Hi Gabe. I'm having the same problems as you. The only way to make the onscreen keyboard visible is to use either external keyboard or Braille Display and the space with dots 1 4 6 a couple of times to toggle to onscreen keyboard visible. I was looking in the voiceover commands list to see if I cou
Hi moses. If you turn off the speech with three finger double tap, you can
always get it to come back on with a rotor dial twist. Hope this helps?
Sent from my iPhone
On 22 Mar 2012, at 16:11, "Moses Choo" wrote:
> Hi Gigi,
> Thanks, the next time around, I will certainly be a
Hi Kawal. Isn't this Braille input only? I have the Braille pen 12, which has
the display and Braille keyboard, but that's just under 1K. It has really nice
Braille dots and good keyboard, but no cursor routing, which makes it a bit of
a pain editing texts and activating apps. Also, the comman
On 31 Mar 2012, at 21:08, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Hello Thuy.
> I know what the product is now and have cancelled the order. I already have a
> Euro braille 40 and may be one day I want a 24 cell (in my dreams)!
> Thanks for replying.
> Kawal.
Which display is it?
Sent from my iPhone
On 17 May 2012, at 21:14, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Hello.
> My braille display is still having problems. I will be sending it back to the
> person who I bought from, in the first place. It's the third time I'm doing
> this. So I'm rather disappoin
The last time I tried it on Mac I really struggled. Seems to work well on iOS
devices though but unfortunately you can only run that version if you pay for a
premium account.
Sent from my iPhone
On 24 Nov 2011, at 19:16, Kevin Mattingly wrote:
> My brother was telling me about a program call
Hi Kawal. You have to select the message you want to forward either by
doubletappping or doubletap and hold, then make sure the rotor is set to
action, and swipe up or down to the more option and double tap. then you get
choices to delete or forward which are at the bottom of the screen. Sometim
any idea what this mystery braille display is? Like you say, we might have
better luck if we knew which one it was?
Sent from my iPhone
> On 27 Apr 2014, at 15:13, Robert C wrote:
> This display appears not to have a keyuboard, its strictly a display. I
> think we need to lea
I've been finding this issues waking up my macbook air running mavericks, but I
thought it was because the battery was dropping to below 15 or 20 percent. Now
I'm wondering if it is a problem with voiceover depending on which voice is
being used. I have been using acapella and tried changing my
Hi Mark. The side switch may already be set to lock rotation, in which case it
will not appear in the control centre. You can find the setting for the side
switch in settings/general. It can be set to mute sounds or rotation lock, and
whichever one is selected, will put the other in the control
no i'm refering to the flick switch above the volume buttons.
Sent from my iPhone
> On 17 Jun 2014, at 19:57, Mark Baxter wrote:
> Hi, Thuy:
> I have noted the side switch set to lock rotation within Settings. However,
> nothing I do, either pressing the side switch (either up or down) o
Hi Kawal. One workaround for this is to go into
settings/general/accessibility/call audio routing and setting it to bluetooth
rather than auto. If you don't have the bluetooth headset switched on, the
audio still goes through the phone's earpiece as usual, but if the bluetooth
headset is on, yo
Hi Kawal. I am using the Focus 14 with iphone 6 running iOS 9 and it works
fine. So I don't think there's an issue with the software. Hope this helps?
Sent from my iPhone
> On 13 Oct 2015, at 21:41, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Hello All.
> I have installed El Capitan on my I Mac
Hi Kawal. I wonder if the status cell
has been switched on by mistake? I remember in an older version of ios that
used to crash if the status cell is on. I wonder if the restore from backup
didn't bring across althe settings properly. Try setting it up with the speech
and maybe forget the devic
Hi. I think you might need to put the Apex into braille terminal mode and tell
it to use bluetooth for it's connection in the bluetooth manager?
Sent from my iPhone
On 07/08/2010, at 18:06, focus wrote:
> Hi Sonnia!
> I do not use ether device but I know that some bluetooth device's can be
hi. i frequently have three devices connected. esys 12 braille display from
eurobraille, freedom keyboard, altec lancing headset. this is with 3gs.
Sent from my iPhone
On 08/08/2010, at 2:29, "Isaac Obie" wrote:
> Hello Sonia,
> Congratulations! That Apex is supposed to behave and connect lik
I have compared Parallels and Fusion and have found the latter to be way
faster. I think there must be an issue with his config because mine was very
fast even with its default Ram allocation of 512.
Sent from my iPhone
On 14/08/2010, at 21:11, Mike Arrigo wrote:
> If you want the fastest win
Hi Erik. The EuroBraille esys displays can have the input keys disabled or the
BrailleConnect displays have the input keys recessed so that they are below the
level of the
top plate of the chasis, which makes it difficult to inadvertently input
Braille. Hope this helps?
Sent from my
Hi Kawal. There is a podcast on this keyboard on applevis. I think they covered
all this but can't quite remember.
Sent from my iPhone
On 28 Dec 2012, at 16:17, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Kawal Gucukoglu
>> Date: 28 December 2012 04:13:15 PM GMT
> Kawal.
> On 28 Dec 2012, at 04:37 PM, Thuy Mallalieu wrote:
>> Hi Kawal. There is a podcast on this keyboard on applevis. I think they
>> covered all this but can't quite remember.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 28 Dec
Hi Sonnia. Freedom also do the I-connex mini which is the same size as the
iphone itself but much thinner and lighter. You can do everything from it
including waking up the iphone. Hope this helps. Cheers
Sent from my iPhone
On 19 Nov 2010, at 02:39, Sonnia wrote:
> Hi all. I purchased
Mine seems to have stopped working too although I haven't tried it since ios5
yet. It used to just emit a flute note.
Sent from my iPhone
On 28 Oct 2011, at 10:49, Scott Howell wrote:
> FUnny, works just fine on my phone. So, when you say it does not work, in
> what way does it not work?
Hi Ramy. You can select text by including text selection in the rotor. You have
to go into general / accessibility / voiceover / rotor. Make sure you double
tap on it to check/select it. Once you rotor to text selection, swiping up or
down goes through the selection types i.e character, word, li
with no success.
> if I have a small sentence like "Good Morning my Friends".
> I need to select only the 2 words "my friends", what shall I do?
> Thanks again
>> On 3/22/17, Thuy Mallalieu wrote:
>> Hi Ramy. You can select tex
Do you know if it's possible to pause a recording and resume without creating a
new file each time?
Sent from my iPhone
On 31 Jan 2011, at 21:43, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Yes, it has Voice memos on page 4.
> On 31 Jan 2011, at 15:07, Courtney Curran wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Also, one other question
Hi Des and anyone else experiencing these issues. I too was having these
problems and tried several Braille Displays and still the same problems with
turning pages with the panning buttons with every Display including the Focus
40 that seemed to work ok for Mark. That got me thinking about chang
yeah. i was wondering about that too.
Sent from my iPhone
> On 27 Oct 2016, at 23:35, Douglas Lawlor wrote:
> Quick question:
> With the lack of function keys on the new MacBook Pro how does one go about
> turning VoiceOver on and off. The current VO guide still says to use
> Command+F5.
Hi Donna. I found this app years ago, and just tried it again, and it still
seems to work?
> On 23 Sep 2024, at 14:34, 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries
> wrote:
> Thanks, Dave.
> Donna
>> On Sep 23, 2024, at 8:01 AM, Dave Carlso
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