Does this not work?
- Original Message -
From: "Scott Berry"
To: "macvisionaries"
Sent: Monday, December 29, 2014 11:08 PM
Subject: doing subtracting in Numbers
Hello there,
I need to subtract b1 minus b11 in Numbers. How is this done?
You received this message because
If I go to iTunes, itunes preferences with command+comma, and then interact
with the toolbar and choose "devices" button, and then stop interacting with
the toolbar, I can find a list of my backups in a table with which you need to
interact again. That's where your backups are located.
Also, it might be worth your while checking in "recently purchased" playlist
and "recently added" playlist too. I know it is frustrating but that's how i
managed to find one of my purchases because as Cheryl says sometimes they are
given unusual categories like "spoken worrd" and therefore are
You said you had purchased this audiobook on your iPhone? Therefore, have you
synced your iphone with the computer? Also, when you connect your iphone to
your mac, and open itunes, under file menu/devices you have a choice of
transferring yourp your purchases to your itunes library on
Another option if needed is to go to the menu [VO+m or Control+f2] and go to
the file heading and arrow down to the Devices sub menu and arrow right into
that and you should find all the options in there including restore from back
HTH Colin
On 30 Dec 2014, at 09:56, Andrew Lamanche wr
a friend sent me a dropbox link. in the menu the 2 choices were “copy link” and
“quick look”. I had to follow the link in order to download it. my question is:
what does “copy link” mean? does it copy the link to your clipboard or to
somewhere else or does it mean “save link as” as in firefox?
Your first guess is correct. Copy link will copy the link to the clip board.
With most current Drop box links, when you click on the link, a special page
should open up from which you can download the linked file.
The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a happy Mac, Verizon Wireless i
Hi Lorie,
Copy link item copies the link to your clipboard. I then open Safari or any
other browser for that matter and paste the link into the address box. It's a
useful feature.
> On 30 Dec 2014, at 10:22, Lorie McCloud wrote:
> a friend sent me a dropbox link. in the menu the 2
I use fusion.
The key combination for grabbing control is control command return.
sorry, can’t help about boot camp as I don’t use it, don’t have sighted help to
install the thing!
> On Dec 29, 2014, at 3:13 PM, Marianne Denning wrote:
> I asked this question several years ago and
Hi Hank,
I would appreciate a copy of this for future use, if possible.
Thank you,
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Hank Smith, and
Seeing-eye dog Iona
Sent: Monday, December 29, 2014 15:50
To: macvisiona
On Mon, 29 Dec 2014, Gabriele Battaglia wrote:
Hello all.
How can I copy text lines from the terminal?
If there is no simple way, it would be ok also to redirect the stderr file on a
.txt but how?
It is not clear what you are trying to do. If you want the output from a
command that appears o
Hi Hank,
As the last person posted, It would be great for you to post where one could
obtain a talking installer that would work on a 64 bit Mac machine. Thanks.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Dec 30, 2014, at 5:22 AM, dooie13 wrote:
> Hi Hank,
> I would appreciate a copy of this fo
I get this too and so far I've just ignored it becaus the couple of times I
went to System Prefs I was signed in etc.
Go beyond the Christmas story this year;
meet Immanuel (God with us),
Jesus, the crucified Savior,
Christ, the risen LORD!!!
On Dec 29, 2014, at 7:32 PM, Scott B
Mine isn't related to iPhoto as far as I know. I just get a periodic message
about icloud on my Mac not connecting; don't remember the exact wording at the
Go beyond the Christmas story this year;
meet Immanuel (God with us),
Jesus, the crucified Savior,
Christ, the risen LO
Hello I got the link from the blind tech list the person who posted it
used drop box to host it.
let me email the list and see if I can get the direct links
On 12/30/2014 8:05 AM, Eileen Misrahi wrote:
Hi Hank,
As the last person posted, It would be great for you to post where one could
No. If you are talking about the Index print application, that has nothing to
do with creating braille files; it just sends your file to the embosser for
printing. If you want to turn files to braille, you either have to have another
program to do that, such as louis or Duxbury (though I think t
Okay, I see you are talking about Index Direct rather than Index print. But I
don't think Index Direct actually installs Louis on your computer or anything.
