I have a Hard disk connected to my airport extreme which i do my time machine
backups onto.
Now all of a sudden my mac is complaining that it hasn’t been backed up for 12
I found out that the drive on the network no mor can’t be found.
I have checked the airport settings and it claims
Very interesting as usual Mark.
Sadly its to big for me.
I have both the Nokia 8 and an Iphone Se and the Se is pritty neat.
A bit hard to type on but i love it.
THe Nokia 8 is the Best Android phone i’ve used so far.
But if i would buy me a new apple Iphone i think i’d go for the xs.
> 29
Seems it is time for a new phone if its camera is better in low lighting for
artificial sight,
Have the 7 now, and while it. Is good , it could always be better...
Sent from my iPad
> On 29 Oct 2018, at 10.52, Anders Holmberg wrote:
> Hi!
> Very interesting as usual Mark.
> Sadly its to big
If you still have your original pdf file, open it in Preview. Under view menu,
make sure continuous reading is checked and I have also show thumbnails
checked. Then you could press command+f for search and type in exactly the
string of words you are looking for. Wait a moment. Now to
Hi everyone,
I’m trying to read bar codes using Seeing AI on my iPhone SE. Whenever I try, I
do hear the tones that tell me I’m over the code, but Seeing AI doesn’t read
anything, it only gives me beeps. I tried to write the team about this, but got
no response. Does anybody know if you’re supp
Do this in this order:
Unplug the drive from the USB port of the Airport device, unplug the power to
the drive if it has a separate power, wait about 20 seconds or so, plug its
power back in. Now, unplug the Airport device from its power, and wait another
20 seconds or so. While you're w
Hi Pete,
I can’t answer about the iPhone SE in barcodes, although I don’t see why you
shouldn’t be able to read them. What I will say is that I have had extremely
variable luck with the reading of barcodes on my iPhone 7 Plus. Sometimes I
will get those towns and then the different towns that in
Hi, All:
Somehow, for some reason I'm unsure of, I'm no longer able to do volume
up and down with FN plus F12 and FN plus F11. Mute on FN plus F10 also
doesn't do a thing.
Not sure when this cropped up on my Airbook, but it's very annoying.
Looking in sound settings I'm supposedly at 100%, with
One thing you might check is to go into System Preferences, the Keyboard tab.
There’s a checkbox that toggles whether or not you use the FN key to activate
function keys, or some words to that effect. I’m thinking that maybe somehow
this setting got inadvertently changed?
Pete De Vasto
Hello Pete,
It works on my iPhone SE.
> On 29 Oct 2018, at 17:32, Pete De Vasto wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I’m trying to read bar codes using Seeing AI on my iPhone SE. Whenever I try,
> I do hear the tones that tell me I’m over the code, but Seeing AI doesn’t
> read anythi
Thanks, Anne,
I feel better at least knowing someone with an SE has been able to read the
info. Does it make any difference if you hold the phone portrait or landscape?
Are there any settings that needed to be adjusted?
Mary, I did try your trick of turning the phone over so the camera was face
One thing I have noticed is that good lighting is essential for getting
reliable results with the Seeing AI app. I don't know if Portrait or
Landscape makes a difference. I have my phone locked on Portrait.
The nice thing about science is that it's true whether you beli
My phone is locked in portrait mode. I find Seeing AI very quick at finding
barcodes, even if sometimes the result is quite wrong. For instance, it thinks
a jar of instant coffee is the second volume of a book on Breton history!
> On 29 Oct 2018, at 18:45, Pete De Vasto wrote:
External lighting should not be necessary because the app uses the
camera flash. But it turns off so feedback to the developer is in order.
From E.T.'s Keyboard...
Many believe that we have been visited
in the past. What if it were true?
On 10/28/2018 11:00 AM, D
How much is a mac coming in at?
and which one is best to buy?
are there differences between them? I know absolutely nothing about the mac!
Any support would be helpful!
Visit my blog, therapy bits, where I blog about going through psychotherapy,
and living life with complex ptsd and disso
Ok, thanks for that Tim.
I will do this when the sports has ended here.
I have actually set an account for the harddisk up instead of using the
Airports password and that seems to help.
BUt i can of course try your sollution too.
Any thing is helpfull here.
> 29 okt. 2018 kl. 17:23 skrev
Thanks, Peter. That was a good thought, but it was checked. Just in case
I unchecked and later rechecked that option, all to no avail.
Pete De Vasto writes:
> Janina,
> One thing you might check is to go into System Preferences, the Keyboard tab.
> There’s a checkbox that toggles wheth
Check out the system preferences under sound, output. When that happens for me
it's because I somehow switched to a different audio output by accident.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 29, 2018, at 12:49 PM, 'Janina Sajka' via MacVisionaries
> wrote:
> Thanks, Peter. That was a good thought, b
Try disconnecting any Bluetooth sound devices. Sometimes they hold on and the
sound up/down gets sent over to the Bluetooth device instead of the computer.
Tim Kilburn
Apple Teacher
(with Swift Playgrounds Recognition)
Fort McMurray, AB Canada
On Oct 29, 2018, at 13:49, 'Janina S
Good evening, so if the drive that you’re trying to reject only drug
these would be the questions that I’d ask, one is the system using
anything that that drive holds? Two if the drive isn’t being used at
the time you want to reject it you might check to see if some other
application that you
Yeah but that would alter the pronunciation for all voices. Would be nice if we
could make pronunciations work on a voice by voice basis like on iOS.
Sent from Sophia, the MacBook Air
Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
Skype username: bbstheblindrapp
Gotta have the numpad.
From E.T.'s Keyboard...
Many believe that we have been visited
in the past. What if it were true?
On 10/28/2018 5:17 PM, 'Maria Reyes' via MacVisionaries wrote:
I have the Logitech K480. It does not have a number pad.
On Oct 28, 2018, at
22 matches
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