I use a Brailliant BI 40 here (not sure if you have the new generation or not,
but I guess it's close enough). It will recover just fine as long as you power
the display on first. So if you put your mac to sleep and then turn the display
off, turn it on first, then wake your mac and it should wo
Hi Angus,
I had purchased MailMate a few months ago. Many of the features of this
interesting application are accessible but some - maybe important to
some, certainly to me - are still inaccessible to voiceover. Let me say
a few things about my experience with MailMate.
I have a few iMAP acc
Ok, I'm going to sound like a total dweeb, but what do we do with this script?
This will be great if it works!
On Feb 17, 2014, at 9:55 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
> The attached AppleScript closes all Message viewers and then opens one up
> without the preview pane. This should pr
What version of GarageBand are you using?
Mike Malarsie
> On Feb 17, 2014, at 3:18 PM, Dionipher Presas Herrera
> wrote:
> can somebody help me use the garage abdn, i would like to record my
> instrument at the same time my voice. or maybe contact me on my skype,
> my skyp
Hi Frank,
I think it was a little too late to be responding to eMails last night as I
gave you too much info and somewhat off track. The main thing to note is that
when you are logging into the Server, you must use a username that resides on
that server. Your local username on your second com
reinstall mountain lion then.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 17, 2014, at 10:59 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi Jonathan,
> I didn't see any such message. And I never had this problem before the
> upgrade to mavericks.
> Cheers,
> Donna
>> On Feb 17, 2014, at 7:52 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
I was reading a pdf file on my mac with the brilliant.
Now, I can't get the display to turn off.
Any suggestions, other then just letting it run out of battery life?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To unsubsc
I just noticed that there is an update to Mac Gourmet Deluxe on their web site
for anybody who uses it. I believe it is 4.0.6.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from i
iMac is immediately put to sleep when hit the power up button for a half
Take care
18. feb. 2014 kl. 08:23 skrev Frank Ventura :
Tim, thanks, that is exactally what I needed to know.
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com]
On Behalf Of Tim
I assume that you are holding in the button on the side for awhile? If that
doesn't work, then, probably your idea of just letting the battery run down
is about the only thing to do.
-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Beh
I feel like a total idiot. I guess I wasn't pressing hard enough. Finally got
it to work, though!
On Feb 18, 2014, at 1:59 PM, Myrna Votta wrote:
> I assume that you are holding in the button on the side for awhile? If that
> doesn't work, then, probably your idea of just lettin
Hey! Don't feel like an idiot because sometimes you really need to hold
that button in for a very long time. Glad it is working.
-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Caitlyn and Maggie
Sent: Tuesday, February 18,
is the update free or does it cost?
can i get it through checking for an update from within the program?
Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 18, 2014, at 1:08 PM, Jim Gatteys wrote:
> I just noticed that there is an update to Mac Gourmet Deluxe on their web
> site for anybody who uses it. I believ
One bit of caution is to not starve RAM on the Mac side. Mavericks doing
nothing seems to take up about 1GB RAM. So if you are on a 4GB RAM
machine and give 2GB to your virtual machine, and VMWare taks abouther
3-400MB of overhead, that leaves just 1.5GB RAM or so for the mac side.
Open Safari
So gmail worked in mac mail for a day, and now mac mail is absolutely unusable
again as every single time I hit VO and the arrow key I get a busy message and
then again and again. I am using mac mail on my laptop to send this, and sure
enough gmail isn't working with mac mail here either but dif
Hmm. I checked a newer mini and the only input was Line In from the
audio line-in port and my output shows headphone as I have it connected
via that to the speakers. No built-in microphone.
On 2/18/14 12:05 AM, Dionipher Presas Herrera wrote:
can somebody check there audio mini setup, beca
So I have one computer where I can't use mammall because of nonstop busy
issues, and the other computer has not received one piece of new mail in my
gmail account since Friday. So for those of you sick of my bitching about Apple
and Gmail, try not being able to work every day because of a new is
Maybe some are tired of hearing it cause there's nothing we can do about it.
I can say gmail is an issue period both on windows and on the mac and on their
Sometimes I see mail, sometimes I don't.
It's probably frustrating to a lot of people, but bitching sadly here won't get
it fixed
Thank you guys for the responses! Our laptop we purchased has 8gb of
ram so I was thinking of giving 4gb instead of 2 to the windows system for
better response times.
