Re: Hotspots in El Capitan don't stick

2015-10-13 Thread Andrew Lamanche
No, I am not using activities. I hear that others have not experienced my problems with hotspots so I'm a bit stumped. > On 13 Oct 2015, at 01:43, Sabahattin Gucukoglu wrote: > > Are you using any activities? I am finding that activities are not switching > quite as they should. If your hots

Re: Nisus, Word, or pages?

2015-10-13 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi, Although pages is easier to use in many aspects, i do not like it and that’s for one reason and one reason alone: You can’t load a Word document into Pages, edit or modify it and then save directly to Word format again, oh no, you’ll have to ”export” it into Word. The only formats you can sa

Re: Mixer and Mike recommendations for podcasting.

2015-10-13 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Actually, that's not going to work for me, as I need USB. Long story short, I'm using a monitor which currently is plugged to my thunderbolt port, and seeing that I do! have some usable vision, I really do not wish to disconnect it. Sorry. This is why I asked about this particular Scarlet in

Re: Mixer and Mike recommendations for podcasting.

2015-10-13 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Cameron, Again, does it have to be firewire? Do you not maybe have something that is USB? Chris. - Original Message - From: "Cameron Strife" To: Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 8:07 PM Subject: Re: Mixer and Mike recommendations for podcasting. Hey again... Sorry, I sent that b

Re: Nisus, Word, or pages?

2015-10-13 Thread Jamie Pauls
I don’t find exporting any more difficult than saving. I personally don’t know why Apple does not allow for saving as a Word file, but exporting isn’t an issue, unless I am missing something here. Take care and have a great day. Jamie Pauls > On Oct 13, 2015, at 2:58 AM,

Re: Nisus, Word, or pages?

2015-10-13 Thread Phil Halton
Personally, I do all my word processing in TextEdit, and then transfer that draft file into a pages document. I use the pages document to add features that are not available in TextEdit such as headers and footers, tables, and some formatting as well. I consider the TextEdit as the draft editor,

Re: Trillian help.

2015-10-13 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
I'm not totally sure what you mean by your second question. Just navigate Trillion like you would any app with normal Voiceover commands. As for your first question, when on the contact list window, find the contact you want to send a file to, vo+shift+M on them to bring up your context menu,

Re: Mixer and Mike recommendations for podcasting.

2015-10-13 Thread Cameron Strife
You know that you can daisy chain thunderbolt devices right? On 10/13/15, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote: > Cameron, > > Again, does it have to be firewire? Do you not maybe have something that is > > USB? > > Chris. > > - Original Message - > From: "Cameron Strife" > To: > Sent: Mo

Re: Mixer and Mike recommendations for podcasting.

2015-10-13 Thread 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries
Seems like most Thunderbolt devices I've run across only have one port, making daisy chaining not possible. The Resident Audio box only has one. For USB and Firewire you could get a hub to get around the lack of two ports for daisy chaining. Does such a box exist for Thunderbolt? CB On 10/13/

Re: Mixer and Mike recommendations for podcasting.

2015-10-13 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
I do, but that's just more gear I would have to buy, and right now, finances are very limited due to family medical expenses which have been unexpected. Right now, I can't afford both a hub as well as a mixer/interface. The interface alone is gonna absolutely kill me, but at this point, it has

Re: Trillian help.

2015-10-13 Thread Singing Sparrow
Ok, i don't even see a contacts menu all i see is the conversation window. also thesecond question how do i recieve/accept a file that someone wants to transfer to me? What i mean by the voiceover commands are there any that will make trillian easier to use? On 10/13/2015 9:15 AM, Christopher-

Re: Trillian help.

2015-10-13 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
I said nothing, at least not intentionally, if I did, about a contacts menu. What I said was, in the main contacts list window, not the conversation window, but the actual contact list itself... find the contact you want to send a file to by interacting with the table of all your contacts. Find

Re: Trillian help.

2015-10-13 Thread Singing Sparrow
I don't see a contacts window all i have is the conversation window I promise you this is the case When in the conversation window i have tried control shift option m and entered on the send a file and that will not work I can not get to the contacts window where ever that is. On 10/13/2015 10

Re: Mixer and Mike recommendations for podcasting.

2015-10-13 Thread Cameron Strife
Hi. Yes, there are a bunch of thunderbolt hubs on the market... What is your specific machine? Do you have a firewire port? Does your display in question have any other connection types besides thunderbolt? If you're dead set on a USB audio interface, I'd suggest Mark of the unicorn or Focusrite.

Re: Network printer vs wireless printer?

2015-10-13 Thread Traci Duncan
Hi, I change my wifi name & password a handful times a year. Hmmm, interesting on the IP of my printer. I wonder how I go that route? We have an HP wireless all-in-1 printer. Thanks for the support, Traci > On Oct 12, 2015, at 11:56 AM, Scott Granados wrote: > > Also, remember most printers

Airport Utility, where's my Bay Station gone?

2015-10-13 Thread Traci Duncan
Hi all, I was just looking around in Airport Utility, & I do not see my AE Bay Station. I’m still connected to my wifi network & everything seems fine, but I don’t see any wifi settings in Airport Utility. Has something changed? I use to be able to see wich devices were connected to the netw

Re: Trillian help.

