Re: Best OCR solution for the mac with VoiceOver?

2021-03-04 Thread Dave Carlson
I use an Epson scanner and have done so for over 15 years. The OCR function is better, the more you pay. Docuscan is the most expensive, but the most full-featured. Around $300 I think. Ouch! Dave Carlson Oregonian, Engineer, Musician, Farfar, Woodworker, and Pioneer On Mar 4, 2021, at 12:29

Re: Keeping My MacBookPro2017 Awake for Ten Minutes?

2021-03-20 Thread Dave Carlson
I believe you will find all that in system preferences, in energy saver. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician, Pioneer, and Woodworker On Mar 20, 2021, at 9:00 AM, Fazil wrote: Hi, Group. My MacBookPro2017 goes to sleep when it is inactive for few minutes. How should I tell the

Re: Using a VM for windows.

2021-04-08 Thread Dave Carlson
Well, that speech version of the captcha is one of the simplest I’ve ever encountered. Just four letters/numbers, and pretty darn clear. Why not give it a try before casting aspersions? Dave Carlson Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer On Apr 8, 2021, at 2:03 PM, Pete De Vasto

Re: Using a VM for windows.

2021-04-09 Thread Dave Carlson
Pete, the problem I had was similar. However I needed to make sure that every field and combo box was correctly filled in — no blanks allowed. Also both those checkboxes. It finally worked. Dave Carlson Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer On Apr 9, 2021, at 7:24 AM, Pete De

Re: Using a VM for windows.

2021-04-09 Thread Dave Carlson
Pete, In my case Bend in Central Oregon. Dave Carlson Woodworker, Oregonian, Pioneer, Musician, Engineer, and Farfar On Apr 9, 2021, at 9:32 AM, Pete De Vasto wrote: Thank you ever so much, Dave! I thought I could get away with not having those guys send me e-mails, but as soon as I checked

Re: Anyone running Big Sur on a 2013 Macbook Air?

2021-04-18 Thread Dave Carlson
Personally I would be looking for a MacBook with Mojave, to use with older applications on that older hardware platform. Then could upgrade my current Mac to Big Sur. Dave Carlson Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer On Apr 18, 2021, at 10:21 AM, 'Donna Goodin

Re: Anyone running Big Sur on a 2013 Macbook Air?

2021-04-18 Thread Dave Carlson
BTW while on this overall topic, is it still possible to downgrade from Catalina to Mojave? Dave Carlson Woodworker, Oregonian, Pioneer, Musician, Engineer, and Farfar On Apr 18, 2021, at 11:01 AM, wrote: +1 from me, too. If it’s already on Catalina, I’d think that’s a good starting point

Re: About Mail Filters and Rules

2021-04-21 Thread Dave Carlson
I don’t think so. The rules are adding modifications/filters to the actual app on the machine they inhabit. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician, Pioneer, and Woodworker On Apr 21, 2021, at 10:16 AM, Steve Matzura wrote: Let me start by saying I'm not an Apple user--really

Re: Best OCR & scanner for VoiceOver?

2021-04-26 Thread Dave Carlson
If you’re talking Mac OS, then the best OCR is likely the most expensive — Docuscan +. Scanners themselves will vary, but you should get one with both ADF and a flatbed for books. Dave Carlson Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer On Apr 26, 2021, at 9:59 AM, Chuck Reichel

Re: Initialize Memory card?

2021-04-29 Thread Dave Carlson
Rob. You can’t recover once it’s initialized. It’s an empty card. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician, Pioneer, and Woodworker On Apr 29, 2021, at 10:22 AM, 'Robert Cole' via MacVisionaries wrote: Hello, I was asked this question, so I thought I would throw it out t

Re: Turning touchpad on and off on Macbook Air M1

2021-05-17 Thread Dave Carlson
there was a simpler way to disable the touchpad. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Engineer, Musician, Farfar, Woodworker, and Pioneer On May 17, 2021, at 8:38 PM, Jonathan Cohn wrote: Hello, The only way to turn the touchpad truly off is to find the checkbox that says disable trackpad when an external

Re: Turning touchpad on and off on Macbook Air M1

2021-05-20 Thread Dave Carlson
Ian, Not due to Big Sur. Mojave also has this limitation. Need to use a Bluetooth or USB Mouse to shut off the touchpad. Dave Carlson Woodworker, Oregonian, Pioneer, Musician, Engineer, and Farfar On May 20, 2021, at 2:41 AM, Ian Harrison wrote: Thanks for that people. It is strange that