Take care,
Shannon Gerdts
-Original Message-
From: Chris Blouch
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 2:03 PM
Thanks Tim. Will take a look at this tonight, dealing with mail issues again on
a day when I have a lot of work to get done and am up against it. Thanks again.
On Feb 18, 2014, at 1:10 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> I did a bit of searching on the Net regarding your Logitech keyboard and it
I have a late 2009 Mini and it doesn’t have a built-in microphone. I use a USB
headset instead. Once this is connected, you can choose it from among the
“Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough.”—Richard P. Feynman
On Feb 18, 2014, at 12:09 PM, Chris Blo
you can check from within the program to see if its a free upgrade for you
On Feb 18, 2014, at 1:33 PM, Jessica D wrote:
> is the update free or does it cost?
> can i get it through checking for an update from within the program?
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Feb 18, 2014, at 1:08 PM, Jim Ga
Why not back up your computer, delete your Gmail account completely. Reinstall
it, and try again. It seems to me you're the only one having these issues. I
don't care for the way Gmail operates completely, however I can get around it
and use it both on my iPhone and my Mac.
Pam Francis
Hey May,
Actually I have been spending the past weekend moving everything from gmail,
but I have 9 years of stuff to go through, so accomplishing this in 3 days is
not possible, and then sure enough issues hit.
On Feb 18, 2014, at 3:26 PM, May and Noah wrote:
> Maybe some are tired of hearing
Hi Eric.
I think it is:
www.brailleblaster.org. I am not sure, but I couldn't open the page you sent.
Do you know when the newest brailleblaster has been released.
Best regards Annie.
Den 18 Feb 2014 kl. 02:11 skrev erik burggraaf :
> Hi, On the subject of braille for mac, brailleblaster is loo
Memory-wise, that should be fine. Next would be disk performance. Since
you're on a laptop it's going to be laggy. For example, my MacBook Pro
comes with the Apple Hitachi 750GB drive which is 7200 RPM, which isn't
too bad but some machines save power with slower 4800 or 5200 rpm drives.
I am still getting all mails from here. THen again, I can't upgrade to
mavericks (machine too old). If apple is starting to get lax in their
accessibility, then a causes petition or a email/fax campaign is in order.
Talking to the developers is all find and good, but they don't make the
what email service are you using?? I use gmail here with apple mail.app. I
still have to check the spam box about every 2 or 3 days because some of the
list mail invariably ends up in there (filter issues?).
I have been a long time user of gmail, but their site is getting increasingly
has anyone heard of or used the following application for writing in Braille? I
might purchase it if I cannot find a free program that is "safe" for the mac.
it's called heading level 1 Braille Writer Student
It costs $5.99 and is available in the mac appStore.
If anyone has used it, what can you
Hi may, I think connecting it to the VM via the VM menu should be enough.
Yes, that's correct, it won't work at all on the Mac side.
Jonathan Mosen
Mosen Consulting
Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training
On 14/02/2014, at 9:18 am, May and Noah wrote:
> Hi there.
Hi all.
I know that for some switching from gmail is not an option, but I am slowly
switching over to iCloud as I do not like the way gmail works. If I delete
something then it should be deleted from the server not archived some ware
and then having the server filled with mail the is old
Hi Deb, I went down this exact path when I got my first Mac, because i also use
a broadcast console. My Edirol UA1-EX, which I've had for years and is a
broadcast quality sound interface with no frills, would not work under a VM. At
first I thought they were just saying that because they didn't
Hi Brian and All,
I don't believe that accessibility is a factor here in this case, especially
since many of the Gmail issues in Mavericks are across the board for VO and
non-VO users. So some sort of campaign would be unnecessary and misguided in
my opinion.
I have an idea though for you Bri
Hi Phil,
Thanks for the suggestion. I must be stupid but there's no playlists button
once I select music. I see songs, albums, artists, composers, genres and match.
There's a "my lists" button but that's not the one either.
Any further suggestions? I know it's there somewhere because people talk
Hi Everyone,
I am accumulating quite a few of those extra files that Apple puts on SD cards.
When I put the SD card into my Braille Edge, I can see these extra files, but
when the SD card is in my iMac, these files are not visible to me. I know that
each time I put my card into my Mac, the Ma
how long does it usually take to delete an account from the MBP if using the
default option of saving an image of the user account?
