When I Cmd+Shift+D to send an email message, it will come up if there is an
error. I can’t figure out how to go back to the original email message to find
that word in the sentence. Is there any keystroke that would read the current
line where the misspelled word is located?
a tesea of a spel chef.
Dave Carlson
Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer
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feel that a member
No, that’s great. I appreciate your help, and especially how you arrived
at your solution. I think I’ll try turning off spell-checking, and
hopefully remember to manually check spelling before I send
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar
each will do until you press
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
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feel that a
Have no idea. If I venture that direction, I plan to go with VMWare Fusion.
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
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If you have any questions or concerns about the
Not specifically your problem, but Safari seems to be more difficult to use
since recent updates. And I’m also still with Mojave.
Dave Carlson
Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician
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Same here. I’m not ready to take the Catalina plunge.
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
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Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
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feel that a member's post is inapprop
Seems as that as messages are now stored in iCloud, you need to make sure that
on all your devices you have messages selected in the iCloud settings.
My iMessages and SMS messages all sync on my phone and Mac.
Dave Carlson
Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician
Not sure I understand where the Dom vs. Group order reading settings are to be
Dave Carlson
Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician
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Sorry, All I have are: Standard, Bookend Groups, Announce Groups, and Ignore
Groups. Where is “Dom”.
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
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If you have any
Tim, thanks. Found it. But now I’ve forgotten why this is significant. How do
these subtle differences affect my web browsing experience?
Dave Carlson
Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer
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If iCloud is not essential, then what is/are settings necessary to make sync
work? On my Mac and iPhone, they sync just fine. But on my old iPad Mini, they
do not sync.
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
The following information is
Okay, I’ll see if I can glean some differences on web pages. But, pardon for
the simple question, what does “Dom” mean? “Dominant”, Dominion”, or an acronym?
Dave Carlson
Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer
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Ah, yes. That was going to be my other guess. Clear as mud, of course.
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
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If you have any questions or concerns about the running
. Also that old iOS allowed for
multiple message deletions and did not do that irritating confirmation “Are you
Sure?” when deleting, as when iCloud is involved.
Are your devices all using iCloud for text messages?
Dave Carlson
Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician
Karen, why not just get a computer, then? Why muddle along with an old iPhone
with old iOS support? What exactly do you do — text messages, email?
Dave Carlson
Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician
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Kare, well, interesting. I also have an old iPhone 4S that is strictly an MP3
player now.
Dave Carlson
Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician
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I tried to set up a keyboard command to toggle between DOM and Group order as
you have, but was not able to do it. It’s in the Voiceover Utility, under
Keyboard commanders, correct? Assign a letter, and then…there I get lost.
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician
Thanks, did not originally find that set of toggles. I’ll give it a test run.
Dave Carlson
Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer
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Nice, and I wish I had waited for this one.
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
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There are a few email addresses that pop up and that are no longer correct when
typing into the TO and CC fields. Where do I go on the Mac to edit/clean up
this list?
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
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Ah, I think I recall that bein gmentioned some time ago. Just forgot. Thanks.
Dave Carlson
Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer
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Yes, this is new since iOS 13.
Dave Carlson
Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician
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feel that a
Jonathan. I have to admit that I tried all the things you suggested — selecting
multiple items, and sorting. None of these keystrokes did anything at all. Am I
supposed to be in a particular cursor or mouse movement mode to do this?
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician
Okay, I have it figured out now. A very handy keystroke to use, since I suspect
it works for other tables, as well.
Dave Carlson
Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician
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If you
update and you will see there are two different sections, one for upgrades, and
other for updates.
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
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Dave Carlson
Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer
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feel that a member's po
Again — update, not upgrade. You can set updates to be automatic, which
includes updates to the current Mojave Mac OS, but not a full upgrade to a new
Mac OS like Catalina.
Dave Carlson
Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician
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Phil, no way for me to know. I started with Mojave, and it’s there in my system
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
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Okay, I know this is a real simple answer, but I just can’t figure out how to
edit a cell in the Numbers app.
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
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Thanks, Phil. Would never have stumbled on that myself.
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
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Petrus, in my part of the world, recording a wife’s snoring is grounds for
divorce due to cruel and inhuman treatment.
Dave Carlson
Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician
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If you
Be sure you understand that an update is for minor stuff like apps and
increments to your current Mac OS. an upgrade (u p g r a d e) is something very
different and requires your full consent before you can accept to upgrade your
Mac OS to a new major version like Catalina.
