Hi. The reason why I'm not committed to iOS full time is the lack of support
for third-party voices from Acapela and other dealers. So for me, my next
computer will probably be a MacBook Air.
Sent From My White MacBook
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Scott, even though it's a public beta, the NDA is still in effect. Cara and
Mark both say this. Mark or Cara, if you want to take it from here, go ahead.
Sent From My White MacBook
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Skype username: bbstheblindrapper
;s to say that these bugs will remain in the next beta or
even this fall? If you can't stand the bugs, don't install the beta. Plain and
Sent From My White MacBook
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Skype username: bbstheblindrapper
Facetime: b
Facetime if you use
any of those and I can assist you by voice.
Sent From My White MacBook
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Skype username: bbstheblindrapper
Facetime: bbssh...@icloud.com
> On Jul 20, 2016, at 2:14 PM, Joshua Tubbs wrote:
> Hi everyon
Also, Matt Dierckens who's on this list hosts a Roger group for beta testers to
talk about iOS 10 and MacOS Sierra. The link to join should be in the archives
but if not Matt can repost.
Sent From My White MacBook
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Do you have the Roger app? If so, the link to join is
Open that link on your iPhone and it should automatically put you on the group.
Sent From My White MacBook
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Yes, once you download the Mac client you can play by yourself. However, it's
going to be online because bots are controlled by the server. Any reason why
you want it to be offline?
Sent From My White MacBook
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Skype use
Well it depends on whether or not you have the setting for use F1, F2 etc. as
standard function keys in the keyboard preference pain of system preferences.
If that's checked, you shouldn't have to use the FN key when you press F2.
Sent From My White MacBook
Facebook Usern
n you type in capital letters,
go to verbosity and select the text tab. The options for the behavior of
capital letters are raise the pitch, play a tone, or do nothing. HTH.
Sent From My White MacBook
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Skype username: bbstheb
To cut is Command+Option+V.
Sent From My White MacBook
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Skype username: bbstheblindrapper
Facetime: bbssh...@icloud.com
> On Sep 6, 2016, at 1:22 PM, Ramy Moustafa wrote:
> On 9/6/16, Ramy Moustafa wrote:
Hey guys. I'm having a bit of a problem. I've been using a site called
stream2watch.com to watch sports on my Mac. Mostly NBA games. Now that they
appear to not carry games from that league, I'm having a bit of a problem
trying to find a site that will actually stream. Someone gave me a site to
Hey Guys. In my last post about wanting to know if there was sites I could go
to on my Mac to watch NBA Games or listen to them. Well, after writing it, I
don't know what hit me, but something told me to check my iPhone because I have
an app called Tune In Radio. So anyway, I went into Tune-In R
Hey guys. I just downloaded the new version of Imap Weather Radio for the
iPhone. Unfortunately, when I try to set it up, it asks for a US zip code and
it won't accept my Canadian postal code. I really like that app and it would be
a shame to delete it. Does anyone know the email address I could
onday, March 05, 2012 14:28
> To: WDT Technical Support
> Subject: TAC Contact Request
> TAC Contact Form Submission
> From: Shawn Krasniuk [unspecified]
> Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2012 20:28:21 +
> Product: iMapWeather Radio
> Hello to anyone who reads
Hey guys. I just had to jump into this topic because I have an iPhone 4 and I
found an app that almost does what Siri on the iPhone 4S does. The only thing
it doesn't do yet, which will be addressed in future updates according to the
developer, is write text messages as you dictate them to it an
Hey Emra. You can count me in. I've only met a few of you via Skype and or
Messenger so it would be cool to meet more people on this list. My Skype name
is bbstheblindrapper.
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Hey guys. Subject says it all, wondering if anyone heard when Infovox 3 comes
out. I really want to get my hands on that Acapela Tracy voice and it seems
like it's taking forever for them to release it. I liked her on the PC and I'd
like her on the Mac as much. It would be nice to use her withou
Matt, I got to try her when I installed Fusion on my Mac. But I uninstalled
Fusion because I don't need it anymore so I hope Infovox Ivox 3 comes out soon.
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Hey guys. I've noticed another bug in IOS 5.1. Whenever I get a push
notification or a text message, when the screen is locked, VO doesn't read me
the notification at times. Wonder why this is the case.
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Hey guys. Before we used to be able to view a person's friends. Now I can't
find the link to do just that. Has anyone had any luck with that? This is on
the m.facebook.com website BTW.
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"MacVisionaries" group.