Re: Control to stop voice over talking

2021-05-21 Thread Dave Carlson
Traci, Seems like I need to tap the control key more than once to completely stop VO at times. It’s a hit-or-miss proposition. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician, Pioneer, and Woodworker On May 21, 2021, at 9:21 AM, Traci Duncan wrote: Hello, didn't it used to be when yo

Re: Update on turning touchpad off and on on the fly

2021-05-25 Thread Dave Carlson
Pretty cool. Works on Mojave, as well. Slightly different controls in the System Preferences for that version. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician, Pioneer, and Woodworker On May 25, 2021, at 6:35 AM, Ian Harrison wrote: Hi listers, apologies if someone has already posted this

Re: Update on turning touchpad off and on on the fly

2021-05-25 Thread Dave Carlson
, using an external keyboard. Ah, well…back to the old method of a physical USB mouse connected when traveling… Dave Carlson Oregonian, Engineer, Musician, Farfar, Woodworker, and Pioneer On May 25, 2021, at 7:43 AM, 'Tim Kilburn' via MacVisionaries wrote: Hi, While this will tu

Re: Mail Question

2021-06-08 Thread Dave Carlson
Also finding that the VO+shift+M menu does not always react, and requires turning VO off and back on to re-engage. This reminds me of the old focus issues with keyboard in JAWS. VO seems to lose focus and needs a little kick in the butt to wake it up. Been happening on Mojave all along. Dave

Re: Mail Question

2021-06-08 Thread Dave Carlson
Tim, I am still running under Mojave. So I have no idea about Big Sur. Dave Carlson Woodworker, Farfar, Oregonian, pioneer, engineer, and Musician On Jun 8, 2021, at 8:10 AM, 'Tim Kilburn' via MacVisionaries wrote: Hi, I’m not having this issue Dave. Where is this happeni

Re: My plan to upgrade MacBook Pro

2021-06-17 Thread Dave Carlson
With no consideration for any other factors aside from music editing, you should go for as much hard drive space as your funding will allow. 1 Tb sounds a very good choice. Dave Carlson Woodworker, Oregonian, Pioneer, Musician, Engineer, and Farfar On Jun 17, 2021, at 8:24 PM, Jijesh A wrote

Re: Audio Hijack splits my files.

2021-07-11 Thread Dave Carlson
That might either be a limitation based on the size of your memory buffer, or perhaps you need to purchase an upgrade to allow longer recordings? Just guessing, here. Dave Carlson Woodworker, Oregonian, Pioneer, Musician, Engineer, and Farfar On Jul 11, 2021, at 9:27 AM, Anders Holmberg wrote

Re: acccessible sprinkler timer

2021-07-15 Thread Dave Carlson
Take a look at Rachio. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician, Pioneer, and Woodworker On Jul 15, 2021, at 4:06 PM, wrote: All: I’m looking for a 4 zone accessible sprinkler timer that works with Alexa, Google Home, and has an easy to configure iphone

Re: Does anyone know if there's a way to adjust the Voice volume on a HomePod mini?

2021-08-06 Thread Dave Carlson
issue live on in the home pod mini platform. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician, Pioneer, and Woodworker On Aug 5, 2021, at 7:40 PM, 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries wrote: Hi all, Does anyone know if there’s a way to increase or decrease the volume of the VO

Where is the "On My Mac" folder?

2020-06-02 Thread Dave Carlson
Setting up new email, and creating folders. Have made a couple mistakes in creation, and added folders under “on my Mac”. and further managed to move some messages into those folders. Now I can’t figure out how to get at those messages or where the “on my Mac” folder is actually residing. Dave

Re: Where is the "On My Mac" folder?