Dave Carlson
With this new Music app (and iTunes gone) how would I rip an audio book from a
CD to my hard drive?
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
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If you have any
…may have been thinking about video DVD protected content. Audio is still able
to be ripped from CDs.
Dave Carlson
Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician
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Bill, try 877-204-3930
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
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feel that a member
can’t get out. I feel like Brer Rabbit and the
tar-baby in the Uncle Remus story.
Help, I’m stuck and can’t get out.
Dave Carlson
Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician
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If you have
Thanks! That did it. I think there are a couple other web sites with this quirk
that I’ll try now, that it’s disconnected.
Dave Carlson
Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician
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Look in Voiceober Settings, Verbosity. Then open the Announcements tab and see
if the “announce modifier keys” is checked.
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
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Suggest you not mention any names of people in your contact list when creating
an event.
Dave Carlson
Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician
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Yes, I’ve also noticed Safari being sluggish when there is an activity. To stop
that loading message, add a verbosity adjustment to the Safari activity.
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
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Not sure I was able to find where you mention to not have VO move the mouse
constantly. Where would I find that?
Dave Carlson
Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer
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Having heard some not-happy issues with Catalina, I’m waiting for the brave
first-adopters to give their blessing to this new OS.
Dave Carlson
Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer
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ergonometric keyboard with a
wrist wrest area at the bottom.
Dave Carlson
Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician
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Not sure if you meant app rather than widget for iOS? If so, just make sure you
have an empty space in the dock area (no more than 5).
Dave Carlson
Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician
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I think 4 is the max for the iPhone
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
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feel that
Another Boot Camp question: To run Windows, do you need to shut down Mac OS and
then launch Windows from the log on greeting section? Or can you switch
back/forth between the two without rebooting?
Dave Carlson
Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer
files are specifically
shared as you have done.
Unless VMWare Fusion uses a whole lot more disk space, it sounds like the right
alternative for me.
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
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E.T., Okay, that sounds less than the 128Gb suggested for a Boot Camp
partition. Other than the cost for VMWare Fusion, why is that option seeming a
bit frightening?
Dave Carlson
Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer
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Thanks for that point w/r Time Machine.
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
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What global rule were you needing? Is it not possible to add rules to the mail
app on the Mac itself?
Dave Carlson
Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer
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If you have any
and run them up the
thread ºî.
This will allow for an additional Ωî of blade length and release the bind.
What can I do to get the î º or Ω to read out as the characters they are
supposed to
Dave Carlson
Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer
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on for an enhanced Mac SIRI?
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
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feel that a
Well, I played with those settings and added/removed several variants of
encoding but I think I’m not correctly finding the way to save this document
with new encoding. It always reopens the same old way, with those characters.
Any further guidance appreciated.
Dave Carlson
Okay, then I’ve just sent a request to Apple Accessibility to put things right.
Thanks for the clarification.
Dave Carlson
Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician
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So you say that your means of sharing files between Mac OS and Windows is via
Dropbox? iCloud does not work?
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
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If you
characters by using the Option an
selecting alternate encodings, so not sure exactly what these choices do.
Thanks for trying, in any case.
Dave Carlson
Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer
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The issue with Safari I have had with Mojave, as well. In Safari preferences,
look for s related to having the mouse follow the VO cursor. I believe it was
turning that feature off that kept me from getting stuck in the reviews section.
Dave Carlson
Musician, Engineer, Farfar
Okay, I forgot. I know read all is VO+A. But sometimes that command
automatically jumps to the top of a document and reads the entire thing. How do
I read from my current VO position to the end of a document?
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
Where exactly is the “Install Disk Creator” app?
Dave Carlson
Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician
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No, not what but where. Where is this app located? It’s not in my applications
folder nor in the utilities folder.
Dave Carlson
Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer
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If you
> <>
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregon
app I’m
switching to does not come up speaking to tell me which one it is. I think this
is because I have a VO activity set up in Safari — is that something I just
have to live with?
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
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Michael, do you have any VO activities set up for Safari?
Dave Carlson
Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer
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Dave Carlson
Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician
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feel that a member's po
Only activity I have now is for Amazon, and that definitely switches out and in
more slowly as reported. Same MacBook as you have with 16 Gb of RAM.
Dave Carlson
Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer
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Did you notice that the word volume is spoken as “volume volumes” by VO each
time the word “volumes” is encountered? If not, then it is an artifact of the
Tom voice I’m using.
