I am working on fixing LibreOffice accessibility on OS X. Currently focused
on Writer text component.
The just released LibreOffice 4.0.5 starts providing typing and cursor
movement echo on OS X 10.7 and 10.8.
And LibreOffice 4.1.2 (due in late September) and LibreOffice 4.2 will have
much bett
st as in Openoffice, even when it was at its peak of
> accessibility, every paragraph was treated as a separate edit box, making
> it really hard to read long pieces of text. I hope this will be fixed in a
> future version of Libreoffice.
> /Krister
> 25 aug 2013 kl. 19:38 skrev
> new version.
> Mary
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Aug 26, 2013, at 8:22 AM, Chris Blouch >
> wrote:
> Looking forward to the new accessible version. As far as I know there is
> no other accessible office suite other than Apple's own iWorks.