RE: Opinions On This Used Mac Mini

2016-07-13 Thread Simon Fogarty
HI Scott, I've seen one being used but haven't had a play with one myself. The new mac pros that is. They resemble a small trash bin, Almost like a small R2D2 droid. But nothing showing on the front but you turn them around and they've got a panel approx. 5inchs square that has all the c

RE: This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

2016-07-13 Thread Simon Fogarty
You guys make it sound scarey. I lost my sight at 22 and used computers for games prior to that. After losing my sight I had to find something to do and ended up studying IT for my degree in IT, and I’m 4 papers short of a degree in physical education I work for a state owned university which

RE: semi-ot: Sonar virtual machines and dealing with virtual box

2016-07-13 Thread Simon Fogarty
That’s a bit of yes and no. Yes it is useable if you are using OSX Yosemite or elcapitan with the vb version 5 upwards, But before that voiceover will crash when you move to the VM application. I have to use this on a daily basis for work and I find if I need to flick backwards and forward I ha

RE: This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

2016-07-13 Thread Simon Fogarty
David, Now that your living in the land of the long white cloud, How do you think those stats stand up against kiwi stats relating to blind / visually impaired getting jobs? Cheers, Simon f From: [] On Behalf Of David Ch

RE: Looking for Slack feedback from voiceover users on OSX and IOS

2016-07-13 Thread Simon Fogarty
Thanks Michael, I’ll go check this out , it might be worthwhile. If only the desktop apps were more accessible, I’ll probanly have to use my iPhone. From: [] On Behalf Of michael babcock Sent: Tuesday, 12 July 2016 5:05 PM T

A question I'd really like some serious thought to be given to regarding iOS.

2016-07-13 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
OK guys, First of all, no doubt, I get that this isn't gonna be the experience I'd have on the mac OSX side of things with ProTools, or Logic, but I really would like some serious thought on this. I've got an IPad, and really would like to know to what extent the accessibility is with the iOS

Re: This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

2016-07-13 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Katie, Yep, I agree with everything you pointed out. It really is a nice braille display. I haven't had the problem you describe, so I'm afraid I can't help you. Have you tried calling tech support or posting the VarioUltra list? It's a great list, with some very helpful and knowledgeabl

Re: Looking for Slack feedback from voiceover users on OSX and IOS

2016-07-13 Thread michael babcock
So hears how I’m using the desktop app: #1, try not to tap “Option” (that jumps focus back to edit box). I know kinda hard when using voiceover… #2, use find for the text “esc” and that will take you to the end of the conversation (channel) your in. #3, use command+option+left or right to jump be

Use of "Move To" in Email

2016-07-13 Thread Sandra E. Finley
I am trying to move a message from one mailbox to another. I can find "Move To" in the menu and have created a keyboard shortcut for it. Once that is found, how do I actually move the message? I guess the better question is how do I get to the desired mailbox and have the message follow me there

Re: Use of "Move To" in Email

2016-07-13 Thread Joseph Hudson
Hi, I would like to add to your message if you wouldn't mind. Control option shift a.m. Opens up the menu where this moved to submenu is. Once you find the submenu, you will be able to Arrow right, to activate that menu. Then Erin down to the desired mailbox that you wish to move to didn't when

Re: Use of "Move To" in Email

2016-07-13 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi, The "Move To" item should have a sub-menu. That is, whether you use your keyboard shortcut or the contextual menu, when you're focused on the "Move To" item, press your right arrow to open the sub-menu then either use down arrows or type the first few characters of the Mailbox name. Once

Re: Use of "Move To" in Email

2016-07-13 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Joseph, NO problem adding to any message of mine. A question though, not sure where the VO-shift-a.m. comes from. I'm not sure what the "a" is used for in your suggestion. The Contextual menu command is VO-shift-m, followed by letters or arrows suggested in your message. Please correct m

Re: Use of "Move To" in Email

2016-07-13 Thread Joseph Hudson
Hi Tim, I'm sorry about that. I meant command option shift m. Joseph Hudson Email I device support Telephone 2543007667 Skype joseph.hudson89 facebook Twitter ht

Re: Use of "Move To" in Email

2016-07-13 Thread CHUCK REICHEL
Hi Tim, If the mail box is in your "favorites" I use "control command 1-9" on the num pad to move the selected message to my different boxes. control command then hit the number on the num pad to move it. The rub with this method is you half to know which # your desired mail box corresponds to.

Re: Use of "Move To" in Email

2016-07-13 Thread Joseph Hudson
Hi Chuck, in water for something like this to work she would have to have that mailbox in her favorites which in this case I took it that she was wanting to move Messages from one account to another Joseph Hudson Email I device support Telephone 254

Re: Use of "Move To" in Email

2016-07-13 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi chuck, Thanks for this hint. I think that I heard about this a long while back, but it must have went in one ear and out the other. Good efficiency if the desired location is in your Favourites. Later... Tim Kilburn Fort McMurray, AB Canada On Jul 13, 2016, at 10:17, CHUCK REICHEL wrot

Re: This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

2016-07-13 Thread Devin Prater
I talked to her years ago, before she joined Apple. Yeah, she’s pretty cool. I guess I’m the blindie here. I grew up a pampered kid in a lower-middle class home. I went and somehow graduated from the Alabama school for the blind, where teachers seemed to care but just couldn’t do much, or didn’t

