Re: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread Raymond Foret Jr
Damn straight Chuck. You tell ‘em. Hey look, if leftists out here can defend their positions, damn it, so can I. Look, I’m not trying to tell you what to believe out here. That’s your business, but to tell me I’m out of line for standing up for my positions: hell no! I will never apologiz

Re: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread Raymond Foret Jr
Oh and I suppose you’re not going to be told you can’t say what you just said? Really? Well, at least I have one honest friend out here backing me up. I will never apologize for my Whiteness, my Catholicism or my Southernness Sent from the first computer with built-in screen reader access for

RE: Microsoft outlook on the Mac

2020-07-01 Thread Simon A Fogarty
Hi Petrus, I can’t honestly say, I’ve only ever hit enter as a hang up from the windows world. I assume it will ddo the same thing. From: On Behalf Of Petrus Tuerlings Sent: Wednesday, 1 July 2020 2:26 PM To: Subject: Re: Microso

Endding the RE: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread Simon A Fogarty
Hi Folks, I know for a fact this has already been brought to the attention of the list moderators So before Mark has to put his foot down, Could we be adults about this and bring the list back to those issues the list is here for, That being Mac / apple computer related issues?! Ray, We all ha

Re: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread 'Sabahattin Gucukoglu' via MacVisionaries
I think it was always the lack of a portable API for toolkit vendors to program. I’m sorry that Apple never did that; it’s clearly been an impediment not otherwise necessary to overcome on other platforms. It’s not always possible to subclass or overload, so you need to handle accessibility even

Re: Endding the RE: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread CHUCK REICHEL
Hi Simon, OK. falling your line of thought "ET" should take down his promotion of his religion of "Ancient Aliens" signature which offends more people than you kids think!. 1984 anybody? Don't go to this link unless you want to see what is really happening which threatens our freedom to use our

Re: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread Mike Arrigo
It's usable, but not as good as on Windows yet, but it's getting there. In the new Firefox 78 I was able to log in to my youtube account and play some videos, I also tried it with some other web sites, I would encourage everyone to give it a try and see what you think. Original message: Just W

Re: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread Matt Turner
I can’t seem to get to all of the Preferences, even though when I search for them, they show up. > On Jul 1, 2020, at 9:28 AM, Mike Arrigo wrote: > > It's usable, but not as good as on Windows yet, but it's getting there. In > the new Firefox 78 I was able to log in to my youtube account and p

Re: Endding the RE: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread 'E.T.' via MacVisionaries
As bind / low vision people, we all have encountered discrinination. And we have all fought against it. Why is it that some practice discrimination against other human beings who themselves have been repressed for centuries? Now they are fighting against discrimination. What makes white

Re: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread Anders Holmberg
Hi! Well, safari has always been very good imho. However i have since i was both a windows aand a Linux user used firefox a lot and have loved its interface. /A > 30 juni 2020 kl. 18:55 skrev Karen Lewellen : > > Actually, given how long Firefox has been around, what was the hold up? > Did many

Re: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread Anders Holmberg
Hi! VoiceOver is quite intuitive when you get used to it. The only good about jaws is the braille support. Here VoiceOver still has a lot to come up with. The best screenReader for firefox though is on windows NVDA and on Linux i guess there’s only ORCA. I don’t know if the project Clifox exist an

2020 Macbook Pro 13"

2020-07-01 Thread 'E.T.' via MacVisionaries
This is on my wish list but it will be a while. Meantime thise who got one, what are your impressions so far? If you didn't have the Touch Bar before, was it easy or difficult to get used to? From E.T.'s Keyboard... Many believe that we have been visited in the p

Re: Firefox on the Mac somewhat works now.