2020-06-03 Thread Dave Carlson
place on my SSD drive where I can copy and move them? Dave Carlson -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you feel that a member's po

Re: OT Credit Services

2020-06-07 Thread Dave Carlson
E.T. I think you need to go to each credit bureau and freeze individually. Credit Karma is pretty much a collating/reporting service, and provide links to the big three unions. Dave Carlson -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac

Seeing Copies of My Email Messages

2020-06-08 Thread Dave Carlson
? Thanks. Dave Carlson -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owne

Re: Seeing Copies of My Email Messages

2020-06-08 Thread Dave Carlson
Belay this request, please. It appears to work fine on Mac Visionaries. It’s something on my GoogleGroups lists that needs tweaking. Dave Carlson -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or

Re: Zoom Meetings

2020-06-10 Thread Dave Carlson
Agree with Simon. The Zoom interface is less cluttered on an iPhone than on a Mac. It’s just holding the phone so that the camera is properly pointing that gets a bit tiresome. Nicer if you can have the phone propped in a way to leave your hands free. Dave Carlson

Re: whitch Macbook pro

2020-06-27 Thread Dave Carlson
I have the 15-inch MBP with the touchbar. It’s quite easy to master, after listening to the Applevis presentation by David Woodbridge. I have marked the f5 and f8 and SIRI positions across the top of the bar to help orient to the more important locations. And the Touch ID works very well. Dave

Re: whitch Macbook pro

2020-06-27 Thread Dave Carlson
Good to hear about that butterfly keyboard. Not happy with it. Maybe a good reason to upgrade to the latest MBP... Dave Carlson Oregonian, Engineer, Musician, Woodworker, and Pioneer -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any

Re: whitch Macbook pro

2020-06-27 Thread Dave Carlson
How true, Ann. So that means yet one more cable to hook to my nice beautiful sleek MBP so that with a power cord, keyboard, iPhone sync cable, and DVD drive, it starts to look like my old Windows PC with spaghetti all around it. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician, Pioneer, and

Re: whitch Macbook pro

2020-06-27 Thread Dave Carlson
Andrew, Pretty sure it does. But it was so long ago. Again the David Woodbridge podcast helps a lot to understand what needs to be done. What’s really nice is that these virtual buttons are context-sensitive and speak their purpose as you glide/swipe across them. No more guessing. Dave Carlson

Re: whitch Macbook pro

2020-06-27 Thread Dave Carlson
with having those jack on the rear edge of the Mac? Oh, well. At least it’s a nice fast computer. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician, Pioneer, and Woodworker On Jun 27, 2020, at 7:48 AM, CHUCK REICHEL wrote: Hi Dave, What about a hub. 1 cable to the hub then let that be the

Re: Microsoft Edge on the Mac

2020-06-27 Thread Dave Carlson
Mike, Is MS Edge part of the Office 365 suite, or a separate download? Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician, Pioneer, and Woodworker On Jun 27, 2020, at 8:21 AM, Mike Arrigo wrote: I decided to give the new Microsoft Edge browser a try, it works very well. You can definitely

Re: whitch Macbook pro

2020-06-27 Thread Dave Carlson
Donna, The far left location on the touchbar defaults to Escape. Double tap there. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician, Pioneer, and Woodworker On Jun 27, 2020, at 12:50 PM, 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries wrote: That's interesting. I could probably live wit

Did the Spell-Checker Change in the Mail app?

2020-06-27 Thread Dave Carlson
Seems like recently the spell checker will jump to the quoted message thread and check spelling there, as well as in the message I composed. Can’t find a way to tell it to ignore the quoted text. Any suggestions? Dave Carlson Oregonian, Engineer, Musician, Farfar, Woodworker, and Pioneer

Re: Question about mail app

2020-06-29 Thread Dave Carlson
Rita, It means that you probably used the Command-W too many times and closed the mail window. Just open mail again from your dock, or if your setup allows, try Option-M as a hotkey. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Engineer, Musician, Farfar, Woodworker, and Pioneer On Jun 29, 2020, at 7:04 AM

Re: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-06-30 Thread Dave Carlson
Uh-oh. Time to mute a topic. Dave Carlson Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer On Jun 30, 2020, at 7:35 AM, alia robinson wrote: when you are held down by the neck by a racist cop, you can talk until then shut up! there is absolutely no comparison *at* all, and whites have

Re: Endding the RE: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread Dave Carlson
Tim, You did not give out your personal email. Not sure how to reach you. Mine is Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician, Pioneer, and Woodworker On Jul 1, 2020, at 9:47 PM, 'Tim Kilburn' via MacVisionaries wrote: Hi, Publicly, I cannot s

