Hi Tim,
That's great information, I'll remember that, but is there another dvd player
for the mac that displays titles and chapters in a nice accessible format, like
how dvd audio extractor does under windows?
Kind regards,
On 22 Feb 2014, at 3:29 am, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> A co
Hi all,
when I move through my list of mail messages, for some reason, only today,
sometimes I hear how many messages are in a conversation before the from and
subject. Anyone know why this is and how to fix it? It is very annoying as I
get a lot of mail and want to be able to go through it quic
n able to do this in standard view.
>> Hth,
>> Teresa
>> Teresa Cochran
>> batsfly...@me.com
>> Facebook
>> On Mar 1, 2014, at 9:42 PM, Andrew Head wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> when I move through my list of mail messages, f
ack pad. It took a little doing but once I
> found the column I was able to move them.
> Jim
> On Mar 6, 2014, at 11:45 PM, Andrew Head wrote:
>> How do you reorder the columns?
>> On 3 Mar 2014, at 4:19 am, Jim Gatteys wrote:
Hi all,
Just wondering, how does one locate and play the audio described track using
the apple dvd player?
Do you do it from the title menu?
Kind regards,
Sent from my 11 inch macbook air
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"MacVisionaries" grou
Hi all,
I got a mmessage on my mac, saying 6 system dialogues displayed. How do I
access these dialogues? They are all in the background somewhere, but aren't
showing up. So I don't know what they are and want to shut them down.
Kind regards,
Sent from my 11 inch macbook air
You rec
l like a room without a roof!
> On 12/03/2014 07:16, Andrew Head wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I got a mmessage on my mac, saying 6 system dialogues displayed. How do I
>> access these dialogues? They are all in the background somewhere, but aren't
>> showing up. So
Hi all,
Just wondering, once I press the download button to download content from the
itunes store on my mac, how do I check on the download progress of the files? I
can't seem to find that information.
Any help is greatly appreciated,
You received this message because you are subsc
> HTH.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Mar 16, 2014, at 6:08 PM, Andrew Head wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Just wondering, once I press the download button to download content from
>> the itunes store on my mac, how d
Hi all,
I downloaded 2 albums from itunes today. One was not downloading properly due
to poor internet. When the internet was restored, I tried check for available
downloads, in the hope the album would finish downloading. After this, the
album was still incomplete. I decided to remove the albu
info about the current media playing or other status sorts of
> things. Once you're on the LCD panel, Just Interact with it to determine the
> bits of info available.
> HTH.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Mar 17, 2014,
Learning the mac sure is a big learning curve. Simple tasks you knew how to do
under windows suddenly become tricky until you know the correct keystrokes.
Ultimately however, once you've mastered the basics of what you want to know,
you'll pick up on things much faster and everything will make m
Any games of the fantasy genre for the mac?
On 4 Apr 2014, at 2:16 pm, Devin Prater wrote:
> Yes, like silver dollar and such.
> Sent from my iPod
>> On Apr 3, 2014, at 21:07, Josh Gregory wrote:
>> Yeah I have RS too, I think the developer you mentioned does have a couple
>> games
Where do you get it? and are there any others?
On 4 Apr 2014, at 7:06 pm, Devin Prater wrote:
> I believe the Inquisitor is still avalable, but it costs like $20 or so.
> Sent from my iPod
>> On Apr 4, 2014, at 1:02, Andrew Head wrote:
>> Any games of
Hi all,
I turned off auto correct ages ago, but at times, when I type in pages or the
messages apps, I find my words are still being corrected or suggestions being
offered. If someone can help me out that would be great, I don't want any
automatic corrections as I spell check my documents myself
ps you find this happens.
> Also remember that spellcheck and auto-correct are two different items in
> most cases.
> On Apr 17, 2014, at 5:57 PM, Andrew Head wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I turned off auto correct ages ago, but at times, when I type in pages or
>> th
Hi all,
If I was to download and install pages on my IPhone and access a document
that's originally on my mac, How would I do this?