Hey Lou. I just checked and the setting to view notifications in locked screen
is turned on. Let me be more specific about the bug. Sometimes it'll read me
the notification, and sometimes if it's from Imap Weather Radio, it'll just say
slide to view and if it's a text it'll just say slide to rep
Hey Lou. Sounds good. What is the email address to report this issue to? Thanks.
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Hey Volcy. Welcome to the world of Apple and the Mac. Unfortunately, there
aren't a lot of choices for games on the Mac. The only 2 games on here are
Chess and the RS Games Client which can be downloaded at rsgames.org If you
like playing online, I suggest giving the RS Games client a try. It co
Hey guys. I found out something interesting with this new version of Skype. In
the overview section of the notifications preference, rather than have Skype
display it's own built-in notifications, now you can configure it to use Growl
to display notifications. So what I did was I set it to that
Aashish, that goes for me as well. This list is about sharing people's
experiences or expertees with their Macs. If you don't like what we're talking
about, I suggest that you use the unsubscribe link at the end of these emails.
This list is about freedom of speech and you had no right to say wh
Hey Elena and all. Sorry I haven't posted any replies about this, I was sick
pretty much all day but I'm better. This is odd that you can't get messages to
read automatically. Perhaps I could be of more assistance if we made a Skype
call to each other and then we can solve this little problem. A
Hey guys. I was wondering if you guys know of any HTML5 plugins for Safari on
the Mac. Also, how do I install them and enable them? I got an extension called
Youtube 5 but I can't seem to find the location to move the thing to. It's in
my downloads folder. Thanks for the help.
You re
Hey guys, just checked Assistiveware's website and you'll be happy to know that
Infovox Ivox 3 is finally out! Enjoy the new voices like Tracy and them!
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Hey Ray. Infovox Ivox 3 has a few new English voices. There's an Indian accent
English voice, a voice that's supposed to sound like Queen Elizabeth, a voice
that's supposed to sound like a hip hop artist, and of course, there's Tracy.
However I did notice a bug in this thing right away. When you
Hi. Does anyone use the speakable items speech recognition tool? If so, maybe
you can help me. I have my computer to respond to a keyword and sometimes I
accidentally say it or the computer says it. Anyway once speakable items is
triggered, I notice that it interferes with my energy saver prefer
Hey Ioana. If I were you, I wouldn't use the speech recognition. I've found way
too many problems with it. On my end, it interfered with my energy saver
preferences after it was triggered, meaning my screen wouldn't dim after the
specified period of time I had it set at until I restarted, and a
Hey guys. My friend is trying to download the Messages Beta for her Mac. When
we were on the Apple website to download it, we couldn't find a download link.
Has Apple got rid of the link or where is it? Also this friend is wondering if
Apple got rid of the option to pay for products via Paypal.
I thought that was too good to be true. I knew that Mountain Lion was still in
beta so I didn't know what this guy was talking about. But the question is, how
could there be a torrent for it if it was still in beta? And Mike, do you
realize that, number 1, it's illegal to download stuff like tha
Hey guys, gotta get my 2 cents in on this topic. I don't really care about
where I land when Skype starts. My concern is conferences. When I posted a
thread a few months ago about making a conference, I got an answer that I had
to do all this turning cursor tracking off and routing the VO cursor
Hey guys. Does anyone know if Chrome got a new update. Because now when I use
Chromevox, the sounds and the speech lag very much. Like when I navigate
through links or go to a list box, I don't get speech or sounds until after 2-4
seconds. Has anyone else noticed this?
You received t
Hey guys. One of the bugs I'd like them to fix is the whole pitch change thing
with the Nuance voices. Even though I use the Acapela voices, sometimes I help
people with their Macs and they use Samantha or other Nuance voice and it
scares the crap out of me when she changes pitch. Now that we're
Boo Eloquence! If I wanted to listen to that stupid robotic voice drone on and
on, I'd switch back to PC and install Jaws or Window-Eyes. But I don't want to
do that because I'm a Mac user, and I like listening to human-sounding voices.
If I had to pick voices to be added to the Mac, I'd pick th
Hey sorry about my last post. I was reading the message and I guess the Samnet
mail client has a little problem forwarding messages. Here's what they said.
Read Message
Martijn van der Spek
'Shawn Krasniuk'
RE: Sugges
The Loquendo voices last I heard were recently acquired by Nuance, so we should
have a choice, either Realspeak or Loquendo.
On 2012-07-06, at 7:10 AM, macvisionaries@googlegroups.com wrote:
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"MacVisionaries" gro
Hey Sarah. Have you tried the Acapela voices? I'm using Tracy at this moment
and she sounds pretty clear, and actually, more calmer than any female voice
out there. Give her a try.
