Hi Lorie.
Are you trying to share a file or folder?
Both me and Chris Graham in Australia use Google drive all the time now.
If you go past the copy link option, you should see share via Google Drive.
It's worded something like that anyway.
When your in that window, just add the Email address of th
thanks. I was trying to share a zip file. I actually found that option below
"copy link to clipboard" and tried it. I don't know if it was successful yet. I
was trying to use google drive the way I do dropbox where I copy the link to
the clipboard and then send it out to whomever I want to have
Hi Gary,
I also am looking at google drive like I use drop box but not working that way
for me.
I have google drive installed but not sure how to create a folder and send
invite to it yet?
I still have some files that a music client sent me on google drive which I
some how managed to get down l
I can download stuff from Google Drive to my downloads folder but I used to be
able to save them to Google drive and I can't find that option any more. it
doesn't matter that much but I think it would be more convenient to save them
to Google Drive if that's possible.
> On Sep 12, 2022, at 3:31
When you subscribe to Google Drive, it is beneficial to download the Google
Drive app. This will let you be signed into Google Drive and let you sync your
Google Drive files more easily. Once installed the Google Drive items don’t
actually use up much local storage. Installation adds a f
Hi Tim,
I did install google drive and I see this in my home folder.
Google Drive Alias
I run it and then see the folder but the folder this client sent me an invite
to is still on google drive cloud I guess?
What I was looking for was to down load that folder I was invited to and then