You install the driver upgrade on your Mac and then use your embosser with the
upgraded firmware. I think if you want to use Louis independ
How do I get hold of the new version. And, will it work with an embosser
running Usb to Serial or whatever? I'm running an enabling technologies romeo
pro 50 and trying to get it to work. Thanks and talk to you guys soon. sorry
for hijacking the thread but this just jogged my memory. Thanks and
here are the links in the below message:
[BlindTech] Re: updated win pe talking installer fore 64 bit systems?
I will paste the download links below, but be aware that after the new
year they may suddenly stop working since Wuala (the file host I am
using), will
be retiring their free service.
I don't think you can use Index Print and Index Direct with non-Index printers.
I could be wrong of course.
Go beyond the Christmas story this year;
meet Immanuel (God with us),
Jesus, the crucified Savior,
Christ, the risen LORD!!!
On Dec 30, 2014, at 9:48 AM, Tim Emmons wrote
Hi all,
I’m having a strange issue. When I hit cmd a to go to my applications window in
finder, VO says 100 items selected as if I invoked a control a to select all. I
tried restarting VO but this behaviour persists.
Has anyone seen this before and know how to fix it? Its quite aggravating to
Hi all,
Please disregard last message. Somehow and not sure how, my finder seems to
have fixed itself.
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"MacVisionaries" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email
to macvisi
No no, cmd-A is select all on a Mac.
I think it might be VO-A for the other thing.
- Original Message -
From: "Faisal ali"
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2014 4:55 PM
Subject: a strange finger issue
Hi all,
I’m having a strange issue. When I hit cmd a to go to my applications window
Yes, wrote that wrong :). As it turned out, my shift key wasn’t registering for
some reason. Its seems to be better now so will pretend like it never happened
> On Dec 30, 2014, at 9:05 AM, BobH. wrote:
> No no, cmd-A is select all on a Mac.
> I think it might be VO-A for the other th
If you have gotten tired of the ads in youtube and elsewhere here is a way
to block them. I have tried out this method for a number of days and in
youtube have not seen one ad.
Because I do most things in terminal except for youtube I don't encounter
ads ormalicious websites so I have no ex
Hi Hank,
Thanks for posting the links so quickly. I will take a look at them when I have
some quiet time later on today. I'm hoping that this will do the trick. As I
stated before, I do have a USB sound card. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Dec 30, 20
If you don't mind playing with open source stuff in the terminal, sox
has some noise reduction functions. You can find details here:
by searching for 'hiss' on that page. Basically you run a bit of your
recording which should be silent (other than the hiss)
Preferences and the menu devices submenu do indeed work; thank you, but for the
life of me, I cannot find the info around the sync button. Everything but. I
don’t understand it. *Sigh*.
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"MacVisionaries" grou
Hi there,
I got a new hard drive for Christmas, so I am going through and rebuilding my
installation of Yosemite. I am now up to the point of moving my VMWare Fusion
virtual machine and I am having difficulty. I copied the VMWare file over and,
upon loading Windows, all the paths are off. As
Can anyone enlighten me on how I can move through the options presented to me
when I type in a recipient's name? When I begin to type it presents the various
contacts, once I have the one I want, if that one has more than one contact
option it is displayed below in a table. The first option
Just copying the vm folder from 1 location to another should do it. Or just
grab the vm out of the folder, either has worked for me in the past.
Frustrated with your Mac, I-device, or AppleTV? New user and want quick
efficient answers? Or maybe you know apple products and want to contribute?
That is what I thought. However, this is not the case for me. Still
struggling through this, but no solution yet.