On 2012-07-15, at 4:30 PM, macvisionaries@googlegroups.com wrote:
You received this message because yo
I'm confused. What, exactly, has this to do with Macs or Voiceover? I'm pretty
sure that Kara and the other mods will agree with me when I say that chain mail
like this doesn't belong on this list. Thanks.
On 2012-07-19, at 4:20 PM, macvisionaries@googlegroups.com wrote:
You received
Hey guys. I was thinking of using the Siri dictation feature to write this
message, but after trying to send a message to Kimsan and seeing that it
entered something that I didn't say, I figured I'd write this myself. So with
that being said, I must say that Apple did a freaking awesome job with
Hi Mike. I believe you have to create your own keystroke for notification
center. And while we're on the subject of keystrokes, I've noticed while in a
dialog, if you want to click on a button, you have to press VO+space twice for
some reason before Voiceover clicks it. Has anyone else experienc
Hey guys. Can anyone that has a Macbook confirm this? I was using it on battery
power and I was doing something and the Macbook shut down due to low battery.
The thing that I want confirmation is the fact that I no longer get the "You
are now running on reserved battery power" dialog in Mountain
Hey all, sorry for the late post. Chris, my Macbook is a white Macbook with 4
gigs of ram, and 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 duo. I don't know what else to be
specific about.
Sent from my white Mac Book
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Chris, in the last postings of this thread, you said that you remembered there
being a way to set Growl up to work with Notification Center. I looked in
system prefs under Notifications and saw no such setting. Also, in my list of
applications in Growl preferences, Notification Center isn't ther
Missy, you are right in assuming that Growl not starting up at login is a bug.
With me, it depends on how its mood is. Lol. But I read that they do plan on
addressing this bug in a future update. HTH.
Sent from my white Mac Book
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Hi Joseph, I completely agree with you. Mountain Lion is the second download
I've successfully done, and I was surprised the first time that the download
was accessible. Yes, Apple does deserve some gratitude for making such an
awesome brand of computers and mobile devices.
Sent from my w
How do I know if all the Nuance voices have been updated? I only got one voice
update, and that was for Karen. As for the other voices, like Tom, Samantha,
Daniel, Lee and Tessa, it never downloaded updates for them. If they were
updated automatically, that's good, although I'm scared to find ou
Hi Alex, as Esther said in another thread, Speakable Items isn't new to the
Mac. I was fooling around on Youtube and I saw the same thing she was talking
about because I wanted to know if I could get Siri's functionality on the Mac.
So I tried it after the video for a few weeks when I had Lion a
Hi Alex, I don't know why it's not working for you but it works for me. When I
press my designated hotkey for it to open, which is control+F, I can see pretty
much everything on my Facebook. I even have Growl configured to tell me if
there's a new notification. Perhaps you might want to set up a
Hi Ed, is this app in the App store and how much does it cost? Does it have
Growl support?
Sent from my white Mac Book
On 2012-08-01, at 8:39 AM, macvisionaries@googlegroups.com wrote:
> Today
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Hey all. I just found an app that integrates Growl notifications to
Notification Center. The app is called Hiss. It's in beta at this moment that
I'm writing this but I'm quite impressed with it. This is something that I've
wanted so I downloaded it. You can download the app at
Hi everyone. To answer everyone's questions, yes, Voiceover does read the Growl
Notifications that are passed to the Notification Center. I think it's a good
thing that Growl notifications go to Notification Center because I can easily
shut Voiceover up if I don't want it to talk. With Growl the
Hi Alison. This has been a bug even in Lion. They're hoping to fix it soon. HTH.
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Hi Cliff. For Facebook, I think Trillion is better than Adium. What I like
about it is not only can you chat on Facebook, but Trillion also monitors your
contacts' news feeds and if you have Growl set up for it to run with speech,
it'll automatically read them. I haven't tried it with my MSN and
Hi. I recommend Trillion for Facebook Chat because it also monitors news feeds
from your friends and if Growl notifications are set to speech, it'll
automatically read them out to you. I do have a question for Brandon that
suggested Messages. Does it also do the same thing that Trillion does, me
Hi. I don't even know how to like or comment on people's facebook posts with
Trillion. I just go to the Facebook mobile site to do whatever I need to do so
that really doesn't bother me. Trillion does what I want it to do so that's
good enough for me.
