear out all of my
preferences because they had become corrupted.
Make sure you have Mail also set up to receive POP mail.
I originally had Gmail set up as an IMAP acount and it gave me nothing but
Bottom line;
x27;m concerned.
Tom Frank
On Nov 15, 2010, at 6:07 PM, Christina wrote:
> I do not have any understanding as to the difference between the two of them.
> I do not know what pop is or what imap is. However, I was going by the
> example of what someone had set up for me on another gmail accou
I see no way of decreasing margin withs in TextEdit. I want my left and right
margins set at 0.5 inches. Any ideas? I print my choir music in 60 point or
larger sizes and want to get more than two works on a line.
Tom Frank
On Nov 26, 2010, at 11:36 PM, Chris Moore wrote
Hi there Mark,
Good guess, but no cigar. I can change the not printable areas in custom paper
sizes but the margins are still one inch all around.
I can do what I want in Pages but I rather not have all of the bells and
Tom Frank
On Nov 27, 2010, at 8:01 PM
Hi there,
I've tried, and so has my sighted wife but with no success. I can adjust left
and right first line indents, body indents and tab stops, but not the margins.
If anybody knows how to adjust the margins, I could use detailed instructions
on how to do it
Tom Frank
; I could not save the document in
Pages as a rich text document and when I tried to open it in TextEdit it would
only open as a PDA thumbnail..
I am thinking that TextEdit just won't let me create margins that are less than
one inch from the sides or top or bottom.
Tom Frank
I like the accessibility of Pages, that is, until I inserted a table.
It seems to be totally unreadable by VO. Am I correct?
Tom Frank
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Tunes fine. It only seems to be a
problem with VoiceOver. Any ideas?
Tom Frank
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"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, sen
ject. Then add a From field
with different criteria. The combination usually works. It sometimes
takes me three or four tries before I get all of the emails into the
right mailbox. b
Tom Frank
On Jul 8, 2009, at 9:15 AM, Eliza Cooper wrote:
> Also, I tried ju
The easiest way to move items to a mailbox is to create a rule. Just
remember that you can enter more than one criteria per rule. For
example, I have a MacVisionary rule that moves everything from this
list serve into a MacVisionary mailbox. The first criteria is: Subject
contains MacVisio
e the new books are released.
Tom Frank
On Jul 16, 2009, at 3:06 PM, Jenny Kennedy (Howard) wrote:
> Hi there,
> I don't know a direct E-mail address but the NLS website should be
> able to point you in the right direction... The web address is:
cally put a two second
blank spot before every track.
Also, the recommendation is that you do all of your editing in the Amadeus
format which is true CD quality.
Happy recording.
Tom Frank
On Sep 10, 2011, at 2:06 PM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:
> Hi. Will Amadeus also
ividual traqcks, and saving them in a variety of
formats, including MP3. The manual gives a pretty good explanation of various
file types and the pros and cons of each.
Tom Frank
On Sep 11, 2011, at 9:13 PM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:
> Thanks. Can Amadeus rip tracks from a
Hi there,
I have the BP softwarte installed on my Mac but I don't like it very well. I
find it easier to just copy and paste files from my desktop into the BP, like
books from the NLS library.
Tom Frank
On Sep 16, 2011, at 7:42 PM, Denise Avant wrote:
> hi all,
Hi all,
I had the tab problem and found a solution before reading this thread. Try
pressing tab twice. The second one is a charm. Shift tab once brings you back
just like before.
Tom Frank
On Oct 14, 2011, at 9:04 AM, Chris Westbrook wrote:
> I just noticed that
remaining to be pasted. Remember, Daisy books actually are a number of files
kept in a common folder.
Tom Frank
On Oct 22, 2011, at 5:59 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
> thanks so much.
> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
> On Oct 22, 2011, at 4:49 PM, Chris
nted files
mby the context menu, VO Shift M. I go down and select Move to trash. I then
copy and paste the BARD books from my downloads file to the cartridge folder.
Good listening.
Tom Frank
On Oct 25, 2011, at 1:07 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
> I found someth
Tom Frank
Hello all,
I heard that there is a new command in the latest Apple TV software that allows
you to turn VO on and off easily.
I can't find it. Any hints?
On Nov 7, 2011, at 7:41 PM, Esther wrote:
> Hello Francisco,
> You cannot read eBooks purc
I sent the initial post asking for help.