Re: Endding the RE: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-02 Thread Dave Carlson
rs or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself. Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor. You can reach mark at: and your owner is Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at Dave Carlson Oregonian, Engineer, Musician, Farfar, Woodworker

Re: Help with my Mack air

2020-07-03 Thread Dave Carlson
How about if you have an iPhone, and use the SeeingAI app to look at the computer screen to see if/what shows up? Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician, Pioneer, and Woodworker On Jul 3, 2020, at 9:35 PM, Simon A Fogarty wrote: Hi Becky, Do you know if there is any icons on

Re: Help with my Mack air

2020-07-04 Thread Dave Carlson
Jason, Yes, AIRA is available to many in various countries as a free 5-minute-per-session contact call. Very handy to get a set of eyes on the situation. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Engineer, Musician, Farfar, Woodworker, and Pioneer On Jul 4, 2020, at 6:12 AM, Jason White wrote: Remote

Fwd: Happy Independence Day USA!

2020-07-04 Thread Dave Carlson
Oh, heck. Here we go again. I’m unsubscribing. Dave Carlson Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer Begin forwarded message: From: Jonathan Cohn Subject: Re: Happy Independence Day USA! Date: July 4, 2020 at 9:45:08 AM PDT To: Reply-To

Loss of Overdrive Capability with new Catalina OSx

2020-07-27 Thread Dave Carlson
don’t plan to upgrade to Catalina any time soon. Dave Carlson Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you feel that

Re: Loss of Overdrive Capability with new Catalina OSx

2020-07-27 Thread Dave Carlson
ability to port the material to a standard audio book player. Drat, drat, and drat. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician, Pioneer, and Woodworker On Jul 27, 2020, at 8:02 AM, joseph hodge wrote: I am confused why this is a Catalina. Only limitation from Overdrive? Maybe I am

Re: Loss of Overdrive Capability with new Catalina OSx

2020-07-29 Thread Dave Carlson
I’ll have to take a look at that. I thought Libbey was also just a play-on-demand service, as well, and not an actual download? Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician, Pioneer, and Woodworker On Jul 29, 2020, at 5:22 AM, Jonathan Cohn wrote: Libby is a smaller app from

Re: airdrop

2020-08-12 Thread Dave Carlson
Actually BlueTooth is rated for up to 30 feet… Dave Carlson Woodworker, Oregonian, Pioneer, Musician, Engineer, and Farfar On Aug 12, 2020, at 8:55 AM, Pete De Vasto wrote: Not sure what you mean by your question. The one thing you have to remember is that Airdrop uses bluetooth, and for

Re: Off Topic Free Matter for the Blind Shipping

2020-08-19 Thread Dave Carlson
The Post Office should know what to do. Just an uneducated employee. Mark the upper left corner clearly “Free Matter for the Blind or Hndicapped” and drop it in a mail slot. Dave Carlson Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer On Aug 19, 2020, at 8:42 AM, Ibraheem Fakir wrote

Re: Air or Mini?

2020-08-30 Thread Dave Carlson
As far as I know, you cannot add or subtract memory from an Apple device. You commit when you buy, and that’s it. So buy as much as or more than your budget can handle, since you always run low on memory, no matter how much you get. Life’s lessons. Dave Carlson Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian

Spell Check Behavior - Native Mail App on Mac iOS Mojave

2020-08-30 Thread Dave Carlson
check the entire message, but this seems to be ignored. any suggestions what else to try, or if this is indeed something that change in Mojave along the way? Dave Carlson Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac

Re: Air or Mini?

2020-08-31 Thread Dave Carlson
Tim, Wow. YOu mean I could increase the memory on my MacBook Pro, as well? Dave Carlson Oregonian, Engineer, Musician, Farfar, Woodworker, and Pioneer > On Aug 31, 2020, at 8:39 AM, Tim M wrote: > > You may be stuck with iPad or iPhone, but there are dozens of videos on > youtu

Re: strange vo behavior in safari on a Mac

2020-09-04 Thread Dave Carlson
Have you ensured that you did not unintentionally assign that keystroke to something else in the VO Keyboard Connamder? Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician, Pioneer, and Woodworker > On Sep 4, 2020, at 5:06 PM, Lorie McCloud wrote: > > from what I've been abl