Sent from my white Mac Book
Hi. Trillion does the same thing as Adium but for Facebook, as I've said here
multiple times, it monitors news feeds from your friends and if Growl is
configured properly, they'll be automatically read out. Also Bryan, have you
considered keeping Trillion in the doc so everytime you need to acce
Hi Brian. I use Growl for Trillion, Skype since it's the only way for you to
hear if someone wrote you a message, Menuweather, and Itunes via GrowlTunes to
hear what song is being played.
Sent from my white Mac Book
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Hi, there is an easy fix for the problem you're having in Chrome where it loads
a page and you have to go back to the edit box. Just use Chromevox. Sure, it
crashes Chrome sometimes with the Nuance voices but it does the job. I would
use Safari more if SamNet worked for Safari.
Sent from
Welcome to the new listers, and enjoy your new iPhones.
Sent from my white Mac Book
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Hey Chris. That's great news. I hope your Mac experience turns out good like
mine has been.
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Hey Mike, getting back on topic with the Nuance voices, yes, I did notice this
as well with Voiceover. But when I ran either the RS Games or Chromevox,
everything was normal. That's weird.
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Hey all. I'd like to know this information too since none of the keys that I've
tried to remap work. I need to have a key that works as the System Access
modifier key which is pretty much the same as the Jawskey. I know that I'll be
going back to Lion soon so I won't need the version of Fusion t
Hey Kevin, at least for me the things I'd like to see for Skype on the Mac is
IM messages reading automatically. I know that there's been several on this
list who have asked that and got the answer that it doesn't at this time so
that's one of the things. Also, in earlier versions, I liked being
Actually, going back to not seeing contacts when Skype starts, my focus always
goes to the contact list. Maybe it's because I'm using Skype 5.3 or because
when I turn off my computer, I never sign out or quit Skype. Also, I have it
startup when I turn on the Mac.
You received this me
Hey guys. A few days ago I was forced to go back to using Adium as my chat
client because my month with Samnet expired. Anyway I installed Adium on here
and I noticed every other event was able to be spoken except for messages that
I send to people when I press return. It wasn't like that before
Hey all, and merry Christmas. I was reading Massimo's posts about how
inaccessible Pages and Text Edit are and I couldn't help but putting my 2 cents
into this topic. I also remember the original post in this thread and Massimo,
if you think that Pages and Text Edit are that bad, you should've t
Hey guys. I know it'll be a little late delivering this message but I wish all
of you as well a happy New Year. May 2012 bring you joy and hopefully 2012 will
bring more improvements to Lion.
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Oh MegaDots. Lol that brings me back to the days when I used it from Grades 6-8
with Dos and the LiteTalk and the navigator for one year. I enjoyed those days.
When it was put on my Windows 95 machine in Grade 9 with Jaws though, I missed
how the LiteTalk would say everything. But anyway before
Hey Becky. When I use Chrome, I use a program called Chromevox because VO can't
navigate some lists. You can find Chromevox in the Chrome Web Store. HTH.
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Hey Michael. I would still install Chromevox because VO can't navigate some
lists and stuff. You can download it from the Chrome Web Store. HTH.
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Hey Becky. The chromevox modifier keys are the same as the VO modifier keys,
control and option. HTH.
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Hey Becky. To set rate of speech in Chromevox, press command+shift+left and
right bracket keys that are beside the backslash. HTH.
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Hey all. I'm having a bit of trouble here. I just bought an iPhone on Friday
and for some reason my library won't music library won't synch with it via
wifi. Is it because I have my iPod Touch synching music to it instead of my
iPhone? Other than that, my apps download fine and also I bought a c
Hey. This is an awesome app. Thanks. I didn't know if the lite version covered
Winnipeg but it does! I think I'll use this more than Sendero.
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Hi Aser. Unfortunately, iTunes won't synch music to my Iphone via USB either.
Any other suggestions?
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Hey Aser. As to your question "Are the sync options in the Music tab for the
iPhone different from the iPod Touch?", I don't think they're any different but
not sure. I'm also wondering if the reason why it won't synch music is because
my iPod touch is the only device registered to receive music
Hey Ricardo and others. I don't know why, but for some reason the option to
synch music was unchecked. Why is that? Is it off by default? I didn't uncheck
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Hey guys. I haven't been getting any emails from this list since Saturday. So
I'm wondering, is this list still in existence? Also I have another iPhone
question regarding the IMap Weather Radio app. When I used my iPod Touch I
could still get alerts about warnings or watches that aren't necessa
Hey Cara and everyone. I'm happy to announce that I'm back on the list.
