Re: App for blocking numbers iPhone

2013-01-28 Thread Scott Davert
This won't help right now, but it may in the future. I set up Google Voice and give everyone that number who I don't want to have my actual number. Calls and texts can be run through that number, and if someone is being annoying, I can just go in and block them myself. Before, I used Skype and had

Re: GA Request: The Hiding Place

2013-01-28 Thread Scott Davert
I'm guessing you sent this to the wrong list? LOL. Scott On 1/28/13, Emilio Hernandez wrote: > Hello everyone, > > Would anyone have "The Hiding Place," which is a novel written by Corrie ten > Boom in its graphic audio dramatization? > > Thanks for any help anyone can provide. > > -- > You rece

Re: braille Edge with Apple devices

2013-03-07 Thread Scott Davert
Hi all. 2 things here: I think the OnHand issue with the Mac is one related to the way the Apple driver handles this particular display. Donna: the one issue I have, and this is supposedly going to be fixed in the upcoming firmware release, is that you cannot read text files in contracted braille w

Re: braille Edge with Apple devices

2013-03-08 Thread Scott Davert
Hi Donna. You can move a txt file over to the Edge and open it, but it will not display in contracted braille. HIMS claims this is coming, along with terminal clipboard in the next software release. I've already contacted Executive Products about making a case for the Edge, and they said they were

Re: braille Edge with Apple devices

2013-03-08 Thread Scott Davert
Hi Annie. I don't think you can convert files from other formats to brf, but I wish you could. Unless there has been an update since I last used that website back in November? Scott On 3/8/13, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote: > Hi. > > Have you tried > > > Best regards Annie. > On M

Re: braille Edge with Apple devices

2013-03-08 Thread Scott Davert
gt; > I know the developer of, if you write me a mail of list > in which you tells me, from which formats to brf you which to convert, I am > sure it can be made possible. > > Best regards Annie. > On Mar 8, 2013, at 3:33 PM, Scott Davert wrote: > >>

Re: MAC Air opinions?

2013-03-08 Thread Scott Davert
Hi Phil. I have the same model here, but only 64 GB of flashdisk space. It works fine for these tasks, though I don't think I'll try garage band or any audio production stuff on it. But for browsing the web, reading email, and iWorks, you'll be fine with that one. I agree with others who suggest go

Re: making remixes on the mac

2012-09-09 Thread Scott Davert
Hmm. This seems rather basic. How well does Garage band work with the layering of mixing tracks? I no longer actively mix, but used to, so it's a matter of interest to me. Using a few different programs on Windows back in 2009, I was able to remix 65 tracks in to a 10 minute window of audio. It too

Re: making remixes on the mac

2012-09-09 Thread Scott Davert
. > > Timothy > Your Friend in the music industry > > > On Sep 9, 2012, at 1:47 PM, Scott Davert wrote: > >> Hmm. This seems rather basic. How well does Garage band work with the >> layering of mixing tracks? I no longer active

Re: [Maccessibility] Google Releases Official YouTube App

2012-09-11 Thread Scott Davert
Hmm. From what I've been reading on AppleVis, it is accessible, but not in the conventional method. Which begs the question of what defines accessibility? is something not accessible if you cannot accessit using the standard functions of your screen reader? As I understand it, the Sign in process c

Re: ZCaptcha Released

2012-09-11 Thread Scott Davert
Also, does Web Visum work on the Mac? If not, well, this is a solution for Apple users. Which, as it dstands, to my knowledge, none other than this exists. Scott On 9/11/12, Buddy Brannan wrote: > Hi Earle, > > TANSTAAFL, my friend. That's "There ain't no such thing as a free lunch". > > While W

The 99 Dollar Question: a Review of the Humanware Communicator app

2012-09-12 Thread Scott Davert
Tuesday, September 11, 2012 By Scott Davert For quite some time, deaf-blind users of iDevices have been able to use face to face communication with the public through the notes app. This consists typically of an iDevice (iPod, iPad, or iPhone) paired with a Braille display and Bluetooth keyboard

What's new in Accessibility in iOS 6

2012-09-19 Thread Scott Davert
taken from: Submitted by Scott Davert on 19 September 2012 As with the previous release of a major iOS upgrade (from version 4 to 5), there are many enhancements to iOS 6 not directly related to accessibility. In this release