My wife updated the software last nigh and I checked it today and my Apple TV
has the latest software. VO can be turned on and off from the Settings,
general, Accessibility menu, but still no triple click. Any more suggestions?
Tom Frank
I’m not certain about your keyboard, but try normal VO commands such as VO
spacebar two times for a double click. When I forget some of the commands, I
just keep my phone next to the keyboard and I can always reach over and do a
two finger double tap. WWW; what Works Works.
Tom Frank
I have only one problem with your directions. I am running 10.13.1 and there is
no “mouse pointer follows keyboard cursor.” I cannot get to the correct
insertion point to edit my text in both mail and text edit. Also, I forget,
where do I set VO to speak like JAWS? Thanks.
> On Nov 12, 2
From E.T.'s Keyboard. . .
> "God for you is where you sweep away all the
> mysteries of the world, all the challenges to
> our intelligence. You simply turn your mind off
> and say God did it." --Carl Sagan
> E-mail:
> On 11/14/20
> In the watch app on your phone, go to settings, general, about, and go to the
> very end and open the user guide. There is no touch typing on the watch that
> I know of but there is a scrible option that I have not used. I always use
> Seri by holding in the crwn and dictating text. Good luc
> Which version of GB are you using. I had 6.05 on my Mac and had to delte it
> to download version 10. Keyboard typing in version 10 is Command k; not
> command shift k as it was in earlier versions.On Dec 27, 2017, at 3:15 AM,
> masood B wrote:
> I have the same problem and I have anothe
> Yes. This is a big bug. Apple is aware of the problem but haven’t fixed it
> yet.On Jan 12, 2018, at 8:56 PM, Eric Caron wrote:
Please note there is a grammatical error in the above statement but, with this
bug, I cannot correct it. The only way aroung this is to type something in text
updating thirty plus
So, check your Windows menu every once in a while to check what's open.
Tom Frank
On Dec 21, 2010, at 9:59 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Hi,
> Recently, after the upgrade, I noticed a curious sound output issue
> happening.
I was having so much trouble with IMAP. I'm
not having any problems since I switched back to POP.
Thanks everyone for the additional help.
Have a great Christmas and holiday season.
Tom Frank
On Dec 23, 2010, at 2:16 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
> Interesting.
o and everyone else on the list. I
gave my wife an I Pad for Christmas so I won't see her for a couple of weeks
until the novelty wears off.
Tom Frank
On Dec 25, 2010, at 3:21 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> This is what I do.
> For what ever reason, option up
you get the
files to your mac?
The Olympus is great in that it is totally accessible with voice navigation and
it's small size and high quality sound make it an awesome player.
But, where do I go from here.
Thanks for any ideas.
Tom Frank
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your advice.
Tom Frank
On Feb 2, 2011, at 3:18 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> I actually use amadeus pro to convert them from wma to mp3, or I just record
> in mp3 192kbps at 44.1khz..
> S
> On Feb 2, 2011, at 10:15 AM, Tom Frank wrote:
>> Hello al
Hello Kawal,
Remember to double tap every time Navigon puts you into a new edit field. That
means the city, street and number. It's kind of annoying but that's VO as far
as I know it.
Tom Frank
On Feb 12, 2011, at 6:17 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Hi Geoff.
I have an Apple wireless keypad where the numeric keypad is not working.
I have numpad commander off, have pressed the numlock key, and checked the
Apple help file which recommends to check that Mouse Keys are not turned on.
Mouse Keys are off.
Is there anything else I should try?
Actually, the Quick Look function is figurative. Voice OVer works fine.
Sometimes you have to select the previous document and then interact with the
HTML file to read the document. Use Command Y to open the Quick Look file and
then play around to make it work.
Tom Frank
Hello all,
I thought it was broken because there aren't any buttons to double tap, or
anything. I moved it toward the bill and it said 10 dollars. It reads bills
upside down, front or back and even vertically. What an app!
Tom Frank
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Hi music folks,
's a good program to convert MP3 or Wave files to standard cda format so an old
fashioned CD player will play the music. I have Amadeus and Garage Band but am
not sure of the exact format I should use.
Tom Frank
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Good morning,
I still cannot make corrections easily on my 2012 27 inch I Mac with Apple
Mail. Today, I did find a work around. When correcting and error, I interact
with the text and move to where I want to make the correction. I delete errors
and add new text. However, VO will not read the ne
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