2015-10-13 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Go to your menu bar with vo+M. Vo+right arrow over to the window menu. VO+down arrow to open the menu. See in there if there is a main window, or contacts, or something to that effect. You've probably accidentally hidden the main contact trillion window. When you say the conversation window

Re: Nisus, Word, or pages?

2015-10-13 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Krister, Pages, and iWork in general, is Apple’s proprietory word processing format and it only saves into Pages format. All other formats require exporting. This is normal. Pages is not Word. Why should it save into Word format? Cheers, Anne > On 13 Oct 2015, at 09:58, Krister Ekstrom

Re: Mixer and Mike recommendations for podcasting.

2015-10-13 Thread 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries
Sorry, this was another Chris polluting Christopher-Mark's thread. I hunted around a bit and couldn't find any thunderbolt hubs. I found various port replicators for laptops but not just a box with a bunch of Thunderbolt ports on it. CB On 10/13/15 12:03 PM, Cameron Strife wrote: Hi. Yes, th

Re: Nisus, Word, or pages?

2015-10-13 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Christina, I use Pages all the time and like it. I use all kinds of formatting, insert tables, text boxes and images. There are just a few accessibility problems, mostly to do with insufficient information available to VoiceOver. Cheers, Anne > On 13 Oct 2015, at 03:43, Christina C. w

Re: Network printer vs wireless printer?

2015-10-13 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Plug it in with Ethernet and let it power up. Now turn on Bonjour in Safari prefs and see if, in the Bookmarks menu, you now have an entry in the Bonjour submenu for that printer. You might. And it might just lead to a page that lets you configure it, including its Wi-Fi adaptor. If nothing

Re: Airport Utility, where's my Bay Station gone?

2015-10-13 Thread Sabahattin Gucukoglu
Hi Traci, What *are* you seeing instead? Does the “Internet” icon show up and when pressed does it say “Connected”? And are you sure you are connected directly to the Wi-Fi network that AirPort is providing, without any intervening relays, repeaters, bridges etc? Note that if another Wi-Fi n

Re: Tables and v/o

2015-10-13 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Marie, In VoiceOver Utility, category Verbosity, under Announcements, uncheck the Speak header when navigating across a table row checkbox. Cheers, Anne > On 13 Oct 2015, at 02:40, Marie Lyons wrote: > > On my windows computer I used a table as a guitar tablature. I transferred > th

Re: What's Best to Use For Recording Live Video?

2015-10-13 Thread Michael Babcock
You could use periscope to do quick live video streams and get textual engagement from your audience, or the blab ( app to have up to 4 remote participants using chrome or IOS/Android. There also is youtube live streaming, in addition to google hangouts. What type of live video stream is

Re: Nisus, Word, or pages?

2015-10-13 Thread Anders Holmberg
Hi! Nisus kan open pdfs from what i know. Don’t know about pages or ms word. /A > On 11 Oct 2015, at 21:57, Andrew Lamanche wrote: > > I read in the recent Nisus newsletter that the latest version - el Capitan > compatible - is going to be submitted to the appstore. It's a nice app but I > don

Re: Nisus, Word, or pages?

2015-10-13 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi Anne, Openoffice has its own proprietary format as well, but it doesn’t force us to use it. It would be simple just to have the format menu in the save as dialog include word as well but it doesn’t and the result? if you don’t know what you do you’ll end up with 2 versions of the same documen

Re: Nisus, Word, or pages?

2015-10-13 Thread Alwine Hardus
Hai, I use textedit and nisus, nisus because you can easily save in many formats and also read pdf files. Alwine Met vriendelijke groet, Alwine Hardus > Op 13 okt. 2015, om 16:10 heeft Phil Halton het volgende > geschreven: > > Personally, I do all my word processing in TextEdit, and then

Re: Airport Utility, where's my Bay Station gone?

2015-10-13 Thread Traci Duncan
Hello, It shows network group. I interact with this & it says internet working normally. If I voSpace on this, a pop-over appears showing router address, DNS servers, domain name, etc. Beside the network group is the other wifi devices button. When I launch airport utility via iPad it shows

Braille, safari etc.

2015-10-13 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hello All. I have installed El Capitan on my I Mac three times since I messed it up twice so I’ve had plenty of practice. I must say even though I had help putting the installer on a USB stick, it was the first time that I installed the whole operating system on my own. I could not have done

Re: Airport Utility, where's my Bay Station gone?

2015-10-13 Thread Traci Duncan
Ok, I am embarrassed about this mistake… My Mac was connected to my guest network instead of my main network, so of course I could not get any information. Once I switched back to my main network, all was well again. :) Thank you for trying to help me. Traci > On Oct 13, 2015, at 1:35 PM, Tr

Re: What's Best to Use For Recording Live Video?

2015-10-13 Thread Dionipher Presas Herrera
i would love to learn too. but not like what you said about parascope. it's like a music video that is live. > Il giorno 13 ott 2015, alle ore 7:46 PM, Michael Babcock > ha scritto: > > You could use periscope to do quick live video streams and get textual > engagement from your audience, or t