Re: Advice USB-C connector

2020-09-11 Thread Dave Carlson
Yes, typical Apple messing with hardware. I have had to purchase a few USB A to USB C adapters so I could use my external devices. Dave Carlson Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer > On Sep 11, 2020, at 7:58 AM, Traci Duncan wrote: > > Well, wasn't I surprised to

Forwarding a Text Message on the Mac

2020-09-14 Thread Dave Carlson
Why on earth can I do this on an iPhone, but cannot do it on a Mac? Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician, Pioneer, and Woodworker -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of

Re: touch I.D. and pass code

2020-09-27 Thread Dave Carlson
“ setting. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Engineer, Musician, Farfar, Woodworker, and Pioneer > On Sep 27, 2020, at 7:45 AM, Pete De Vasto wrote: > > Lorie, > > Go to Settings > Touch ID and Pass Code. There, you’ll find something called > Require Pass Code After, which is

Re: touch I.D. and pass code

2020-09-30 Thread Dave Carlson
Shawn is correct. passcode is required for Apple Pay to be active. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician, Pioneer, and Woodworker > On Sep 30, 2020, at 5:02 AM, 'Shawn Krasniuk' via MacVisionaries > wrote: > > Hi Lorie. If memory serves me correctly and an

Apple iPhone 12 Does not have Touch ID?

2020-10-14 Thread Dave Carlson
Will FaceId work with these masks we are wearing these days? Not sure I want to limit my ability to unlock my phone. Planning to trade up my iPhone 8 but now not sure if I go with the 12 or with the 11. Advice welcome’s… Dave Carlson Woodworker, Oregonian, Pioneer, Musician, Engineer, and

Re: But All I Wanted was Touch ID

2020-10-14 Thread Dave Carlson
Shawn, Not sure my failing iPhone 8 battery will last another product cycle. It’s either the 12 or one of the 11 or SE models for me Dave Carlson Oregonian, Engineer, Musician, Farfar, Woodworker, and Pioneer > On Oct 14, 2020, at 8:45 PM, 'Shawn Krasniuk' via MacVisionaries >

Re: But All I Wanted was Touch ID

2020-10-14 Thread Dave Carlson
Shawn, What are the available memory capacities of the SE 2020? I can live with 128 Gb, and c have 256 Gb on my iPHone 8. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician, Pioneer, and Woodworker > On Oct 14, 2020, at 8:55 PM, 'Shawn Krasniuk' via MacVisionaries > wrote: &g

Re: But All I Wanted was Touch ID

2020-10-18 Thread Dave Carlson
Agree Grad. I probably have 7 sets of wired ear buds laying around that I have never used, and still neatly wrapped in tjeir original packaging. Dave Carlson Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer > On Oct 18, 2020, at 1:12 PM, Brad Snyder wrote: > > This is nonsense.

Re: pages on a Mac

2020-10-20 Thread Dave Carlson
I think offers audio courses on using various applications. Perhaps also has one for Pages. Dave Carlson Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer > On Oct 19, 2020, at 11:27 PM, Lorie McCloud wrote: > > I did interact with the document and vo would read

Re: converting audio files

2020-10-25 Thread Dave Carlson
Not sure you can convert a DRM file to MP3. DRM is a locked format and licensed, to prevent duplication. MP3 is an open format that can be copied ad infinitum. Dave Carlson Woodworker, Oregonian, Pioneer, Musician, Engineer, and Farfar > On Oct 25, 2020, at 8:47 PM, Christina wr

Re: Adding widgets to home screen

2020-10-27 Thread Dave Carlson
Phil, Adding the widget is what pushed the icons over to the next home page. Removing the widget does not pull anything back. You have to do it yourself. Really should be an undo function, don’t you think? Dave Carlson Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer > On Oct 27, 2020,

Re: Adding widgets to home screen

2020-10-28 Thread Dave Carlson
Today View is gone, I thinks since iOS 12. YOu can still get to the camera that way, and Notifications. Dave Carlson Woodworker, Oregonian, Pioneer, Musician, Engineer, and Farfar > On Oct 28, 2020, at 6:58 AM, Phil Halton wrote: > > Well that sucks, won’t do that again. On a diffe

Re: Should I upgrade to Catalina or Big Sur?

