Please could someone tell me if El Kapitan's calendar's features have been
improved as at present I don't much like Yosemite I don't need details just a
yes or no answer.
Many thanks.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" grou
Please could someone tell me if there is a microphone inbuilt in the new Mac
mini as I was trying to dictate but even though I heard the sound, no text
appeared. I bought this one last year around just before Christmas in November.
You received this message because you are
Hello Jonathan.
Thanks so much for the demonstration. I have found it very useful and it will
help when I get my new phone. I will listen to your live photo demo too later
On 25 Sep 2015, at 04:52, Jonathan Mosen wrote:
Hi everyone, This morning I received my iPhone 6s
There is, but it's not the same port you'd find on many other computers. It
fits any standard microphone that uses a 3.5mm connection, but it also requires
that that microphone be powered somehow. You might want to grab either a USB
microphone, or a USB sound card into which to plug your existin
Curious if anyone with a new iPhone 6 or 6S has had difficulty restoring their
previously purchased voices to the new phone. I have tried now with two of
them. In both instances, it says voice downloading failed. Try when you have a
better network connection.I have a solid Wi-Fi connection. I am
After a relatively painless pre order process I got mine on launch day.
Glad I got it online as the Apple store was like a zoo.
Overall I really like this update.
Yours truly,
Sadam Ahmed
Sent from my iPhone
> On 26 Sep 2015, at 4:17 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> too late, now. :
Might want to look into you mail. I believe it does this.
> On Sep 25, 2015, at 10:50 PM, Gabe Griffith wrote:
> Hi all,
> Does anyone know of a way to save voicemails from and iPhone to an mp3 file?
> I would really appreciate being able to do this.
> Thanks,
> Gabe
> --
> You
I don't have a mike at the moment. However, I could plug-in my apple headphones
which have a mike you know, the one you get with your iPhone.
> On 26 Sep 2015, at 1:37 p.m., Alex Hall wrote:
> There is, but it's not the same port you'd find on many other computers. It
> fits any standard mic
Hello Jonathan.
When you take a live photo, is there a button on the camera which says live
photo? As I don't understand how one can determine that the photo is live.
However, when I get my 6S plus, probably I will understand then.
> On 25 Sep 2015, at 11:05 p.m., Jonathan Mosen wrote:
> Hi
OK, so, focus yourself on the item you want to label. Then, press vo+slash.
- Original Message -
From: "Tim Emmons"
Sent: Friday, September 25, 2015 5:28 PM
Subject: Labeling buttons in an app on the mac
Hi guys, have a curious quick question. Using iHeart Radio on the
This through me at first. What you need to do is, find the search text box.
Then, if you vo+right arrow one time past this, you'll see something that
says activity popover. Press vo+space on this to open it. In here you'll
then find a table which you can interact with to view all updates,
Touch ID works absolutely perfectly both on my 5S, and on my 6+. My mom has
just the standard IPhone 6, and I added a fingerprint to her's, so if I need
to ever help her, I don't have to put in her pin every time, and again, over
there it worked flawlessly.
I've heard of people not getting to
Depends on your definition of improved. That's a very subjective question.
- Original Message -
From: "Kawal Gucukoglu"
To: "Macvisionaries"
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2015 4:52 AM
Subject: Calendar in OS10.
Please could someone tell me if El Kapitan's calendar's featur
I don't think any of the mac minis have build in mikes. Someone correct me
if I am wrong.
- Original Message -
From: "Kawal Gucukoglu"
To: "Macvisionaries"
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2015 4:56 AM
Subject: Dictation using the Macmini
Please could someone tell me if there
The reason for this is, it's not a mike jack. It's a line in, which of
corse will have much lower DBFS impedance level.
As for an internal microphone, I don't think so, although that would be
killer if it did.
- Original Message -
From: "Alex Hall"
To: "'Chris Blouch' via M
How do you do that, seeing that at least on the mini I have, the headphone
jack and the mike/line in jack are two seperet jacks?
Are you somehow using a splitter of sort?
- Original Message -
From: "Kawal Gucukoglu"
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2015 12:45 PM
Subject: Re
I went to the VoiceStream website, and read in the frequently asked questions
the recommendations for what to do if you were having problems restoring
previously purchased voices. In order to access a different network, which they
recommend if you're having a problem, I turned off Wi-Fi and try
Good day guys,
For those of you that do pod casting is there any particular mixer or
microphone combination you'd recommend?
Thanks for any insight.
Primarily I'll be recording audio demonstrations for my website.
Yours truly,
Sadam Ahmed
Sent from my iPhone
You received th
What I'd do is plug my apple headphones into the normal headphone socket and
then wait to see if it worked. Does that make sense?
On 26 Sep 2015, at 18:38, Christopher-Mark Gilland
How do you do that, seeing that at least on the mini I have, the headphone jack
and the mike/line in jack
Hi. I can certainly give you some recommendations...
What's your budget?
How many channels of audio do you plan to record at a time?