Although for some reason I'm getting emails from January 24 and it's February
6? Weird. Anyway, since I didn't get an answer because of this whole thinking
that I was banned and having to re-subscribe, I'll ask my question a
Hey everyone. Has anyone been successful creating their own ringtones? I stayed
up last night until 4 in the morning trying to accomplish this. First, I used a
program in the Mac App Store called Free Ringtone Maker. It is kinda
accessible, but there are a few unlabelled buttons that I'm sure wh
Hey guys. I'm finding more and more things that I don't like about Skype.
First, I'm no longer placed on my contacts. I can live with that, but that's a
pain. The second thing is I can't make conference calls. When I try to add
someone to the call by the add additional people to conversation fea
Well, the thing that disappointed me when Lion came out was the frequent pitch
changes with the Nuance voices when using VO. I hope that, if the Nuance voices
will still be in Mountain Lion, that that glitch will finally be resolved since
I hardly doubt that they'll fix that issue in Lion. It's
Hey guys. I think that it's cool that Apple is trying to make the Mac like IOS.
I'm about to download it myself, my question is will it read texts from people
that don't have an I device like the iPhone does or will the messages be
restricted to people that have an iPhone and that?
That point about some Macs not getting the Mountain Lion treatment brings up a
good question. Does that mean my mid 2010 plastic Macbook won't be able to
install the mountain kitty?
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Hey guys. I have a friend that just bought a Mac this week and she's having
trouble. I'm trying to convince her to join this list but, and I know that this
has probably been talked about a lot, but how do I remote with her Mac to find
out what she's doing wrong? She was trying to install Skype o
Hey Donna and Jürgen. I don't know of any accessible games for Mac in the App
Store but have you tried RS Games? It's a bunch of pretty good games. You can
download it from rsgames.org
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Hi. Ok, so if removing two macs will be a problem, does anyone know if Dropbox
became accessible as of yet? The last I heard about that, you needed sighted
help to install it onto your Mac. Is that still the case? I'm trying to help
her get Skype on her Mac but when she goes to Skype.com and tri
Hey guys. I've noticed that in the Messages beta Voiceover doesn't
automatically read messages that a person has typed. Has anyone found a work
around for this?
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Hey Jennifer and others. I just remembered that someone was having troubles
with Growl and that someone said that the preferences for it were in System
Preferences. If you have the latest version of growl, the preferences for it
are not in system prefs. To access Growl's preferences, go to your
Good morning Ricardo. Unfortunately, Dropbox wasn't already installed on here.
I don't know if it comes standard on the plastic MacBooks but I heard that the
MBP has it on there standard. Perhaps it may have been on here, I don't know.
I've had to reformat this thing twice last year to get Windo
Hey guys. All is well. Messages is behaving as it should. The problem is that
I've never used Ichat for anything because I have always used Adium for an IM
client. I'd like to have Messages as my only client but it sounds to me like
getting my MSN to work with it is very hard due to that stuff w
Hey guys. Not sure what I did but somehow I've managed to have Command W act
like a hotkey for Mission Control. Now I can't close app windows without
quitting them. I tried setting my hotkeys back to defaults in System Prefs but
that doesn't seem to work. How do I get Command W to behave like no
Hey guys. Ever since I installed Messages on here, I've noticed a slight change
when it comes to how long my MacBook's battery lasts. Yesterday, I only got 2
hours of battery use and today I got 3 hours of battery use compared to my
usual 5 or 6 hours. Has anyone noticed this as well?
Hey Ricardo. I have the default brightness set. I kinda have to keep it that
way because sighted people sometimes use my computer. I was talking to a friend
of mine who reminded me about a keyboard light and I remember last summer when
Lion was released that someone said to turn off that keyboar
Hey Keith. Nice play on words for the subject line. Everybuddy? Anyway, welcome
to the list. We should make a time to chat on Skype. I've been terribly busy
with school work but since it's reading week over here, I have until Tuesday to
do whatever and then I lose my freedom again. Oh well, that
Hey Alex. You’re right about the whole numbers thing. I just read your sentence
with Samantha and she’s doing the same thing. Odd that they’d revert back to
the behavior that was in older OS’s.
Sent From My White MacBook
On Feb 25, 2014, at 4:17 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> I wish they'd let
Hi Chris. For radio, I either use iTunes or Radium which can be purchased for I
think $10. Not sure what that is in pounds. For Youtube to MP3 converters, I
haven't found any accessible app that converts videos to MP3 but I know there
are various websites out there that do just that.
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