2020-11-11 Thread Dave Carlson
Adding to this thread…I just learned that TurboTax for 2020 is the last year they will make the program useable on Mojave or older. Tax year 2021 version requires Catalina or higher to work. So there’s the opposite concern over changing or not changing. Dave Carlson Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian

Re: Wiring Discrepancies in 3.5 mm Jacks

2020-11-17 Thread Dave Carlson
different? Dave Carlson Woodworker, Oregonian, Pioneer, Musician, Engineer, and Farfar > On Nov 16, 2020, at 11:28 PM, 'Janina Sajka' via MacVisionaries > wrote: > > Janina -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any

Re: Time for a new Mac

2020-11-18 Thread Dave Carlson
. Hopefully these clear out upon system resets or re-boots, or power on/off cycles. Dave Carlson Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer > On Nov 18, 2020, at 1:44 AM, 'Janina Sajka' via MacVisionaries > wrote: > > Janina -- The following information is imp

Re: Wiring Discrepancies in 3.5 mm Jacks

2020-11-18 Thread Dave Carlson
the next ring. And the. wiring of the tip and two rings can be switched around, to make things more confusing. So definitely important that the intended jack be used with the intended plug. Not as standardized as with 1/4-inch plugs and jacks used in audio components. Dave Carlson Oregonian

Re: Apple Mail on IOS: how to set up All Junk mail box

2020-11-18 Thread Dave Carlson
I’ve found that the labeling is dependent on your provider. For example with gmail the labels on the Mac are “Archives” and “Archives” whereas on the iPHone they are “All Mail” and “Archives”. Go figure. Dave Carlson Woodworker, Oregonian, Pioneer, Musician, Engineer, and Farfar > On Nov

Re: answering the phone in IOS 14.1

2020-11-23 Thread Dave Carlson
Two-finger double tap anywhere on the screen. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Engineer, Musician, Farfar, Woodworker, and Pioneer > On Nov 23, 2020, at 5:47 PM, Lorie McCloud wrote: > > if I'm doing something on my phone such as reading a text and the phone > rings, I can't

Re: answering the phone in IOS 14.1

2020-11-23 Thread Dave Carlson
LOri, Much easier to make the change Brad suggested, and then you can do the two-finger double tap. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician, Pioneer, and Woodworker > On Nov 23, 2020, at 6:02 PM, Lorie McCloud wrote: > > does that mean I could find the answer button a

Re: answering the phone in IOS 14.1

2020-11-23 Thread Dave Carlson
does that mean I could find the answer button at the top? > On Nov 23, 2020, at 8:00 PM, Brad Snyder > wrote: > > there is a new feature in iOS 14, that shows an incoming call as a > notification banner at the top of the iPhone’s home screen. > To restore the pr

Re: Mac 2 factor verification

2020-11-24 Thread Dave Carlson
That’s how it has worked for me, as well. It’s a very strange interface at first, but it works just like Jonathan describes. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Engineer, Musician, Farfar, Woodworker, and Pioneer > On Nov 24, 2020, at 4:46 AM, Jonathan Cohn wrote: > > NO, I am afraid you are g

Re: How to delete Print jobs?

2020-12-01 Thread Dave Carlson
will come to a table with all your print jobs. There you can delete them one by one, or perhaps even all at once. I used the keyboard commander and assigned Option+P to open my print queue so I can get to it more quickly. Dave Carlson Woodworker, Oregonian, Pioneer, Musician, Engineer, and

Re: How to send a link to my iMac without email

2020-12-01 Thread Dave Carlson
Are you setting it up as map or pop? You should use map to get it to synch across all your devices. Dave Carlson Woodworker, Oregonian, Pioneer, Musician, Engineer, and Farfar On Dec 1, 2020, at 6:48 PM, FIOGKOS wrote: I would like to set up email on my iMac but I am having problems with

Re: shopping with Mac

2020-12-03 Thread Dave Carlson
Styles? Have no idea they were significant. Can you tell me where and why styles might make web browsing a better experience? And are they available in Edge or Chrome? Dave Carlson Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer On Dec 3, 2020, at 9:52 PM, Lorie McCloud wrote: I figured

Re: Help, iPhone upgrade from hell

2020-12-04 Thread Dave Carlson
Donna, Perhaps you have not checked your Apple ID to make sure your iPHone is connected to that account? Dave Carlson Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer On Dec 4, 2020, at 5:50 AM, 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries wrote: Hi all, Well, subject pretty much says i

Re: Visiting YouTube Via Mac?

