Bluetooth braille using Catalina the 10 point.15.3. Please read below?

2020-02-25 Thread maurice mines
Hello, here’s the situation were variety of reasons I am down to using the Braille Display that is embedded in a braille note touch plots. My Mac defines it as a brilliant 32 display. However, when attempting to pair this my Mac gives me a six digit code that must be typed into my braille note t

Re: Bluetooth braille using Catalina the 10 point.15.3. Please read below?

2020-02-25 Thread Anders Holmberg
Hi! It should be able to paired via bluetooth but i don’t understand the things you were saying about the code. Is the code a very long code that you can’t read because it disappears or what? Normally you will not get a code when pairing the display. Remember that the display is not paired via bl

Re: Bluetooth braille using Catalina the 10 point.15.3. Please read below?

2020-02-25 Thread maurice mines
What I’m saying here, is you must enter in that six digit code exactly as it appears on the screen on the device within 10 to 15 seconds any longer and it corrupts it. There is no facility on the touch to enter that long of a code. This device is set up for a four digit code Apple requires a si

Re: Bluetooth braille using Catalina the 10 point.15.3. Please read below?

2020-02-25 Thread Anders Holmberg
Hi! Still you should not pair the display from the bluetooth preferences. Go into Vo utility and select the Braille category. Here you have 3 tabs. Select the braille display tab and then I think you can add a visible bluetooth display from here. That’s actually what i did when pairing my Handytec

Re: Bluetooth braille using Catalina the 10 point.15.3. Please read below?

2020-02-25 Thread maurice mines
Good afternoon, unfortunately this doesn’t work. Because I go through these steps. One go to the VoiceOver preferences to go into braille displays under braille. Three go to add new display. War interact with the list pick railing BIA 32 311. Five click on it A message appears that state waiti

Re: Bluetooth braille using Catalina the 10 point.15.3. Please read below?

2020-02-25 Thread Jonathan Cohn
I answered this on the Braille Users list. The important thing here is understanding what to do when the notification pops up on the Braille Note. One has to click a routing key and then click yes and finally accept in order to tell the BrailleNote Touch it is OK to connect to the Mac. Jonathan

Re: Bluetooth braille using Catalina the 10 point.15.3. Please read below?

2020-02-25 Thread Jonathan Cohn
Actually, it is just asking you to confirm that the number is the same on both sides. Jonathan > On Feb 25, 2020, at 3:43 PM, maurice mines wrote: > > What I’m saying here, is you must enter in that six digit code exactly as it > appears on the screen on the device within 10 to 15 seconds any

Dragging And Dropping With VO In Catalina

2020-02-25 Thread J. Cyr
Good Evening, Is anyone else having problems dragging and dropping? I've been on the phone with Apple twice and thought we'd found a work around using the mouse cursor (since vo, comma and vo period Were a lost cause), however, I'm again experiencing the same problem. The item gets marked and

Re: Bluetooth braille using Catalina the 10 point.15.3. Please read below?

2020-02-25 Thread maurice mines
Unfortunately, it’s still not working. In an email earlier today I described all of the steps that I go through. I repeated these steps with sided assistance this evening. It starts to connect and and immediately disconnects. So it’s obviously a problem that’s bigger than me. I don’t know who w

Re: Dragging And Dropping With VO In Catalina

2020-02-25 Thread 'Tim Kilburn' via MacVisionaries
Hi, The VO-period and VO-comma commands for dragging and dropping are primarily for very short distance movement and have numerous limitations. You may wish to use the older Drag & Drop method whereby you use VO-cmd-shift-space to invoke the mouse-down action, then move to wherever you're wish

Re: Bring back your Mac's startup chime with this simple terminal command, 9 to 5 Mac

2020-02-25 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hi jonathan, would you increase and decrease volume through changing the last number 5 or how would you do this? Thanks Jürgen > Am 24.02.2020 um 22:51 schrieb Jonathan Cohn : > > Well, I believe that > sudo nvram SystemAudioVolumeDB=%f5 > Is where my MacBook volume is set to. You might want