> On Dec 30, 2014, at 3:21 PM, Kliph wrote:
> Just copying the vm folder from 1 location to another should do it. Or just
> grab the vm out of the folder, either has wor
Hey Jessica,
Do you know if you have the queue files? If so, you could use XLD which works
really well and very accessible there is a bit of a learning curve but it’s not
> On Dec 29, 2014, at 7:36 PM, Jessica Moss wrote:
> Ok, think the subject says it all lol. I ended up downloadi
doesn’t look too bad at all. Actually the first thing that comes up is a list
of keyboard commands so that will definitely be helpful.
> On Dec 29, 2014, at 4:43 PM, Hank Smith, and Seeing-eye dog Iona
> wrote:
> thanks for letting me know this, it was driving me nuts
> does the program ap
Once you connect your device to your mac, it should appear under devices menu
button in the main window. Look around for the item that voiceover reads as
devices button. Activate it with vo+spacebar. You should then see your
devices there, It's a popup window. Choose the device you wis
I used to be able to download whatever was at the dropbox link right from my
email. not that I expect everything to be exactly the same. I liked being able
to do that but I can download it if I go up to it and that works also.
> On Dec 30, 2014, at 4:49 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Your first g
This is a very interesting post. I've downloaded the file but I find
in the zipped folder only files that I would consider to be windows files only.
In the private/etc folder, there's no equivalent host file that I could
replace. The downloaded zipped file only has a unix execu
I find that I can just down arrow, then press enter when the one I want is
spoken. Be sure Quick Nav is off or this won't work.
> On Dec 30, 2014, at 2:59 PM, Janine Smith wrote:
> Hi
> Can anyone enlighten me on how I can move through the options presented to me
> when I type in a recipie
No I don't have those anymore, I deleted most of them not knowing what they
were. What are cue files?
I don't know what on earth this person creating them did, but when I
downloaded them, they were in some format called .ape, which I've never heard
of, but had to convert to mp3 format, then t
Thanks John.
Got Handoff working on the Mac and Mac Mini.
> On 29 Dec 2014, at 10:58 pm, John Panarese wrote:
> If you command-tab with one of the Macs, do you find the hand off
> application? For example, I started reading an email on my iPhone and then
> went to my Mac. I us
Sorry; perhaps I was not clear. The devices submenu works great, as does
locating backups in Preferences, as described. But I cannot locate the scroll
area which permits choosing backup near the sync button when interfacing with
iTunes without utilizing Preferences or the Devices submenu, as I u
I have messages synched with my phone, and can read them and locate the
various fields. When I go to the field to type a reply message however,
anything that I type does not show up. I have interacted with the edit
field, and attempted to write with quick nav on and off. Is there something
I think if the file is a zip file it will download. However, if it's an mp3
file or something like that then it takes you to safari then it just starts
playing like Ray said. What I do in this case is use VO+right arrow to get to
the stop button and activate that. You should then be able to
Hit enter after your done writing, and it should send the message.
Frustrated with your Mac, I-device, or AppleTV? New user and want quick
efficient answers? Or maybe you know apple products and want to contribute?
Then come join a list where questions are always answered, and we are always
is there a way to get the vlc player to random or shuffle? I couldn’t find any
such thing in there and I was unable to bring up a context menu. what I’m
trying to do is random a music folder that has a bunch of different formats in
You received this message because you a
Thanks, The problem I was having though is that my writing wasn't showing
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2014 6:27 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.c
I’ve definitely had this problem as well along with others. It sounds like a
> On Dec 30, 2014, at 3:40 PM, Mary-Jo Lord wrote:
> Thanks, The problem I was having though is that my writing wasn't showing
> up.
> -Original Message-
> From:
once i have files playing i can pause it with the space bar and then go into
the menu and find the setting for random shuffle. however, once you set it to
random it stays random even if you close the app and reopen it. it stays that
way until you reset it to play sequentially. good luck, max
I hope this query makes sense. I have made an iTunes playlist with songs from
my library. They are not protected in any way. I want to put this playlist,
contents and play order onto a thumb drive and then play it on another computer
running iTunes. Is there a way to do this?