On 9/26/15, Sadam Ahmed wrote:
> Good day guys,
> For those of you that do pod casting is there any particular mixer or
> microphone combination y
Hi Kawal,
This works on many models of Macs, so it’s worth a try. Let us know what
> On Sep 26, 2015, at 11:22:06 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> What I'd do is plug my apple headphones into the normal headphone socket and
> then wait to see if it worked. Does that ma
With iOS 9 you can save visual voicemails as audio files (not in MP3 format)
using the share button.
> On Sep 25, 2015, at 7:59:50 PM, Gabe Griffith
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Does anyone know of a way to save voicemails from and iPhone to an mp3 file?
> I would really appreciate being
I am about to order an iphone 6s.
However is it very big?
I have seen the iphone 6 plus and that one is to big for me.
I don’t see no reason for a blind using a 6 plus or 6splus.
But i guess thats just my thoughts.
No judgement behind it.
> 26 sep. 2015 kl. 03:34 skrev Mary Otten :
> Hi a
If you have seen the iPhone 6, the 6S is a sensually the same. There is
apparently a very minor difference, but unless you held the two phones right
together, you would not know it. I agree, that the 6+ is too large at least for
me. I know many people like it because of the bigger battery. But t
Hi Kawal, live photos are enabled by default. So when you take a photo, every
photo is a live photo. You have to disable the feature in settings if you don't
want to use it.
Jonathan Mosen
Mosen Consulting
Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training
> On 27/09/2015, at
Will that work though with the microphone as well if you do it that way?
- Original Message -
From: "Kawal Gucukoglu"
To: "Macvisionaries"
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2015 2:06 PM
Subject: Re: Dictation using the Macmini
What I'd do is plug my apple headphones into the nor
Hi Cameron,
A product between AU$900 to 1000 would be great.
I probably want to record myself as Wellers VoiceOver output from the Mac.
Yours truly,
Sadam Ahmed
Sent from my iPhone
> On 27 Sep 2015, at 4:12 AM, Cameron Strife wrote:
> Hi. I can certainly give you some recomme
It's definitely just your thought, yes, as I have a 6+, and I wouldn't ask
for anything smaller. I have a 5S as well as a backup phone, and to me,
that thing feels dinky in my hand. It just feels really really teeny. Kind
of reminds me of holding an old cassette tape in my hand. E! Yikes
Works on both Mac portables I’ve tested here. I can’t find any information on
precisely which models support this feature. See this article for more
> On Sep 26, 2015, at 11:48:21 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland
> wrote:
> Wil
Hi Anders,
Have you heard anything about when the iPhone 6S and 6S+ will be available here
in Sweden?
> 26 sep. 2015 kl. 20:17 skrev Anders Holmberg :
> Hi!
> I am about to order an iphone 6s.
> However is it very big?
> I have seen the iphone 6 plus and that one is to big for me.
> I
I have a 2011 Mini. Before the hard drive died, I used Apple headphones like
that and yes, the mic worked just fine. Why that does, but other, separate miss
don't isn't something I can explain, but that's what I've discovered. Sorry I
forgot to mention the Apple ear pods as being usable in my la
Whether something is too big or not is obviously subjective, but I do wonder
how the size of the 6Plus and 6S Plus phones makes a difference in every day
usage for VoiceOver users. On the plus side, perhaps for folks who use Braille
screen input, the larger screen real estate you have to work wi
I agree with Anne’s suggestions. I’d also look under the commanders tab and
configure either the keyboard commander, the trackpad commander, or both. For
example, I’ve configured keyboard shortcuts to launch my most frequently used
apps such as RIGHT OPTION + M for mail, RIGHT Option PLUS R for
Hi. The blue spark is an amazing microphone for the money.
As for a small format mixer, the mackie Onyx line has great microphone
preamps and very nice EQ etc. Have a look at those. The drivers are
very stable as well.
On 9/26/15, Sadam Ahmed wrote:
> Hi Cameron,
> A product betwe
This is driving me crazy! I have my IPad Air set to sync with my ITunes 12.3
library on OSX 10.10.5 Yosemite. I have all apps completely up to date on my
mac within Itunes. I also have my mac set up within the apps section of my
IPad to automatically install new apps. I am signed into ICloud
I don't yet have one, but in preparation for upgrading, I wanted to see how the
Plus would fit into my life. I have a cardboard cutout of a Plus, with some
popsicle sticks taped to the back to give it structure. I carried it for a day,
then attached my iPhone 5 to it for the next day. Both days,
Well, it cost me five dollars, but I got my voice is back. What I finally
decided to do was to try to purchase another voice. I really didn't want any
more voices, but I decided to purchase the Sharon voice. Maybe she will grow on
me, although I rather doubt it. Smile. Even though I thought my d
Hi all,
Trying to remove my old phone from my list of devices, and not having much
luck. So far I have been trying to do it from Is there a better
way to do this? If not, how do you do it from the website? I've selected my
old phone, and VO says remove Device, but when I press V
Try resetting the old phone to factory settings.
I did that Thursday on an iPad mini2 and it said this will also remove
this device from your account.
Chris Grabowski
Mystic Access
Where the magic is in learning.
