Re: Questions re tactile covers

2016-02-23 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Helga, Yes, speed Dots does sell several screen protectors for the 6S. There are several different options, you can view them and order here: Cheers, Donna > On Feb 22, 2016, at 11:46 PM, Helga Schreiber > wrote: > > Hi all! How are you al

Re: Questions re tactile covers

2016-02-23 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Rachel, Thanks for responding. I do think I'm going to give them a try, just haven't yet decided between the standard and the advanced. Cheers, Donna > On Feb 22, 2016, at 11:05 PM, Rachel Feinberg wrote: > > I use the standard model, and am able to text one-handed, along with > auto-corre

Re: Questions re tactile covers

2016-02-23 Thread Danny Noonan
I don't know anyone who uses the basic model as it ends up being more confusing with so many dots. My wife thought the basic would be better but found finding the gaps with out dots on f and j was very slow. We both use touch typing which may make a difference. Danny Sent from my iPhone > O

Re: reading library documentation in AppleScript

2016-02-23 Thread Alex Hall
You got it, unfortunately. That said, on 10.10 and later, arrow key navigation works just like it does in Safari. Also, once you know the basics of scripting, you'll just be able to look for a specific function or object by name with the vo-f command instead of trying to read everything. In shor

Re: trillion for mac version 3.4 built 5

2016-02-23 Thread Jessica Moss
Ok, I've downloaded this one, and now when I scroll through anything, voiceover still says "blank," Is there anything I need to do to change this? On Feb 23, 2016, at 1:14 AM, Jaan Ali wrote: > hi download the new version of trillion it is the beta 5 thats why its not on > mac store, i got it f

Re: finally got trillion up and running and have a question.

2016-02-23 Thread Jessica Moss
Ok, can someone contact me off list please? I've gotten 3.2 up and running, but none of my contacts are showing up as on line, and when I scroll through all of my off line ones, which i have a ton of, pressing return on them does nothing, so have no idea what to do next. On Feb 23, 2016, at 1:3

Re: Any comments on Apple's position against unreasonable search

2016-02-23 Thread Terje Strømberg
This FBI case is a enormous value for apple in $ if they win. They can swim in dollars. Take care 23. feb. 2016 kl. 08:22 skrev Simon Fogarty : Sorrylist but I think I missed something here, So are you saying that the USA's FBI deleted the iCloud backup for the terrorists? -Original

Re: Questions re tactile covers

2016-02-23 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Danny, It's good to know your wife's experience. I was thinking the same thing. But I also use touch typing, so will take your recommendation and order the advanced model. Cheers, Donna > On Feb 23, 2016, at 3:46 AM, Danny Noonan wrote: > > I don't know anyone who uses the basic model as

Re: Taking a backup from my system with VM ware

2016-02-23 Thread Phil Halton
VMware recommends that you do not use Time Machine to back up your virtual machines. This is because you will be backing up a file in an active state at random intervals and thus you cannot count on it to be in a correct state for reinstalling. That is, you will be backing up windows in an activ

Re: Any comments on Apple's position against unreasonable search

2016-02-23 Thread Tyler Thompson
Call me overly optimistic but considering that apple is one of the richest companies in the world with a billion dollars in just cash right now I don’t really believe their stance is on the money. I honestly believe it’s about security. Someone had posited earlier that agreeing to create this ba

Have lost alex on iPhone 5S

2016-02-23 Thread Stacey Robinson
Hi all, Alex seems to have disappeared on my iPhone. I was trying out a female voice and decided to go back to alex. It says this voice is selected but the female voice has taken over my phone. How do I get Alex back? Blessings, Stacey Robinson and GEB dog Kirk. ma

RE: Have lost alex on iPhone 5S

2016-02-23 Thread BBS
Hi Stacy. Try setting your rotor to language and flick up or down. Is he in there? Shawn Sent From My White MacBook Via Bootcamp and Windows 10 Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk Skype Username: bbstheblindrapper Facetime Username:

Re: Have lost alex on iPhone 5S

2016-02-23 Thread Stacey Robinson
Sean, Thanks so much. that fixed it. Blessings, Stacey Robinson and GEB dog Kirk. > On Feb 23, 2016, at 12:11 PM, BBS wrote: > > Hi Stacy. Try setting your rotor to language and flick up or down. Is

Re: Have lost alex on iPhone 5S

2016-02-23 Thread Helga Schreiber
Hi Stacey. How are you? How about you use your Voiceover Rotor,and maybe the Voice is there under languages, just swipe down untill you get th elanguage you want. That is what i do to get Samanta or Alex. If that does not work close the settings application and then turn your phone off,nd then

Re: Have lost alex on iPhone 5S

2016-02-23 Thread Stacey Robinson
Helga, I got it fixed. Thanks. Blessings, Stacey Robinson and GEB dog Kirk. > On Feb 23, 2016, at 12:28 PM, Helga Schreiber > wrote: > > Hi Stacey. How are you? How about you use your Voiceover Roto

Re: Any comments on Apple's position against unreasonable search

2016-02-23 Thread Blee Blat
And another quote from the creator of PGP, Philip Zimmermann: "If privacy is outlawed, only outlaws will have privacy." -- The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries list. If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you feel t

Re: Any comments on Apple's position against unreasonable search

2016-02-23 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
The FBI asked the owner of the phone to change the iCloud account password, with the result that the iPhone didn’t back up to iCloud, which would have provided a way for the FBI to access recent (if incomplete) data. Hence there followed the question of whether or not the FBI is complicit in fu

Re: Any comments on Apple's position against unreasonable search

2016-02-23 Thread Tyler Thompson
Apple already engineered products so that this cannot happen. That’s kind of the point. They already use a strong encryption, so strong in fact, that our government can’t break into them. Passwords are already hashed, Data is already encrypted as much as is legal (yes, there are illegal encrypti

