Donna, maybe this is a really stupid question, but, if , for example you are in
a car, your husband is driving , why, not just have it on turn by turn? I
realize this does not solve your problem, but might it work for the time you
are traveling?
I have absolutely never ever heard about such beha
Hi List,
I thought I'd ask this here as there are some that might have tried what I'm
I have a 5th gen iPod touch that the battery is starting to die on,
I wondered if anyone has taken one apart to replace the battery themselves?
And I thought while I'm taking the battery out to chan
Yes using command R at start up to get into the recovery console / utilities
you can use vo
Note though that you have to make sure you have the alert volume up
So that means if someone has muted the start up tone on your machine then you
wont hear the tones, you also wont hear the vo speech at
So, after going through my computer coughing and spluttering, I now have it
back and it’s working great!
I am having problems copying a folder of files from one external to another,
though. when I try and copy the entire folder, I get an error that says the
operation can’t be completed bec
Dear List I want to do a clean install of High Sierra. I have never done one
before, which is embarrassing as I have been using a mac for years. Can you do
a clean install direct from the recovery partition without an external drive.
On apple support it gives instructions for how to wipe your
Well, since it seems that I can’t roll back. I think that’s exactly what I’m
going to do. :-)
Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 13, 2017, at 5:52 PM, Robert Cole wrote:
> If it was me,
> I would update to see if it fixes your problems, and if that doesn’t help,
> Then reset the pho
Hi Sandie,
I’m glad to hear that you have never seen such behavior in maps, it gives me
hope that my problem might be solvable someday. :-)
That was what really weirded me out. Having it on turn by turn didn’t help. I’m
about to install the update to 1103, so hopefully that will fix the problem
Do we know if an IPad with IOS 11 have turn by turn, finding a Gf with a car is
workable, but i dont have an IPhone with IOS 11, and not even for yall am i
going to update mine to IOS 11.
Donna says her self she changes between overview and turn by turn, so okay her
focus might change, but this
Hi all,
For quite a while now, I've kept my VO preferences on a DMG stored in my iCloud
Drive. This makes it very easy to use my prefs on beta drives or if I switch
Macs. The only problem is that I lose my prefs on boot until I mount the DMG.
It's only a few steps (Finder, cmd-shift-i, type v o
Hi. For some reason I can no longer reply to a tweet as the option is dimmed. I
cannot like a tweet either. Has anyone experienced this?
The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries
If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list,
Hi. How do I adjust the speech rate as I can no longer do this as the option
isn’t in the roster and how do I stop VO from telling me that something is miss
The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries
If you have any questions or concerns abo
This has been a problem for a while at least with my mac.
-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Saqib Hussain
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2017 8:30 AM
Subject: Twitter c
Hello Mark,
I hope that wherever you live, and wherever you are, you are having a nice
Before asking my question, please let me once again tell you how much I enjoy
many of your postings on the list. I believe that they perform a real service
to all of us.
So here’s my question: Yo
Hi, lets start with your question, obviously if your friend can remove DRM from
a book you should be able to do it , too.
Find out how he do it , and we can take it from there.
I too am educated a RN, registered nurse, so me and all sorts of aids in that
regard is really close.
I live in Europe D
Thanks for answering my question, Sandy. This is very embarrassing because I
thought I was posting a private message to the list owner. I don’t even know
if it is permissible to discuss this topic on the list.
However, thanks for your input, and all the best. By the way, I don’t want to
go t
I mean if you just wanna use a few sentences, surely you can remember them, and
just write them?
Sent from my iPad
> On 14 Oct 2017, at 15.43, Michael Busboom wrote:
> Hello Mark,
> I hope that wherever you live, and wherever you are, you are having a nice
> weekend.
Not always possible, and memorizing several sentences and then writing them
precisely, including punctuation, isn’t always easy. That is why copy and
paste functions exist.
> On 14 Oct 2017, at 16:02, sandi sørensen wrote:
> Okay?
> I mean if you just wanna use a few sentences, surely
To add to Simon's comments, if you don't hear VO when in the Recovery
partition, you can use VO-cmd-left or three times, then VO-cmd-up to raise the
volume. Don't know for sure if this rotor command has changed in the High
Sierra version of the Recovery partition. If so, then you'll need
I don't see why this wouldn't work. Go into System Prefs, Users & Groups.
Make sure that you've unlocked the padlock and that your user is selected in
the Users, Groups & Login Options table. Select the Login Items tab, then
press the Add button. In the Open dialog, press cmd-shift-i to
Wha tphone do you have?
On 10/14/17, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Well, since it seems that I can’t roll back. I think that’s exactly what I’m
> going to do. :-)
> Cheers,
> Donna
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 13, 2017, at 5:52 PM, Robert Cole
>> wrote:
>> If it was me,
>> I would update to se
I have the seven, and I performed the update this morning. Seeing some
improvement in Maps. It’s better, but still not as good as it was under iOS 10.
However on our last outing, it did get us where we needed to go, which is
definitely an improvement.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct
There's likely either a permission error or some other error with specific
files within the folder that is causing them to appear "in use" to the system.
Yes, you could go one by one, or two by two in attempts to finish things and
determine the culprit or culprits, but that would indeed be
I know nothing about what you are talking about however, have posted your query
on another list. Stripping out all the headers of course.