I know you can put a document in the cloud and have it apppear in pages on the
phone and mac, and I assume any changes made would instantly appear in both
Hi all,
When spell checking a document, I tell spell check to ignore certain words, for
example when I write: "hahaha" but as I'm spell checking, it brings that back
to be corrected and some other words, even after I've told it to ignore them.
sometimes I'll press the ignore, or learn buttons an
Hi all,
My name is Andrew. I am 23 and from Australia.
I have recently switched from windows to the mac. I have had an IPhone for 2
years now, and liked the idea of the built in screen reader and having the same
access as sighted people out of the box, without the need to buy or install any
Hi all,
It appears I can’t send IMessages from my mac, unless my contacts message me
first. Does anyone know what this is and How to fix it?
Also, How do you turn off auto correct? I find it really annoying when typing,
and prefer to fix spelling mistakes manually.
Hope everyone has a great da
Hi all,
Just wondering, It appears email messages become unread when I arrow through
them and when the cursor passes them.
I only what them to be unread when I press VO J to interact with them. How is
this done?
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Hi all, I am using an 11 inch macbook air, and have some questions about
pages. 1. How do you hide the header and footer group? I only want my document
text to show on screen. 2. Also, I have a microsoft word document, I am
editing, when I save it, How do I save it in the word format? The onl
Hi all,
I have a word document i opened in pages. When i make changes and save, a
dialogue box comes up asking if i want to save it in the pages format and in
the documents location. I want to always keep the document as a word doc, and
in the e books folder.
In short, when I save a document
Hi all,
Just wondering, How do you add webpages as favourites on the mac? I think the
equivalent of the mac is called bookmarks?
also, How do you turn off auto correct?
Kind regards,
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"MacVisionaries" group.
Hi all,
I accidentally downloaded the chinese voice for the mac and can’t find out how
to delete it.
Any help is appreciated.
God bless,
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Hi all,
It appears when voice over encounters a word It doesn’t recognise, it chooses
to spell it.
I am writing a fantasy novel which has a lot of different character/place
names. One of these place names is in the title of the file and It’s really
annoying hearing voice over spell it all the t
Hi all,
1. Can someone please give me detailed step by step instructions on how to set
up message rules in the mac’s mail program?
2. Is there a Mac version of DVD audio extractor and is it accessible? If not,
is there a mac app equivalent?
3. Is there a accessible mac version of Goldwave? or
Hi all,
Just wondering, Is there a free youtube to mp3 converter for the mac?
Kind regards,
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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to macvisio
Hi all,
It appears I can’t send IMessages from the mac unless someone messages me
first. Just wondering why this is and how to fix it please?
Kind regards,
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Hi all,
For some reason, when I connect my braillesense U2 to the mac as a braille
display, it has dashes under the text. Just wondering how to turn those off?
I’m guessing it’s somewhere in the braille settings of voice over, but not sure
where exactly. Any help is appreciated.
Hi all,
When I get to the end of a facebook page, the see more link comes up as a
heading instead of a link and I can’t activate it. Just wondering what’s going
on here and how to fix it?
also, how do you create a signature in apple mail?
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Hi all,
I saw on the audible website, you don’t need any extra download software, the
books will download to itunes. I haven’t tried downloading from audible on my
mac yet, but a friend of mine said he couldn’t find his books in the books
section of itunes. Would they be in the downloads section
Hi all,
I was told command enter would insert a page break in pages. I’ve tried this
and it doesn’t work. I can insert page breaks by choosing page break from the
insert menu, but not using the keystroke command enter.
Have I got the wrong keystroke?
any help is greatly appreciated.
> Anne
> On 18 Nov 2013, at 11:12, Andrew Head wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I was told command enter would insert a page break in pages. I’ve tried this
>> and it doesn’t work. I can insert page breaks by choosing page break from
>> the insert men
Hi all,
can someone please give me step by step instructions on how to create message
rules in apple mail?
thanks in advance,
Sent from my 11 inch macbook air
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Hi all,
If i’m correct, there is an version of find my iphone for mac? Is it called
something different? I tried searching for it in the app store but didn’t get
any results back.
any help is gratefully recieved
Sent from my 11 inch macbook air
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Hi all,
Just wondering, How do I mute speech if I want to use a braille display with
voice over and just want to use braille?