2020-12-04 Thread Dave Carlson
Sounds like your router is not connected to the internet. Do you have a cable modem, or satellite? Something is wrong from your Wi-fi router to the outside world. You might need to call your internet service provider and have them run some tests. Dave Carlson Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian

Re: Visiting YouTube Via Mac?

2020-12-04 Thread Dave Carlson
Okay, had it been just the phone connecting, then I would have presumed it was using cellular to connect. But since you have a separate desktop computer that works, then your ISP is providing you with connection to the outside world. No other ideas right now. Dave Carlson Woodworker, Oregonian

Re: help with mac mail

2020-12-05 Thread Dave Carlson
This Donna thing happens to me all the time. Don’t worry, it’s going to the Mac Visionaries list, but for some reason the alias defaults to the most recent poster, I think. Dave Carlson Woodworker, Oregonian, Pioneer, Musician, Engineer, and Farfar On Dec 5, 2020, at 6:20 PM, Zoe Fiogkos

Re: Not Finding Network in System Preference?

2020-12-05 Thread Dave Carlson
the Network section, is Wi-Fi showing that it’s connected? If not, your problem starts there. Dave Carlson Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer On Dec 5, 2020, at 9:08 PM, Fazil wrote: Thanks much, Brad. Once I am done typing address, should I hit enter key or VO-spacebar? When

What is "Fast Searching" in the VO Utility?

2020-12-05 Thread Dave Carlson
It’s in the navigation area. Can’t figure out what it’s supposed to do. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician, Pioneer, and Woodworker -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running

Re: Setting Date and Time In Mac?

2020-12-06 Thread Dave Carlson
exact. Close the Preferences. See if that worked. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician, Pioneer, and Woodworker On Dec 6, 2020, at 6:41 AM, Fazil wrote: Thanks much, Mr. Lamanche. Actually, this Macbook-Pro 2017 does not have physical Function-Keys and I don know what the alternate

Re: Signing In Youtube Account Via Mac?

2020-12-06 Thread Dave Carlson
Fazil, Use the tab key to jump from one element to another. When you land on the edit field to input name and password, type and tab to the next. When you land on a button press VO+spacebar. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician, Pioneer, and Woodworker On Dec 6, 2020, at 12:13

Re: Bluetooth neck loop striggers inadverten iPhone call

2020-12-07 Thread Dave Carlson
Probably some sort of redial, or a Watch version of a butt-dial. Maybe make sure your phone app is not active on your screen? Dave Carlson Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer On Dec 7, 2020, at 6:57 AM, Paul Hopewell wrote: Hello, I am running IOS 14.2 on my iPhone SE 2020and

Re: help with mac mail

2020-12-07 Thread Dave Carlson
Brad, I was interested in doing what you did — completely hide the preview window, etc. However I do not find any place in the preferences to select side view or bottom view. I have the vertical divider already and there is a few area that I never use. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Engineer

Re: help with mac mail

2020-12-07 Thread Dave Carlson
Brad, Nope. Not there. I looked earlier and just now to be for sure, for sure. I’m on Mojave, so that might be relevant. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Engineer, Musician, Farfar, Woodworker, and Pioneer On Dec 7, 2020, at 1:35 PM, Brad Snyder wrote: Hi Dave, The Side Preview option is found in the

Re: One Voice Only In Mac?

2020-12-08 Thread Dave Carlson
Fazil, I also have the touch strip. I just used the VO+k keyboard help to identify the location of f5, f8, and f12. I then used a small adhesive dot just above each location to help me orient when I wanted to use the function keys. Works just fine. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Engineer, Musician

Re: help with mac mail

2020-12-08 Thread Dave Carlson
Jonathan, I do not have it set to classic view. Dave Carlson Farfar, Engineer, Oregonian, Woodworker, and Pioneer On Dec 8, 2020, at 3:39 PM, Jonathan Cohn wrote: I have this hidden on my Mojabi work Macintosh. One thing to check, do you have Mail in the classic view. Best

Re: Using Mac with Lid Closed?

2020-12-09 Thread Dave Carlson
work. Sixth, your touchpad would get hot. Other than that, go ahead. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Engineer, Musician, Farfar, Woodworker, and Pioneer On Dec 9, 2020, at 9:38 AM, Fazil wrote: Hi, Group. Since I don’t see the monitor, can I use my MacBook-Pro2017 with its lid closed? Thanks! -- The

Re: Using Mac with Lid Closed?