2020-07-01 Thread Angus MacKinnon
I have found Firefox to work better with VoiceOver (VO). However, VO + I brings up a small list of Items (about 37 items). VO + U has nothing but a blank window. Angus MacKinnon, Personalism Student Ghandi said, “ It is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart.” > > --

Re: Endding the RE: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread Karen Lewellen
Chuck, "God is not the author of confusion" KJB On Wed, 1 Jul 2020, CHUCK REICHEL wrote: Hi Simon, OK. falling your line of thought "ET" should take down his promotion of his religion of "Ancient Aliens" signature which offends more people than you kids think!. 1984 anybody? Don't go to this

Re: Endding the RE: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread alia robinson
I wasn’t going to speak up again, but mark is obviously not going to in a timely manner, take this shit off list. I don’t need to be dared to look up wackadoo conspiracy theories. take your shit off list. no one wants to hear it. On Wed, 1 Jul 2020, CHUCK REICHEL wrote: > Hi Simon, > OK. > falli

Re: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread Michael Marshall
Hey, must disagree on Safari. In my personal experience, I think Safari Accessibility has actually dropped significantly in recent operating systems. It will be interesting to see what it is like in the upcoming system. > On 2 Jul 2020, at 12:43 am, Anders Holmberg wrote: > > Hi! > Well, safari

Re: 2020 Macbook Pro 13"

2020-07-01 Thread Greg Wocher
Hello, I just got mine not to long ago. I have the tenth gen I5 with 16 gigs of ram and a 1 tb hard rive. So far it is working well. The Touch Bar is not hard to use. I have not found much use for it though. Most of what I used function keys for I can do with key commands. For example using VO p

Re: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread Karen Lewellen
Now that is interesting. may i ask what you are using on your mac instead? On Thu, 2 Jul 2020, Michael Marshall wrote: Hey, must disagree on Safari. In my personal experience, I think Safari Accessibility has actually dropped significantly in recent operating systems. It will be interesting

Re: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread Anders Holmberg
Hi! Braille together with safari is a mess. I really don’t know how many times i have told accessibility to do something about that but nothing. /A > 1 juli 2020 kl. 21:40 skrev Michael Marshall : > > Hey, must disagree on Safari. > In my personal experience, I think Safari Accessibility has act

Frustrated with captcha.

2020-07-01 Thread Anders Holmberg
Hi! Trying to register to GitHub. But there’s a verification by captcha there. THe first one has an audio option but the next one is a puzzle. Is anyone here registered at github and may be able to give me some help. /A -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionar

RE: Microsoft outlook on the Mac

2020-07-01 Thread hermanfermin
Please share this feedback with Microsoft Outlook. The auto-completion works fine in Apple Mail and in Spotlight. Although accessibility for Outlook on the Mac has come a long way, this is one particular area where it is really lacking. Especially when as a keyboard only user, you do not have to

Outlook for Mac Exhange Server Archives

2020-07-01 Thread Marc Liles
Hello All. I am moving from an exchange Server access through Outlook for Mac. How can I achieve emails , contacts, etc to my local or cloud drives? Also is there a way to download (Batch download) files attached to the emails? Thanks in advance for any insight. Marc --

Re: Endding the RE: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread Robin
Don'tThink: There's AnyThing Wrong with Mr.BarefootRay's Signature, so He shouldn't Be Forced to Change or Alter HisSignature. But HisSignature should Be Ignored By Those,Who Don'tBelieve as Well as Those, Who Do Believe as he Does Let's Not Allow a Subscriber'sSignature to Derail Threa

Re: Endding the RE: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread alia robinson
other than it’s bigoted and racist, and disrespectful and insensitive, no there’s not a *thing* wrong with that! *rolling eyes* On Jul 1, 2020, at 5:27 PM, Robin wrote: Don'tThink: There's AnyThing Wrong with Mr.BarefootRay's Signature, so He shouldn't Be Forced to Change or Alter HisSignature

Re: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread Michael Marshall
hey, Still using Safari, it's not so bad that you can’t use it but i just feel that in some situations, it can be outstripped by Google Chrome. Even many websites seem to take a big dislike to Safari for some reason. > On 2 Jul 2020, at 5:54 am, Karen Lewellen wrote: > > Now that is interesting

Re: Frustrated with captcha.

