Hello. i am planning on purchasing a mac for my first year of college
next year. i am currently learning voiceover and I prefer it to the PC
screenreaders available. I have a few questions that hopefully you
kind folks can answer to help me make a more informed purchase.
1. What macbook would fit m
gt; presentations. It's very accessible with VoiceOver.
> Hope this info heaps.
> Regards,
> Gavin
> On 14 Oct 2011, at 5:25 AM, Louis Do wrote:
>> Hello. i am planning on purchasing a mac for my first year of college
>> next year. i am curr
suite called iWork that contains 3 applications. Pages, for
>> word processing, Numbers, for spreadsheets, and Keynote, for creating
>> presentations. It's very accessible with VoiceOver.
>> Hope this info heaps.
>> Regards,
>> Gavin