Re: OT iTunes Gift Card Giveaway

2012-10-02 Thread Scott Davert
I'm not a mod or anything, but I think this is clasified as spam and action should be taken. One message was bad enough, now we get the news lettter too. I mean, if I had subscribed to the news letter, obviously I wouldn't have an issue, but I feel like the list shouldn't be a soundingboard for com

Re: siriusxm

2012-10-11 Thread Scott Davert
Hi Pam. You're 100% correct. You can get most of the content in similar flavors on the web, so there is really no point to subscribing unless you're looking for sports coverage. There are ways around this too, though some of them aren't for the less technically oriented, and probably shouldn't be d

Re: siriusxm

2012-10-11 Thread Scott Davert
Hi Mike. The iOS app is sort of usable. There are some unlabeled buttons in the app, but you can use the app itself either by creating custom lables or just memorizing what the buttons are. I only know that the first unlabeled button is for categories and the second for all channels. The other issu

Re: siriusxm

2012-10-12 Thread Scott Davert
Hi Shawn. Hmm. I wasn't aware you had to now have a radio to subscribe. That's pretty stupid to put it mildly. I was using musicdock for awhile, but now it's not working with the service. most of the channels are not playing. However, if it works, this would be one accessible way to get music and s

Re: siriusxm

2012-10-13 Thread Scott Davert
No, it's not worth paying the extra money for a radio I cannot use. Too bad for them, guess I'll just invest my money in other things. I'll bet they remove the trial internet only subscriptions soon too,as they're very easy to abues. Not that I'm going to sit here and encourage anyone to do so, onl

Re: IOS6 and iPhone4?

2012-10-24 Thread Scott Davert
It works fine for me also. Some apps load a bit slow, but it still functions just fine. Scott On 10/24/12, Chris wrote: > Performance is good but I expect it will be a lot better on the 4s and > the 5. For example my iPhone 4 can be a little sluggish when going on > Facebook, but not too bad I c

Re: Just ordered a mini bluetooth keyboard from speeddots.

2012-11-02 Thread Scott Davert
Hmm. I have not found this to be an issue on my iPhone 4, so perhaps it's an iPhone 5 specific issue? Scott On 11/1/12, Kliphton wrote: > I already have this keyboard, and it's great once you get use to its size. > ONly thing I don't like, and I think it's a glitch in IOS6, since it didn't > do

Re: using the braille pen 12

2012-11-05 Thread Scott Davert
Hi Chenelle. one thing you will probably need to become familiar with on the braille pen is the rotor commands. These come in handy if you ever need to edit what you've typed. This is because the only way to advance the cursor with the Braille Pen is to move the rotor. space with dots 2-3 and space

Pages issue with VoiceOver

2012-11-19 Thread Scott Davert
Hello all. I am a bit baffled as to how this happened, but it somehow seems as though there is no way to edit text using Pages with VoiceOver. someone elses. Does anyone know if there is some sort of setting I need to change? I have the same problem with Open Offfice, but Text Edit works fine. Th

Re: Pages issue with VoiceOver

2012-11-19 Thread Scott Davert
Harry > > On nov 19, 2012, at 11:23 a.m., Anne Robertson > wrote: > >> Hello Scott, >> >> I haven't had this problem, but others have. It seems that some files are >> locked, but you can always duplicate the file, and the copy is then >> editable. >>

Re: Pages issue with VoiceOver

2012-11-20 Thread Scott Davert
ands by pressing VO-h-h and looking through all the > menus. > > In Pages, you usually have to bring the mouse and click with VO-Shift-Space > to bring the focus to the area you wish to edit. > > Cheers, > > Anne > > > On 19 Nov 2012, at 21:15, Scott Davert wro

Re: Abridged summary of - 97 Messages in 23 Topics

2012-11-30 Thread Scott Davert
Hi Jess. To my knowledge, there is no way to do this on a Mac. Unless you run Boot Camp or Fusion, but those both involve running Windows on your mac, so I guess thats sort of cheating. LOL. Unless there is some sort of updater for the Mac I'm not aware of? Scott On 11/30/12, Jessica Carter wrot