2020-07-01 Thread Tim M
I did the audio and found it actually useable for once. > On Jul 1, 2020, at 4:37 PM, Anders Holmberg wrote: > > Hi! > Trying to register to GitHub. > But there’s a verification by captcha there. > THe first one has an audio option but the next one is a puzzle. > Is anyone here registered at gith

Re: Endding the RE: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread Robin
What I Meant was: Mr.BarefootRay's Signature Represents "Him" & I Rather Know Where "He" Stands All that You Said about Mr.BarefootRay, I AgreeWith MyApologies if There was a MisUnderStanding with MyOPreviousPosting to ThisThread At 02:29 PM 7/1/2020, you wrote: other than it’s bigo

Re: Endding the RE: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread Phil Halton
I don’t see how there’s anything bigoted, racist, disrespectful, or insensitive about Ray’s signature. The man is white he’s a Christian and he’s from the south, and he’s tired of being told That all those three things are terrible. And simon, why should ray have to remove his signature when we

Re: Endding the RE: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread Raymond Foret Jr
Phill, a huge thank you. I’m purposefully doing this openly because it’s not easy to stand alone against the ridicule of others. Therefore, I think support given publicly needs to be acknowledged publicly. I will never apologize for my Whiteness, my Catholicism or my Southernness Sent from t

Re: Outlook for Mac Exhange Server Archives

2020-07-01 Thread Jonathan Cohn
Hello, Macintosh Mail, Contacts Notes calendars and reminders can all sync to some level with Microsoft 365 exchange servers. I believe they also work with older Exchange servers. So for my work Macintosh, I use Outlook for interaction, but also went into Internet accounts and set up an Exchange

Re: Firefox on the Mac somewhat works now.

2020-07-01 Thread Jonathan Cohn
SO DOES THE ROTOR BRING UP NOTHING IN ANY CATEGORY, OR NOTHING AT all or is every list in it blank? Also, is this the production or beta? Best wishes, Jonathan Cohn > On Jul 1, 2020, at 2:07 PM, Angus MacKinnon wrote: > > I have found Firefox to work better with VoiceOver

Re: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread Jonathan Cohn
Interesting I find that Braille support in Firefox with web pages to not be as useful as JAWS. I don't have a lot of issues with Braille and Safari, though I don't use Safari for testing systems at work, and I don't use Braille for pleasure, so I don't use Safari with Braille very often.

Re: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread 'Sabahattin Gucukoglu' via MacVisionaries
macOS Braille support is already generally poor, but it is very noticeable in Safari where scrolling/panning behaviour is completely broken. Alternatives are Chromium-based browsers, but those aren't immune from ceisures either; use a Windows screen reader for the smoothest experience across the

Re: Endding the RE: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread 'Tim Kilburn' via MacVisionaries
Hi, Publicly, I cannot support nor listen to this sort of insensitive bigotry. I’ve got much better things to do with my time and would prefer to surround myself with tolerant, respectful people. Sadly, I am unsubscribing from this list. Those who care to make contact can connect with me dir

Re: Endding the RE: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread Dave Carlson
Tim, You did not give out your personal email. Not sure how to reach you. Mine is Dave Carlson Oregonian, Farfar, Engineer, Musician, Pioneer, and Woodworker On Jul 1, 2020, at 9:47 PM, 'Tim Kilburn' via MacVisionaries wrote: Hi, Publicly, I cannot support nor lis

Re: Endding the RE: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread alia robinson
religious and political sigs have no place on a mac list. the only thing we should be speaking about are our macs. if white racists want to start their own group go ahead. funny how you bigots tout free speech until someone calls you out on your hate, and then we need to shut up! free speech g

Re: Endding the RE: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread alia robinson
and my point is made. we just lost a good member of the list as opposed to this piece of trash who is spouting this shit and staying. I too am gone. I can get mac support anywhere. I am ashamed of what I’ve seen here, and to those who were supportive you rock. to people like ray, phil and chuck

Re: Endding the RE: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread Julie Rattray
I am sorry that Simon’s well crafted message did not put an end to this and sad to see that we have now lost two members publicly and possibly more behind the scenes. I will not re-itterate the arguments that have already been made about the inappropriateness of this thread but would like to j

Re: Endding the RE: article on Firefox accessibility on the mac

2020-07-01 Thread Brad Snyder
I completely agree. I can’t believe the moderator has been silent and allowed this crap to go on. Unlike a email list, I am not aware of a way to mute a topic. It appears that the only way to deal with this is to unsubscribe from the list. - Brad - On Jul 2, 2020