Re: This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

2016-07-13 Thread Katie Zodrow
That’s cool you talked with Jordyn before she joined Apple. I knew there were probably some blind people working at Apple with Voiceover. It was interesting to read about her experience in that article. Yeah, she sounds pretty cool. Katie > On Jul 13, 2016, at 1:55 PM, Devin Prater wrote: > > I

Re: This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

2016-07-13 Thread Katie Zodrow
Hi, Donna. No, I haven’t joined the VarioUltra list yet. Thanks for telling me about it! I’ll probably join it this week. My trainer also told me about the VU list when I first started working with him. I’m glad it has been helpful for you. Thanks. Katie > On Jul 13, 2016, at 4:38 AM, Donna Good

Re: This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

2016-07-13 Thread Katie Zodrow
Hi, David. I’ve also heard the same statistic for a long time that 70 percent of blind people are unemployed. I didn’t realize the study was probably from the 1990’s. I hope that number has dropped since that time as well. 60 percent is a good improvement though. Katie > On Jul 11, 2016, at 7:3

trouble uploading videos on facebook on mac

2016-07-13 Thread Dionipher Herrera
Goodmorning to all, i am just wondering, how accurate is the share button on quicktime player and on imovie to facebook? seems like it wouldn’t share the video i am posting. thanks. -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any question

Re: This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

2016-07-13 Thread Scott Granados
Hi, I’ve heard that 70% number far before the 90S. I absolutely trust david’s statements and such but I think that idea has an even earlier history. I remember hearing it from my mother in the 80S when she would attend some parents conferences. Scared the heck out of my parents and they put m

Re: This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

2016-07-13 Thread Scott Granados
Katie, there are many who work for Apple and have for years, some on this list. The fact is, there are many blind people in Technology in all sorts of capacities not just accessibility. We’ve got some accomplished software developers, unix and windows systems administrators, accessibility pro

Re: This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

2016-07-13 Thread Scott Granados
I’m hoping there’s some hyperbole or excess here to make a point because on the surface your message disturbs me. You’re far to smart to end up in a group home. I’ve seen your posts here and other places, you don’t seem like group home material to me. How can we help avoid such a thing? > O

Re: This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

2016-07-13 Thread Scott Granados
David, I like your history, not to point out a bad thing but I like your comments on failed businesses. I’m right there with you. I always hid my blindness when possible while doing business. I had for a while, especially during my first attempt, sited folks that I put out front and I

Re: This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

2016-07-13 Thread Scott Granados
Hi Dona, I always learn something new from these discussions and have my horizons widened. On another list I learned of a low vision registered nurse which surprised me as well as engine rebuilders and furniture builders. The only blind person I’ve ever ran in to in a professional setting rando

Re: trouble uploading videos on facebook on mac

2016-07-13 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi, I haven't used it in a while, but it was always accurate for me when uploading movies to YouTube. So, I'd expect that it's interface with FaceBook would also be reliable. Later... Tim Kilburn Fort McMurray, AB Canada On Jul 13, 2016, at 20:56, Dionipher Herrera wrote: Goodmorning to al

Re: This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

2016-07-13 Thread Scott Granados
Whoa, now that’s interesting. I worked in music production as well and boy do I wish I knew about outspoken then. I always wanted to take that program at Berkeley School of Music but I was way to much of a slacker to get in to a good program like that haha. I did however learn the Synclavier

Re: This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

2016-07-13 Thread Scott Granados
Maurice, don’t let the rehab folks steer you wrong. Mac skills are very valuable in the work place. Many companies are going all Mac. I worked for Thomson International for a while and they switched out 60,000 Dells with Macs, most investment firms are Mac, Juniper was all Mac, Trip Advisor a

Re: This blind Apple engineer is transforming the tech world at only 22

2016-07-13 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Scott, I guess us Canadians are fairly progressive :). Actually, it seems to just take the right leadership willing to give it a try. When I first interviewed over 28 years ago for the School District I currently work for, the Assistant Superintendent interviewed me. My blindness didn't

Re: Opinions On This Used Mac Mini

2016-07-13 Thread Scott Granados
Hi Simon, I hear you, I priced one out and hit about $12,000 before I even bought a monitor. That’s a lot to spend for a hobby or experiment though. I’ll probably go iMac just because do I really need that many cores. I bet the iMac will run all the plugins and such I want to try out. Would r

Re: mac book pro, mac book air, or iPad pro?

2016-07-13 Thread Scott Granados
Nah Simon, hang in there, live long enough for the Singularity and you’ll be able to download your brain in to a machine and we’ll be laughing about the idea of laptops or desktops. Kurzweil says by 2045, I hope I make it. > On Jul 13, 2016, at 2:34 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote: > > But I want it

Re: Mac security, encrypting, backing up, oh my!

2016-07-13 Thread Scott Granados
Lol and you can’t forget the food. No wait, that’s freedom fries, never mind.:) > On Jul 13, 2016, at 2:31 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote: > > , a French guy. > > Louis Braille. > > Can't remember why but oh well something good out of france other than wine > and the tour. > > -Original Messa