Re: Copying Songs from Mac to Iphone without Itunes

2017-07-03 Thread Scott Davert
Why not just use iTunes to add the files to your "automatically add to iTunes" folder. The next time you launch the program, you will have whatever you put there synced up. Just remember to sync your phone. Scott On 7/3/17, Anders Holmberg wrote: > Hi! > Yes i totally agree here. > But why not j

Re: Removal of 3D Touch app switching gesture in iOS 11 confirmed as intentional change

2017-07-03 Thread Scott Davert
I think what's happening with the 4-finger swype is that the phone is doing a springboard reset for some reason. Too bad, as I just now have the ability to set up custom commands in braille to actually utilize this feature. Oh well, I've reported this one along with all of the others I wrote about

Re: Radium

2017-07-05 Thread Scott Davert
Hi all. Radium is a 32-bit app as far as I know, so when iOS 11 comes out, it will not work if you update to iOS 11. Regarding OOTunes, I'm not sure what people are talking about. It was updated Feb 19, 2017. It will work fine under iOS 11. Scott On 7/5/17, Jürgen Fleger wrote: > Hi Moop, > > di

Re: need to consult someone who is testing the public beta for IOS11 on their iPhone

2017-07-12 Thread Scott Davert
Hi Ray. Feel free to contact me off list at: Scott On 7/12/17, Ray Foret jr wrote: > Would someone who is beta testing the public beta of IOS11 please contact be > privately at my e-mail address of: > > > > to assist in resolving an issue I cannot op

Re: How about that Watch OS 3.2.3 update?

2017-07-20 Thread Scott Davert
I'm not even going to put 4.0 on my original Apple Watch, it will probably be rediculously slow. I also don't think I'll be getting an updated watch, this one does what I need well enough. I'm not a swimmer, so not sure it would be worth it. Scott On 7/20/17, Jenine Stanley wrote: > I’m not seei

Re: Apple watch tutorials

2017-01-02 Thread Scott Davert
Hi Chris. 99 forcent of the tutorials on AppleVis concerning the first gen of the Apple Watch are the same in the sense that the operation of VO has not changed. The one major difference is the former "friends" button on the watch which now takes you to the dock. This was covered in updated podc

Re: 3-Finger Quadruple Tap

2018-02-15 Thread Scott Davert
The other option is to use the text selection rotor options and then go to edit and select copy. Then do the same with paste. Either way you slice it, this will be a multistep process. Scott On 2/15/18, John JD Denning wrote: > The reasonable solution from Apple would be a verbosity setting that

Re: I Want to Buy a HomePod But, ...

2018-02-15 Thread Scott Davert
I agree with Tim. My snarky comment aside, I'm afraid this just isn't going to happen. In the view of many, the headphone jack is a step backward, not forward. While there are things like Bluetooth transmitters that you could pair that can be hooked in to something with a 3.5 MM jack, it requires t

Re: Hot keys not working on iPad Air 2 running iOs 10.1

2016-10-31 Thread Scott Davert
Hi. Try pressing VO with Q to turn first letter quick nav on and off. This is different from just pressing your left and right arrows together. HTH, Scott On 10/31/16, Douglas Lawlor wrote: > I see nothing regarding hotkeys in the VoiceOver Rotor. I have everything > else selected in the rotor,

Re: Hot keys not working on iPad Air 2 running iOs 10.1

2016-10-31 Thread Scott Davert
swearto God > I didn't know this existed before. Where the heck is this documented? > > Again, Thanks, > > Doug > > > Sent from my iPad > >> On Oct 31, 2016, at 8:55 AM, Scott Davert >> wrote: >> >> Hi. >> Try pressing VO with Q to t

Re: Ipod touch latest and Alex

2016-11-01 Thread Scott Davert
Hi Andrew. if you have the 6th gen, yes, this should be achieved using the same method you did on your SE. But if you have an iPod 5, Alex is not available on that. Scott On 11/1/16, Andrew Lamanche wrote: > Hi, > > Lucky me! I have got an iPod touch for my birthday. The trouble is for the > l