Hope everyone has a blessed day,
Sent from my 11 inch macbook air
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Thanks Alex. :)
Can this also be used to find my IPhone?
On 22 Nov 2013, at 2:46 pm, Alex Hall wrote:
> It should be built in. Go to System Preference,s iCloud, and look at the
> table of options. One should be Find My Mac.
> On Nov 21, 2013, at 10:19 PM, Andrew Head wrote:
nd use right-arrow to go into it. Find
> “mute speech toggle and press VO-space to choose it.
> You will now be able to toggle speech on or off with this command.
> htH,
> Teresa
> On the other hand, there are different fingers.
> On Nov 22, 2013, at 3:
get the Find my Phone app from Apple (free), you
> can locate any of your devices that way. I think the only way to locate a
> device without your phone is to use iCloud.com.
> On Nov 22, 2013, at 7:30 PM, Andrew Head wrote:
>> Thanks Alex. :)
>> Can this also be used t
Hi all,
I can’t activate the link to listen to audio book samples on audible. Just
wondering if anyone has also had this problem and if there is a way around it
or if there is some sort of update to audible that will fix this?
Kind regards,
Sent from my 11 inch macbook air
You receiv
Aser Tolentino, Esq.
>> On Nov 23, 2013, at 19:27, Andrew Head wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I can’t activate the link to listen to audio book samples on audible. Just
>> wondering if anyone has also had this problem and if there is a way around
>> it or if there is
or those
> rules. I am not sure if they are still in business but if you are a mail
> power user, you should look for extensions like this. I believe Glen
> Fleishman has a listing of his essential mail add ons.
> Best wishes,
> Jonathan
> On Nov 21,
Hi all,
Just wondering when you get a new message, how do you read the from, subject
and date headers using apple mail? I tried shift tabbing, but that didn’t work.
any help is appreciated,
Sent from my 11 inch macbook air
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Goo
Safari. So if I want to listen to the samples I use
> Google Chrome, which has flash built in. I haven't tried it for a few weeks,
> so not sure if it's currently working, but it might be worth you trying that.
> Otherwise, the mobile site works really well.
> On 25
Hi all,
Just wondering, is there a list of commands to use a braille display with a
Kind regards,
Sent from my 11 inch macbook air
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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>> On Nov 25, 2013, at 2:14 AM, Andrew Head wrote:
>> Can you get flash player for mac? I’ll do that that way I can use the
>> default browser and know I can play any video. :)
>>> On 25 Nov 2013, at 3:39 pm, Nicholas Parsons
>>> wro
Hi all,
I’m looking into perhaps using a braille display with my mac. for a long time I
couldn’t see much point of a braille display because you’ve got the voice, so
there’s no need for the braille. however, I’ve recently changed and see there
are times where using a display can be good. Especia
Hi all,
Just wondering, How do you find the search friends edit box on the mobile
facebook site on the mac? I’ve gone to my friends page and have been using the
item chooser, but this doesn’t always give me the best results. I found the
search box once, but can’t remember how to find it.
I’m st
Hi all,
Just wondering what is the keystroke for moving between 2 open documents in
pages? when I command tab to the pages app, I see the last document I had open,
but I have two documents. How can I view the other doc and move back and forth
between the 2?
Kind regards,
Sent from my 11 i
Hi all,
I gave my resume to a potential organisation that may have offered me volunteer
work while I look for work. They sent me back my resume and had made some
changes and wrote in suggestions on how I might improve the resume. They said
they had made changes in red. Naturally, visually, if so
Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Andrew Head
> Sent: 07 December 2013 07:21
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: moving between 2 documents in pages?
> Hi all,
> Just wondering what
down and select speak.
>> To change the color, select the text, go into the formatter and select the
>> styles radio. Then, move vo to the fore ground color well and vo-space.
>> On Dec 7, 2013, at 6:48 AM, Andrew Head wrote:
>> Hi all,
Hi all,
when I disconnect my victor reader stream from the mac, I press command E to
eject. I then unplug the player from the computer. sometimes I turn it off
first before taking the usb cable from the computer. Almost every time, I get a
message saying the device was not ejected properly.
n you can unplug it.
> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind
> built-in!
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
> On Dec 7, 2013, at 10:38 PM, Andrew Head wrote:
t; Hth.
> --
> Cheryl
> Go beyond the Christmas story this year;
> meet Immanuel (God with us),
> Jesus, the crucified Savior,
> Christ, the risen Lord.
> On Dec 8, 2013, at 5:06 AM, Andrew Head wrote:
>> Thanks lesette and ray
Hi all,
Just wondering, how do you select and copy lines of text on a website? either
individual lines or multiple lines/paragraphs?
Since you press vo right arrow to move around web pages, I imagine this is
different to copying text in a document?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Sent fr
Hi all,
Just wondering, when writing a letter, how do I move text over to the right to
put the recipient address? and how do I then get back to the left side of the
page and how can I tell which side of the page text is on?
while I’m at it, also how do I put text in the centre of the screen?
Mountain Lion came along.
> On Dec 9, 2013, at 11:01 PM, Andrew Head wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Just wondering, how do you select and copy lines of text on a website?
>> either individual lines or multiple lines/paragraphs?
>> Since you press vo right arrow to m
Hi all,
I named my home folder on my mac with my name, but somehow the folder name was
joined together. so instead of “Andrew Head”
it is now “andrewhead”
I tried pressing enter to rename it, but that doesn’t work.
how can I rename it?
Thanks in advance and I hope everyone has a very happy
Personally, I always use higher quality, it sounds more human I’d rather have a
natural sounding voice than the robotic compact voice, high quality makes for a
much nicer listening experience. I personally can’t understand when you have
the high quality voices available for free, why you wouldn’
Hi all,
Just got a question about windows on the mac in virtual machine. Can someone
please explain how this works exactly? I know you can assign a certain disc
space, ram, etc to use windows. How does this work? what is the least amount of
hard drive space needed to run windows and what’s the l
, you can play audio games and anything light. But if you want to
>> play main stream games that use a lot of video card resources, you’ll be
>> better off setting up a bootcamp partition, so the game can use all the
>> resources of your mac.
>> On 30 Dec 2013, at 10:24
Hi all,
Just wondering, is there a version of dvd audio extractor for the mac? or is
there another program that for the mac that is easy to use and does the same
thing as dvd audio extractor? Personally I have particularly found this program
useful for moving through the titles on the dvd, for e
Hi all,
I downloaded an audio file someone had shared on sendspace. It’s an mp3 file,
but when it was downloaded, the mac saw it as a safari file and not as an mp3
file. I tried opening it, but when I extracted the mp3 file, it was only 15 kb
instead of 129 mb. In the future, how do I get files
Hi all,
I know that pressing function, option, up or down arrow in pages moves you to
the next and previous pages. However, for the last few days, this keystroke
hasn’t worked.
any idea what might be going on?
Kind regards,
Sent from my 11 inch macbook air
You received this message b
Hi all,
Today, when quick navigation is enabled, I can only move between headings using
the arrow keys but pressing H doesn’t work. I’ve tried restarting the computer
but this doesn’t seem to fix the problem.
any help is sincerely much appreciated,
hope everyone has a good day
Sent fro
I have it set on 50 which is the default. wonder what would happen if I set it
to 100. h. 50 is quite nice, it has a lot of expression no matter which
voice I use. what do others think though?
On 19 Jan 2014, at 1:26 am, Daniel McGee wrote:
> Teresa, thank you for your description of the wo
Hi all,
I can search for youtube videos in safari, but I can’t play them. I press vo
space on the links, but nothing happens.
Any help is appreciated
Hope everyone has a good day,
Sent from my 11 inch macbook air
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Hi all,
It appears the reason I couldn’t open youtube videos was our internet playing
up. I tried connecting to my personal hotspot on my iphone and this fixed the
Sent from my 11 inch macbook air
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ad-core i7
> 4GB DDR3
> 500GB HDD
> Dual Boot:
> Windows 7 Ultimate Edition 64-bit
> On Jan 18, 2014, at 8:59 PM, Andrew Head wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> It appears the reason I couldn’t open youtube videos was our internet
>> playing up. I tried co
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