Hi! Yes, I think you have to install a particular version of audacity.
If you install something different then the results are not going to
be as it is generally expected. You can find that version googling a
little or maybe going to the ftp of audacity (they specifically
mention MACOS accessibilit
> Egbert
> Op 12 mrt. 2012, om 17:56 heeft Daniel Montalvo het volgende geschreven:
>> Hi! Yes, I think you have to install a particular version of audacity.
>> If you install something different then the results are not going to
>> be as it is generally expected.
Syrynx is not bad, but honestly I preffer yourufukurou. Now and then
syrynx doesn't let me send dms to people I'm following and they're
also following me. Just give it a try, you can download directly from
the mac appstore and it's free.
2012/4/16, Jennifer Perdue :
> I use Lion, but I think Syrin
That's a good workdaround, but I think they should fix this as soon as
possible. It is necessary that one can rename a file with Voice Over
during the whole process. Right now I will report this to Apple
2012/4/15, Daniela Rubio :
> Thank you again Ann. Now it is done. A friend of
Yes I did. I was not able to assign any new keyboard command and that
frustrated me very much at the beginning. However, I managed to solve
that problem by deleting the device and reinstalling it again. That
worked in my imac but I am not sure if it will work for my new macbook
pro since I have jus
Hello all:
I write to clarify some oncepts that need to be understood prior to
the use of VMware fusion.
To quickly start a virtual machine you can press VO+Shift+M when focus
is in the name of your virtual machine, search for the option to start
windows and then press Enter on that.
Once your vi
I'm sorry to tell you, but this is something that sometimes happens.
This happened to me when updating to lion 10.7.3 I think it was. The
only thing my Imac did was showing that bitten Apple for ours. Once I
got sure that nothing else happened in my Imac screen I was forced to
use the Command R at
Well, I've noticed it specially in buttons, the rest of the controls
seem to work much better. That may help them find the problem.
2012/7/31, Ioana Gandrabur :
> Hi,
> Wrote to apple about inconsistent response of vo and space in ml and they
> asked me to give instances of occurrence. Here is w
Yes, the subject says it all. I've found out that my VO does not
respond properly when, once I've entered a table, I try to go back
using either the VO + left arrow, the single left arrow key with quick
nav on or the one finger left flick on my trackpad. Before I write to
apple reporting this issue
That's of great help, yes. I think my mac said something about volume.
i'll have to check it again and see what happens because it seems this
window has some labelling issues as well.
2012/7/31, Donna Goodin :
> Hi Daniel,
> That thing you're calling the volume control is actually the slider tha
I wonder whether you can manage lists using only yorufukurou. By
managing lists I mean being able to create or eliminate a list and
adding and removing users from the lists one have created. I know this
can be done through the web interface of Twitter, but it is just
Thanks in ad
As Ricardo tells you, I think the only way you have to do it is using
audio high jack pro. You can also use the free version, that allows
you to record ten minutes of clean sound (afterwards it starts making
an increasing hiss noise that is very annoying but you can manage with
that if you just wan
You have to take the padlock into account. In all the preference
windows, towards the bottom of the screen, there's a checkbox that
says "Click here to prevent future changes" or something. Play with
this and tell us how it goes!
2011/7/28, Frank Ventura :
> Thanks, I can hear those controls but a
You can use the command line if you wish to,but there is a service
that Jonathan Chacon wrote. That services lets you convert any txt
document into epub format (I don't remember if it also handles pdf
format). If you go to the archive you may find one of his post with
the link to download the servi
Hey Rachel:
Thanks for the info.
Is it possible to remove a list from yorufukurou? I haven't foun a way to do so.
2012/9/23, Rachel Feinberg :
> Hi Timothy,
> there is a way to do this. Go to configure tabs, with command+p. you'll want
> to find the add button and vo+space on it.
> On
>From what I heard in Ricardo Walker's podcast of garage band, the command key
>to resize a region in garage band is Command + Option + Control + Shift +
>Accent. By accent I assume we mean the key just to the right of the letter p.
>Well, I've tried to use that combination and it does n
Thank you...
Sorry for steping up like this but it was precisely yesterday that I
was trying the VO Command space keystroke and didn't work.