Problem with Owc Thunderbolt dock under Windows 7 with bootcamp

2016-11-15 Thread Scott Davert
Hi all. I thought, at the time of purchase, this would be the ideal solution for me. I have an eleven inch Macbook Air, and so I'm limited on how many peripherals I can connect. So, I purchased a Thunderbolt dock to offset this challenge. It works fine under Mac OS, but will not work under Windows

Re: Problem with Owc Thunderbolt dock under Windows 7 with bootcamp

2016-11-16 Thread Scott Davert
s. > > Sent from my iPhone 6S Plus > >> On Nov 15, 2016, at 2:36 PM, Scott Davert >> wrote: >> >> Hi all. >> I thought, at the time of purchase, this would be the ideal solution >> for me. I have an eleven inch Macbook Air, and so I'm limited on ho

Re: Opinions wanted: Speed Dots for new iPad user?

2017-04-17 Thread Scott Davert
Good morning, Alex. I have found the SpeedDots screen protectors to work, but if you introduce too many applications at once, that it can be more confusing. In the case of what you are describing, given the info I have, I would suggest the model without the qwerty keyboard dots on it, since this pe

Re: Upgrading to IOS Public beta 11

2017-06-28 Thread Scott Davert
here are some bugs I have found. I'm not noticing my touch screen on my 6S behaving any differently. 1. The messages rotor option has disappeared from mail. There is an actions rotor option, but no effective way to jump between messages. 2. When editing using a braille display, the cursor jumps aro

Re: new iPhone

2016-06-27 Thread Scott Davert
Hi Gabe. Unless I'm mistaken, you will not be able to use the 4s SIM card in your 5S without manipulating it. This is because the card in the 4S is a Micro SIM, and the one in the 5S is a nano-sim. Scott On 6/26/16, Scott Granados wrote: > Absolutely agreed, unlocked should mean unlocked to the

Re: Braille translation on the mac.

2016-06-27 Thread Scott Davert
While it's not software based, you may have better luck with Robobraille Just follow the directions on the website. HTH, Scott On 6/27/16, Stacey Robinson wrote: > I opened this and it said that it wasn’t compatible with my mac. > Blessings, > Stacey Robinson and GEB d

Re: Restoring to factory settings

2016-07-01 Thread Scott Davert
I have a question related to restoring to factory default, but not exactly the same one. Is there a way to reformat the Mac and install the latest OS if you do not have the Apple ID's password to the person who owned the computer last? I ask, because while I have the password to log in to the Mac a

Re: Ios10 and accessibility

2016-09-09 Thread Scott Davert
If you're a braille display user and use the Mail app heavily, I'd hold off on updating. More details to follow on release day. Scott On 9/9/16, Anders Holmberg wrote: > Hi! > Not for my Bose AE 2 wireless. > But i think this is more a Bose problem than an Apple one. > I am not sure how to updat

Re: Using Braille display to type text on iphone

2016-09-19 Thread Scott Davert
Hi Stacey. It's not a bug, but a feature that came out with iOS 9 something or other. other than setting up an autotext where you enter some random combination of 2 or 3 letters/numbers, I don't think you can insert line breaks in to text messages any longer with a braille display. I never really u

Re: A Question About How To Add a Favorite in the iOS 10 Phone App

2016-09-20 Thread Scott Davert
The other thing I'm seeing with this particular feature is that I'm not able to add contacts as favorites for FaceTime Audio. Also of interest, the contacts I have as FaceTime Audio favorites on iOS 9 have not all made the switch to 10. Has anyone else experienced this? I don't think it's an access

Re: Apple discontinuing the iPod?

2016-10-04 Thread Scott Davert
The iPod 6 came out in July of 2015, so it's not really all that outdated. I also suspect it will run the next iOS major release next year, but that could very well be the last one. I really hope if they discontinue the 6, that they will be replacing it with a newer model instead of dropping it off

Re: Apple discontinuing the iPod?

2016-10-04 Thread Scott Davert
is much more like a small, inexpensive >> ipad than it is like a nano. I don't know why they call it an ipod. >> >> I still have an ipod touch 4 which I use literally every day almost from >> dawn to dusk. I use it as an alarm clock in the morning, as an mp3 player

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