Dave Carlson
Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer
Where’s good old Eloquence when we need it most? It worked so well.
Dave Carlson
Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer
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True. I brought up Alex, and he behaves with volumes. Tome is just being
irritating. But at least Tome knows how to describe negative numbers in
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
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2.5 acre lot in a rural
area and nearest neighbors are about 200 yards distant. So it’s a bit isolated.
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
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If you have any
Run, don’t walk away from this. 99.9% likely it’s a scam and they want to take
over your computer.
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
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If you have any questions
Another option for the Mac is Sibelius. The Sibelius First version is free.
Avid is the creator.
Dave Carlson
Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician
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If you have any questions or
No. The actual product name is “Sibelius First”. That is the free version.
Sibelius is a paid version.
Dave Carlson
Pioneer, Farfar, Bendonian Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician
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If you have
Yes, I've used it quite extensively several years ago. It is now available for
the Mac and it works with voiceover.
Correct - It is aimed at notation, and for printing musical scores.
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Bendite Oregonian
The foll
You may want to mention that right/left arrow might be necessary to bring up
the speed of the voice, since intonation, pitch, and voice are also available
in this area.
Dave Carlson
Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician
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Ah. Should have read a few ore messages before I hit the reply key.
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
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K, same here. Many of my MacVisionaries messages go to my bulk mail folder.
Nothing I do seems to train my mail server to stop filtering them.
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
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Are you saying that simply by moving them out of my bulk folder and into my
, that I will train my mail filtering?
Dave Carlson
Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer
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Probably the word “Engineer” puts fright into any sensible computer application.
Dave Carlson
Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician
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Out of curiosity I looked, and in System Preferences iCloud books is not one of
the items that can be checked in the list.
Dave Carlson
Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer
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You said audio books. I know they are synced by using iTunes, so not sure if
the native books app will work with them. I’m still on Mojave, so have not yet
lost iTunes. Perhaps you’re already on Catalina?
Dave Carlson
Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician
Found it, finally. It’s checked, but none of my audio books show up. I don’t
think the books app is designed to play audio books, perhaps?
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
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Yes, I recall you are now on Catalina?
Dave Carlson
Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer
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So you are saying that the books app does not play audio books?
Dave Carlson
Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician
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If you have any questions or concerns about the running
Yes that makes sense. The books app on the iPhone plays audio, but Mac Mojave
OSx had not been caught up to that capability. I’m still using Mojave, since
I’ve not yet finished my Federal Income Tax preparations. Don’t want to booger
up stuff until that’s behind me.
Dave Carlson
I’ll raise my hand. I still use text files all the time, in .txt format. Simple
is golden, even if I am a dinosaur.
Dave Carlson
Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician
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Not hampered by editing on my iDevice. I do all my editing on the Mac or PC.
TextEdit or Notepad are just fine.
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
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Interesting. Possibly I’ve encountered this, but most of my archival energy is
on the Mac, and Windows is just a temporary repository.
Dave Carlson
Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer
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There’s an image link on my banking page that I’d like to relabel, since it is
a fairly nonsensical name with a .JSP extension. I could do this on an iOS
device, but don’t know how on an OSx Mac.
Dave Carlson
Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician
me some
serious finger cramps. Thanks, E.T.!
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
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Thanks. That did the trick. Yet another VO command to add to my toolbox.
Dave Carlson
Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician
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It’s okay, just mail me some of that wine.
Dave Carlson
Pioneer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, Engineer, and Musician
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Man, this Apple Music and Match sound awful. I think I’ll stick to what I rip
and keep on my Mac and in my library, and forget all about this Apple/Match
Dave Carlson
Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer
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Sounds like Pages is your next option.
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
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s and exclamation marks. All possible during dictation.
Dave Carlson
Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer
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Okay, that’s more encouraging. I’ll have to consider this, since I do have
playlists on different devices that would be nice to have copied to others.
Dave Carlson
Engineer, Pioneer, Farfar, Woodworker, Musician, and Oregonian
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Okay, how or where do I sign up for iTunes Match?
Dave Carlson
Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer
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Thanks for the pointers. For US$24.99 per year, I think I’ll pass. Not
desperate enough to sign up for yet another bill from Apple.
Dave Carlson
Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer
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I’m recalling that MS-Outlook Calendar has some pretty amazing capability to do
these types of scheduling.
Dave Carlson
Musician, Engineer, Farfar, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer
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