2013/11/7, Henry D. Hollithron :
> Good Day:
> The VO-command-space keystroke has simply been changed to
> VO-command-return. Other than that, the p
Hello all:
I’d like to comment on an issue that a friend of mine has told me. It
occurs to him on his brand new macbook Pro retina display. He has the
top model, a 16 GB RAM and 2.6 Intel Core I7 processor. The thing is
that he has noticed that VoiceOver keeps saying Busy busy constantly.
As an ex
ce I first changed over
> to mac.
> Its frustrating but wondering if it is just a voice over problem.
> Laura Ann
> Laura ann Grymes
> agape.wellness.mass...@gmail.com
> On Dec 11, 2013, at 7:25 AM, Daniel Montalvo Charameli
> wrote:
>> Hello
Same (though not officially stated) occurs with Yorufukurou. I haven't
seen updates to this program recently. I don't know if the developer
plans to discontinue it or it'sjust that he thinks it's OK as it is
now. There's something we can do with the twitter website itself. They
have added keyboard
These, in fact, are very sad news for the blind as I understand.
Apple's software continues to be accessible (there is no doubt about
it) but usability is getting worse lately for us.
There is another serious issue in Itunes 11: When you do hundreds of
interactings (those that are needed to naviga
Hi Christopher:
Now that this topic is brought by someone else I'll ask you sometning:
Your comments are very similar to what many people have suggested me.
But before I decide to buy the program or not, I'd like to hear about
the software and its accessibility more in depth. Could you give me
Hi all:
I am trying to use fade outs in garage band for several tracks in different
positions. Selecting the option under the track menu causes all the audio in
the project to fade out and that is not what I want. I wonder if someone has
been able to make a particular sound fade out or in in ga
Hi all:
My question is how to rcord system sounds such as voice over speech, skype
incoming calls, streaming etc. . Sorry if this has been asked before.
Thanks a lot in advance!
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To po
Hi! There might be some more, but The ones I remember are those from Sarah
discussing some of the mail features, and Mike Arrigo doing a podcast on both
iwork and open office platforms. Those can give you an idea about the state of
the art. Sarah signs her mails with her contact in
Hey listers:
Have you noticed a VO issue when trying to select from the podcast table the
ones wanted for syncing? I have noticed it since I last updated itunes, i am
using now the latest version of it, 10.1 I think it is. The thing is that my
Voice Over does not tell me whether the podcast i
El 26/11/2010, a las 22:23, Kawal Gucukoglu escribió:
> I've noticed the same thing.
> On 26 Nov 2010, at 19:19, Daniel Montalvo Charameli wrote:
>> Hey listers:
>> Have you noticed a VO issue when trying to select from the podcast table the
Hi! The thing is that I have certain mp3 files that belong to some radio
episodes that are not integrated in a feed to consider them a podcast and I
cannot subscribe to them with iTunes in the ordinary way. I wonder whether you
know a trick to lie to iTunes, that is, download the mp3 files and t
then the next thing you can do
is press m to set a marker at the beginning of what you want to select. Then,
the same things to select the end of the selected portion. When you have a t
least two markers, you can extend the selection to previous marker (Command
left) or to next marker (command
Hi Sarah:
What you can do is, without interacting with the podcast, press the space bar.
This will change the selection status. However, you will not receive feedback
from Voice Over (it will not announce whether or not you have selected the
podcast or how many you have selected).
Hope it hel
I hoped that the new itunes 10.1 would solve this problem, but it did not. AS i
told you in a prior message, I have the same problem since Itunes 10.0. I
restarted my Iphone, deleted all the podcasts from my mac and subscribed to
them again. The problem was still the same. I came to a solut
Hi all:
First of all, a happy new year for everybody!
The thing is I am starting a new radio show next Monday. I am preparing the
files I will be streaming and I have a question. How can I know the total
duration of several mp3 files that I have stored in a particular folder? Yeah,
I could go
that's my problem today. I'm trying to set a specific order within a playlist
and I don't know how yo do it. I've been playing with the track number but
Itunes not always cares about this and does not respect the number of tracks I
have selected for the different songs. I have tried the drag and
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