-Original Message-
From: []
On Behalf Of Michael Busboom
Sent: October 14, 20
I'm wondering if the "Copy Last Phrase to the Clipboard" would work for small
passages in this situation. Let's say that VO read a paragraph, then you
stopped it, then press VO-shift-c to copy the last phrase uttered by VO, then
pasted that phrase in into a TexEdit document, if that would
Hi Simon,
I'm certainly not a lawyer but believe that this sort of thing is not totally
the fault of Apple or any other provider. Different regulations within each
country, different levels of tax levels and such cause things to be priced much
different in each area. We, in Canada, also pay m
Content caching is now a part of High Sierra. Content Caching used to be
available only through MacOS X Server but has now been integrated into the
regular MacOS experience. What does this do, you ask? Basically, it can
considerably speed up downloads of certain updates and content from
Your thought about copying is one that I have had as well, Tim, and it
sometimes works okay.
I called my original posting an off-list inquiry because at the bottom of every
message on this list, we are told how to reach the list owners. I did not know
that when I used that e-mail address, it w
Well Mike, I enjoyed learning about you and your life.
There is a program called codex that will do what you want. I use it for my
Kindle books because I want to read them in Voice Dream. I convert them to
EPub, but there are choices. I don't have a link to it, but I'm sure if you
google it,
Hello Everyone,
I am posting this to let you all know that I replied to Mike’s very kind and
gracious email, off-list.
In my private response, I informed him that requests for app/application
recommendations do not violate any list policies.
As a side note, I truly do appreciate the extrem
Hello Everyone,
I am cross-posting this to both the V iPhone and Mac Visionaries mailing
lists for those who, like me, use both Windows and Mac.
Why you need to upgrade from this older version of Windows 10 - CNET
CNET How To - Thursday, October 12, 2017 at 2:00 AM
Why you need to u
Wow! I did not know there was a program for Mac. The last I looked, It was only
for windows. Interesting.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 14, 2017, at 10:37 AM, Lois Butterfield
> wrote:
> Well Mike, I enjoyed learning about you and your life.
> There is a program called codex that wi
Hi Mary,
I stand corrected, there isn’t a version for the Mac. I was apparently
thinking of another program, and I apologize.
Since I went to the site, I will paste the link here:
Take care,
From: Mary Otten
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2017 5:38 PM
Thanks, Lois. Sorry you were thinking of a different program, perhaps the
caliber program, which I believe is on both Windows and Mac.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 14, 2017, at 2:50 PM, Lois Butterfield
> wrote:
> Hi Mary,
> I stand corrected, there isn’t a version for the Mac. I
Hey all, very exciting about this, but can anyone let me know what the benefit
is to using this app over Night Owl which I currently use? Debating the $20 is
worth it. Thanks
> On Oct 11, 2017, at 3:23 PM, christopher hallsworth
> wrote:
> Hello, have just purchased this app, love the iOS c
so I’ve been trying to move files from one place to another with the terminal.
I am screwing this up royally, so any help would be great. Here’s what I’ve
been typing:
mv Volumes/Library Disk /Volumes/My Book/books
What am I doing wrong, please? This is trying to move files from one exte
Having happily backed this project, and having used the betas since backers got
them months ago, here are the differences I see.
* If you use Twitterrific for iOS, position syncing via iCloud works nearly
perfectly. Tweet Marker has never worked once for me.
* Night Owl shows only short links i
First, I think you need quotes if you're going to use paths with spaces. Put
each path--origin and destination--in quotes and see if that helps.
Second, if you want to move all the files and folders in origin, use the -R
flag (note that the R is capitalized).
Third, you start with Volumes. Unle
Tha's a great idea, thanks! I've set it up, but don't feel like fighting with
File Vault to test it. Still, I'll see if it worked next time I restart. You're
right, though, I see no reason it shouldn't I always forget about this option
to start things on boot, since I have my Mac set to re-open
Thanks Alex. I am going to make the dive considering Twitterrific excellent
track record with accessibility. Thanks for the info.
> On Oct 14, 2017, at 7:22 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Having happily backed this project, and having used the betas since backers
> got them months ago, here are the
Hi Alex, I haven't got this app yet although I intend to once I get around to
updating my Mac. Shutter. Anyway, if you do save searches in the iOS app, which
certainly is possible, they don't sync across?
Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 14, 2017, at 4:22 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Having hap
In addition to Alex's comments, you will encounter the same issues you had in
the GUI since the level of authority of the user performing the move action is
still you. You may wish to use the "sudo" command in front of the "mv"
command. Also, a trick you can use to ensure you have the cor
Good point. Yes, they do sync, I believe. I almost never use saved searches so
can't talk about this in much detail, but I do recall seeing a table of saved
searches alongside the search field when I hit cmd-shift-f to do a global find.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 14, 2017, at 19:52, Mary Otte
So, I get the impression that twitterific is way more powerful and user
friendly then Night Owl?
> On Oct 14, 2017, at 7:49 PM, Brian Fischler wrote:
> Thanks Alex. I am going to make the dive considering Twitterrific excellent
> track record with accessibility. Thanks for the info.
can I do this copy and paste deal with the destination as well?
I did try your other trick with the root account, but I got a bunch of stuff
you didn’t mention, so got a little bogged down in all of it For example, I
couldn’t find where to edit things after I clicked on file analysis or wha
In addition to Tim's comments, in most states in the US, it is necessary to add
sales tax to the stated amount. There are only 2 or 3 states which do not add
sales tax. Otherwise, sales tax can be up to 10% or more.
In NZ, GST is 15%, and it is almost always included in the published price.
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