Re: Any comments on Apple's position against unreasonable search

2016-02-23 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
My understanding is that the FBI is asking Apple for the technical capability to brute-force the key. That’s all. The problem with Apple’s current design is that it is vulnerable to simple firmware substitution. The assumptions that it makes about the user’s key are all predicated on the noti

Re: Any comments on Apple's position against unreasonable search

2016-02-23 Thread Carter Temm
Hi, I understand both sides of the case. If the iPhone is set with a complex passcode consisting of letters and numbers, it could take the government up to 100 years to brute-force the passcode, depending on the strength of the key. Apple is perfectly capable of this, but they would completely lo

iTunes not honoring album order

2016-02-23 Thread Ben J. Bloomgren
Hi all, I've got an album that I'm trying to play in iTunes under OSX. Shuffle is turned off within the controls menu, but iTunes still doesn't seem to want to honor the track order of the album. For example, since there are five tracks in the album, it'll go from one to three rather than one t

Re: reading library documentation in AppleScript

2016-02-23 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
I find that there are often tables at class or suite boundaries. Jonathan Cohn > On Feb 23, 2016, at 7:41 AM, Alex Hall wrote: > > You got it, unfortunately. That said, on 10.10 and later, arrow key > navigation works just like it does in Safari. Also, once you know the basics > of scripti

Re: iTunes not honoring album order

2016-02-23 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
I’ve often noticed that if you’re in iTunes list view, track ordering is not automatically set to either be based on track/disc number or play order but often reverts to some other column, usually name for me. Bloody annoying, especially since it works flawlessly on iOS and I spent a long time

Re: OT: Applescript refusing to see document object of Pages?

2016-02-23 Thread Jonathan Cohn
Alex, Hopefully this will help… I ran tell application "Pages" set current_window to window 1 set itemList to documents of current_window repeat with anitem in itemList get the class of item 1 of anitem end repeat end tell and received t

Re: Any comments on Apple's position against unreasonable search

2016-02-23 Thread Seyoon Choi
Agreed, The question that might draw people to major unanswered question might be what suspect’s passcode might have set as, rather a number digit combination or consisting of letters and numbers. I still voice towards Apple in this case however. If they open up backdoor for one device, Apple is

Re: iTunes not honoring album order

2016-02-23 Thread Blee Blat
Which views are the most useful for accessibility in iTunes? Album view for example, which is the default often doesn't show most of the stuff because it shows as dimmed. Also in addition to tracks being out of order sometimes Items in tables read differently than what is actually selected. Has

Re: OT: Applescript refusing to see document object of Pages?

2016-02-23 Thread Alex Hall
Thanks for the response. The crazy thing is, I can't even get that far. I get stuck on getting the window: "Pages got an error: can't get window 1". If I try "every window" instead, I get a similar error. I've never seen an app behave this way! > On Feb 23, 2016, at 21:18, Jonathan Cohn wrote:

Re: Any comments on Apple's position against unreasonable search

2016-02-23 Thread 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries
Yes, and you may have notice that while FaceBook and Google have been cheering on Apple, the other phone manufacturers have be conspicuously silent. I think they are happy letting Apple be the lightning rod on this one. CB On 2/22/16 8:38 AM, Scott Granados wrote: Agreed, I’m surprised there

Re: Any comments on Apple's position against unreasonable search

2016-02-23 Thread 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries
My understanding of the logistics is that the user key and the unique signature burned into each device are hashed together as the key for encrypting the data, so there is no way Apple could decrypt it for the FBI. What Apple did do was implement the self-destruct where you get 10 tries and the

Re: OT: Applescript refusing to see document object of Pages?

2016-02-23 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
It is the current version of pages right? Jonathan Cohn > On Feb 23, 2016, at 9:53 PM, Alex Hall wrote: > > Thanks for the response. The crazy thing is, I can't even get that far. I get > stuck on getting the window: "Pages got an error: can't get window 1". If I > try "every window" instea

Re: iTunes not honoring album order

2016-02-23 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
You can interact with album you if you use control option space. Jonathan Cohn > On Feb 23, 2016, at 9:35 PM, Blee Blat wrote: > > Which views are the most useful for accessibility in iTunes? Album view for > example, which is the default often doesn't show most of the stuff because it > sh

Re: Any comments on Apple's position against unreasonable search

2016-02-23 Thread 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries
I'm no lawyer but I have to wonder if Apple could simply move ownership of certain bits of intellectual property to some overseas haven to avoid complications where security and US sovereignty conflict. Much like some cruise lines were notorious for registering their vessels in certain locales

Re: Taking a backup from my system with VM ware

2016-02-23 Thread 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries
Backing up a live Windows machine has always been tricky. In the case of a VMWare "document" which contains the config and virtual C drive, that can be many multiple GB. So while TM (time machine) can make a good backup, if your virtual C drive is, say, 10GB by the time TM has backed up 5GB the

Hacked Account was Re: trillion for mac version 3.4 built 5

2016-02-23 Thread 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries
My understanding is that there really is no security on email. So you can connect to a mail exchanger and deliver a payload of spam and claim the originating address is anything you want. That's been clamped down on by some mail servers and services more than others. I haven't noticed any more

getting trillian working on jabba chat server!

2016-02-23 Thread Simon Fogarty
Hi List, I’m trying to setup trillian to work with a chat server at work. It’s a linux based server using a chat system using the jabba protocol. So It’s got nothing to do with the Trillian chat services at all. What I’ve got at the moment is the iPhone trillian client and I can’t figure out h