Check out our eclectic and comprehensive
I reset my old phone at the Verizon store yesterday. But it's still showing up
in the list of devices.
> On Sep 26, 2015, at 3:55 PM, Chris G wrote:
> Hi,
> Try resetting the old phone to factory settings.
> I did that Thursday on an iPad mini2 and it said this will also remove
If you have a Mac, you can also manage devices by going to System Preferences >
iCloud, interacting with the Services Group, then choosing the About button
followed by the Devices tab. That may work better, I don't know.
> On Sep 26, 2015, at 16:55, Chris G wrote:
> Hi,
> Try resetting the ol
Nah, that's no better. when I interact with Services, I'm immediately taken to
the iCloud drive area, I can't even see the About button.
> On Sep 26, 2015, at 4:08 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> If you have a Mac, you can also manage devices by going to System Preferences
> > iCloud, i
I got that exact message back in February after getting a new iPhone 6 and
restoring my encrypted backup from iTunes when I went to Voice Dream to
re-Download my purchased voices. The problem eventually resolved itself but
I wrote to Winston at the time and am including his response followin
Hi Alan,
As you will see when you read further down in your email, I did finally resolve
my problem. But in order to do it, I ended up buying a new voice. I tried three
different Wi-Fi networks and LTE and nothing helped before I decided to go
ahead and just buy another voice. It was worth the f
There's a services group, inside of which is a table of iCloud services.
Interact with that group, but *not* the table. It sounds like you're in the
table, the first item of which is indeed iCloud Drive.
> On Sep 26, 2015, at 17:19, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Nah, that's no better. when I interac
I agree. Sometimes a 5 spot is a good investment in order to avoid further
aggravation. And maybe Sharon will grow on you.
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Mary Otten
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 20
It looks like I spoke too soon about my restored voices. It appears that there
is a problem with all of the Ivona voices. I have a few of them. And every time
I try to read a book with an Ivona voice, voice dream crashes immediately.
There is some kind of new addition to the ivona a copyright ag
It at least works talking on facetime that way.
> 26 sep. 2015 kl. 20:21 skrev Christopher-Mark Gilland :
> Will that work though with the microphone as well if you do it that way?
> Chris.
> - Original Message - From: "Kawal Gucukoglu"
> To: "Macvisionaries"
> Sent: Satur
No i don’t know anything about it.
I wonder if one could order from the uk and get it to sweden?
> 26 sep. 2015 kl. 20:34 skrev Krister Ekstrom :
> Hi Anders,
> Have you heard anything about when the iPhone 6S and 6S+ will be available
> here in Sweden?
> /Krister
>> 26 sep. 2015 kl.
Wow, that's awesome. I wasn't aware that the headphone jack also served as
a mike jack for compatible headsets, such as the Earpods. I knew it worked
that way on portable macbooks, and macbook airs, as well as on all I O S
devices, but that's really cool that you can do that as well on the mac
OK, this has been going on for a while now, and I've not said anything on list
about it, as I was hoping that Apple Support and I could both get to the bottom
of this. Frankly, the senior tech I'm working with, as well as myself are both
incredibly stumped on this one.
I have ICloud Music enab
Hey Chris. This may or may not help, but anyway, I've heard people in other
mailing lists having similar problems like this in iOS 9. Fortunately I'm not
one of those people, but anyway, one of the suggestions someone brought up was
to try resetting network settings, and for those people that fi
The only concern which I have with doing that is it will reset where I'll have
to repare my phone to my grandmother's car, and believe me, she's so nontech
savvy, it was a major pain in the ass trying to explain to her on her dashboard
screen where to go to do this. I might not have a choice th
Though it might be a pain, I forgot that someone did fix this issue simply by
resetting network settings. Definitely give it a try and let Alyssa know if
that resolves it for you. It would be an interesting fix however.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 26, 2015, at 6:00 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland
Hello all,
Before I ask my question, I want to provide the following information: I
have been a Windows user for quite some time and would like to continue to
do so. I have also recently taken up the Mac and have been fortunate enough
to have an older MacBook Pro given to me while I learn this
Hey Alex,
How do I do that? I interact with Services, and it seems I'm immediately taken
into the iCloud table. I seem to be able to interact with both or neither.
How does one just interact with Services?
> On Sep 26, 2015, at 4:49 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> There's a services gro
Hi Dona,
Do it on your iOS device, trying to do that on the mac is terrible.
> On Sep 26, 2015, at 9:55 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hey Alex,
> How do I do that? I interact with Services, and it seems I'm immediately
> taken into the iCloud table. I seem to be able to interact with both o
If you tab, that might work. I'm not sure why you're seeing that behavior and
I'm not. If you stop interacting once, does that take you out of the table?
I've never had a problem with doing this, and I've tried it on every OS since
10.7, so I'm not sure what other suggestions to offer. As others
there are some configuration how to install windows on your mac, there's a vm
ware fusion and bootcamp either way this is both okay.
> On 27 Sep 2015, at 4:50 AM, Mauricio Molina wrote:
> Hello all,
> Before I ask my question, I want to provide the following information: I have
> been a
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