Hello,list i need some advice about ,headphones as my headphone jack has
stopped working , so i need recommendations for wireless headphones that use
a usb dongle, so i have the range if needed so , any help please and if
possable the link to view them . thanks in advance
You received this mes
Of course there is. You can do it 2 ways. You can find the playlist in iTunes
and just choose to export it. Or, you could go to your music folder, iTunes,
iTunes media, music, and then find the play list, and copy it to the thumb
drive. HTH
Sent from my MobileOffice
> On Dec 30, 2014, at 1
Okay then. I'll wait for the next update and try again.
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Faisal ali
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2014 6:43 PM
Subject: Re: A question about mes
You can set the option to have that button in the foreground if you don't want
to constantly have to keep going into the menu's. I can't remember exactly how
I did it, but it wasn't there when I first downloaded it, and I looked for it
in the menu's when for some off-the-wall reason, several al
Just started my free month of Netflics. Seems like a keeper so far. Thing is,
the site seems a bit jumpy because the page where you're supposed to be able to
search for stuff keeps refreshing. Anybody got any ideas about the best way to
navigate the site on the Mac? So far, Apple TV seems to
I have given up on all means of accessing Netflix except AppleTV, which works
wonderfully. I know some say they have good luck with the iOS app. But I can't
get off first base. I can't even get to the search field anymore. As for the
Mac, since mine has been dead now for a little while, out for
When I choose the playlist and exported it shows up on my thumb drive is a very
small text file giving information for where each song can be found. If I am on
another computer in someone else's home, how will I ever get those songs to
Also, under my music folder I do not see playlists. I
There should be a folder called playlists with in that folder where your
artists are. Unless they have changed this in iTunes 12.
Frustrated with your Mac, I-device, or AppleTV? New user and want quick
efficient answers? Or maybe you know apple products and want to contribute?
Then come joi
As you found out, exporting the playlist will only export the text file
containing the names and locations of the songs, not the actual songs
themselves. And, there are no playlists stored in the media folder.
If you want to copy the actual songs contained in the playlist onto another
drive, lik
I’m trying to access my external hard drive. it’s a phantom. I’ve been in it
before but I can’t seem to get in there now. I turn it on and although I heard
“Phantom hd volume” I can’t get it to open. quick look and preview opened at
different times but that’s not what I want. should it be in my
Are you using the Computer Finder item? In Finder, hit command-shift-c; that
will open a list of all connected drives. Find yours there and open it like any
> On Dec 30, 2014, at 10:11 PM, Lorie McCloud wrote:
> I’m trying to access my external hard drive. it’s a phantom. I’ve been in
well, I thought I was but maybe not. I’ll try that. thanks.
> On Dec 30, 2014, at 9:17 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Are you using the Computer Finder item? In Finder, hit command-shift-c; that
> will open a list of all connected drives. Find yours there and open it like
> any folder.
>> On Dec 30,
Working fine on the website on the Mac. Not to mention, loving the html5 access.
> On Dec 30, 2014, at 5:09 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
> I have given up on all means of accessing Netflix except AppleTV, which works
> wonderfully. I know some say they have good luck with the iOS app. But I
> can't
I have my view set to list because it’s easier to tell where I am. this
requires me to back out of a drive closing windows as I go. is it possible to
have a window open in the drive I’m copying from as well as in the one I’m
copying to? several times I’ve thought I picked up a file and when I we
I can't help you with this but have you investigated why your headphone jack is
not working?
Go beyond the Christmas story this year;
meet Immanuel (God with us),
Jesus, the crucified Savior,
Christ, the risen LORD!!!
On Dec 30, 2014, at 6:33 PM, wayne coles wrote:
If I'm in one drive or folder I use command+n to open a new window. You can
then either open another folder on the same drive or another drive. I then use
command+` to switch back and forth between the two open folders. You should be
able to copy and paste back and forth using the normal co
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