2020-12-09 Thread Dave Carlson
So that shoots the heat issue, then. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician, Pioneer, and Woodworker On Dec 9, 2020, at 1:15 PM, Brad Snyder wrote: Actually, users with a external monitor use their MacBook Pros with the lid closed all the time. - Brad - On Dec 9, 2020, at 14

Re: FN key on Touch Bar macbook

2020-12-10 Thread Dave Carlson
Donna, Yes, Just verified on my MBP 2108 with the touchbar. Holding Fn key down and sliding across the touchbar reads out the various f# positions. Dave Carlson Oregonian, Engineer, Musician, Farfar, Woodworker, and Pioneer On Dec 10, 2020, at 8:14 AM, 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionari

Re: information on a thumb drive

2022-06-12 Thread Dave Carlson
IF the drive is large enough, it may take some time before that information is available. Dave Carlson Engineer, Farfar, Woodworker, Pioneer, Musician, and Oregonian On Jun 12, 2022, at 12:06 PM, Lorie McCloud wrote: I was looking for size and memory used. vo read those but no info to go

Monterey: Voiceover at Logon

2022-06-19 Thread Dave Carlson
Okay, I’ve managed to forget again. When Monterey starts, VoiceOver does not come up speaking. I need to manipulate the touch pad to get it conversing. Where is the place I need to go to have it awake at logon? Dave Carlson Engineer, Farfar, Woodworker, Pioneer, Musician, and Oregonian

Re: Monterey: Voiceover at Logon

2022-06-20 Thread Dave Carlson
ET, Nope. After unlocking, all I get for logon is a list of applications. Nothing that says accessibility. Are you sure it’s there? Dave Carlson Woodworker, Musician, Oregonian, Farfar, Pioneer, and Engineer On Jun 20, 2022, at 6:49 AM, E.T. wrote: System preferences, Users and Groups

Re: Monterey: Voiceover at Logon

2022-06-20 Thread Dave Carlson
Ok I think I know what you are saying now. Thanks Dave Carlson Woodworker, Farfar, Oregonian, pioneer, engineer, and Musician On Jun 20, 2022, at 9:39 PM, E.T. wrote:  After you get into Users and Groups, focus on the table and navigate to Login Options. This is at the bottom of the

Re: Mac Mail app problem "This mail has no content"" Help please

2022-06-23 Thread Dave Carlson
Sounds to me like you don’t have a connection to your service provider. Dave Carlson Woodworker, Farfar, Oregonian, pioneer, engineer, and Musician On Jun 23, 2022, at 10:57 AM, 'Ron S' via MacVisionaries wrote: Hi Tim, no luck with that as they are still not showing any con

Re: Enter New Line

2022-06-24 Thread Dave Carlson
ET, Try tapping Return twice. Dave Carlson Engineer, Farfar, Woodworker, Pioneer, Musician, and Oregonian On Jun 24, 2022, at 8:30 AM, 'E.T.' via MacVisionaries wrote: In this scenario, I am referring to the onscreen keyboard. >From E.T.'s Keyboard... "Those who m

NOtification: Disk Not Ejected Properly

2022-06-24 Thread Dave Carlson
notification. But at least, how do I dismiss that stupid continuing “disk Not Ejected Properly” notification? Dave Carlson Farfar, Pioneer, Musician, Oregonian, Engineer, and Woodworker -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any

Re: NOtification: Disk Not Ejected Properly

2022-06-25 Thread Dave Carlson
Brad and ET. Agree with your assessment. But how do I get rid of the notification, and how do I disable so that it stops bothering me long after I pulled the drive? Dave Carlson Engineer, Farfar, Woodworker, Pioneer, Musician, and Oregonian On Jun 25, 2022, at 7:34 AM, Brad Snyder wrote

Re: NOtification: Disk Not Ejected Properly

2022-06-25 Thread Dave Carlson
Can’t. It was my friend’s stick, and he’s taken it home. Guess I’ll just restart the Mac. Dave Carlson Engineer, Farfar, Woodworker, Pioneer, Musician, and Oregonian On Jun 25, 2022, at 7:49 AM, Brad Snyder wrote: Plug the drive back into your Mac, then patiently redo the eject process

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