I'm deleting two accounts and it's taking what seems like a very long time,
over 10 minutes now. I'll just let it sit there and do its thing but ...
Spoiled by s
it depends. do you have secure delete turned on? if so, it may take rather a
long time if there is a lot of data to remove.
On Feb 18, 2014, at 4:47 PM, Jenine Stanley wrote:
> how long does it usually take to delete an account from the MBP if using the
> default option of saving an imag
I don't know what to tell you. I'm using the latest iTunes, and I don't have it
set to look like the old iTunes showing the sources table. instead, , I have
the popup button set to "music". then, when I right arrow, I come to a series
of radio buttons labeled radio, songs, artists, albums, genre
Hello Chris,
Our disc drive is a solid state since it's the new retina versions of
macbooks which only come in the ssd option. They only saved one of the
older versions of macbook pros in the 13 inch version which has the old
style hd's. For whatever reason though even switching it to use
Hi Phil,
I did have iTunes set to look like the old iTunes, so I changed it to have the
pop up buttons. Still no luck though, but thanks for trying to help. I see the
playlists button and the table of playlists, but there's nothing there which
says "recently added".
It must be a pref I have set
I don't think I have this on and there's really no data for either of the
accounts. They are just for purposes of learning this machine, hence their
Jenine Stanley
On Feb 18, 2014, at 6:57 PM, eric oyen wrote:
> it depends. do you have secure delete turned
Thanks phil for your help. Looks like I'd deleted the smart playlist but a bit
of googling told me I how to recreate it. I thought it was an accessibility
thing but often these things are just normal user errors.
All sorted now. Thanks for your patience.
You received this message be
Hey Eric,
I am using gmail with mac mail running Mavericks. It took a few hours but is
now finally running ok on my mac air. Amazingly 6 hours later and on my desktop
still nothing but constant busy busy issues every time you move from one
message to the next. Not sure what to do, as I have a r
Hey Tim,
Thanks so much as you are the voice of reason. I think this latest suggestion
is exactly what I have to do as I can do it on my laptop where mail is working
and then disable gmail on the desktop and go through everything. Thanks for the
On Feb 18, 2014, at 6:25 PM, Tim Kilb
look for it in the source table back in the ol iTunes view. its there a few
entries down under playlists.
On Feb 18, 2014, at 7:52 PM, Lisette Wesseling
> Hi Phil,
> I did have iTunes set to look like the old iTunes, so I changed it to have
> the pop up buttons. Still no luck though, b
It all depends on the size of the accounts and the number of files, along with
the speed of your HD and the amount of RAM in your machine. It's sort of a
combination of all those factors. Creating an image often includes compressing
files, so, the amount of time you mentioned is not out o
In Terminal, you can tell your Mac to show hidden files but, in my opinion,
it's unnecessary. Those files that you are speaking of are so small that it
would take thousands of them to use up any amount of space that matters.
Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada
On Feb 18, 2014,
This is discussed in several places on the web. The below seems fairly
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"MacVisionaries" group.
To unsubscribe from this group an
Did you by any chance hide the All Mail or Archive folder (I have seen it
named both ways. from IMAP on the Google settings page? In earlier versions of
MacOS I and several other folks recommended a Tidbits article that suggested
better performance with GMail when it did not allow this folder t
Sorry to take 12 hours to reply.
You can paste it into "AppleScript Editor" and then save and run the script.
Please let me know at jon.c.c...@gmail.com if you have success.
Best wishes,
On Feb 18, 2014, at 7:19 AM, Caitlyn and Maggie
> Ok, I'm going to sound like a total
Did you try my AppleScript? I want to make sure it works for others. Pasted
below for quicker reference.
use AppleMail : application id "com.apple.mail"
activate AppleMail
repeat with vw in message viewers
close vw's window
end repeat
set mywin to make new message viewer without previ
Could be that it is still building an index for those million e-mails. I
suggest leaving it alone for a few hours with the screen locked.
Best wishes,
On Feb 18, 2014, at 8:56 PM, Brian Fischler wrote:
> Hey Eric,
> I am using gmail with mac mail running Mavericks. It took a f
Hey all,
Ok, so I am making the jump from gmail to iCloud. I was told I would need to
use the iCloud website to create my rules if I wanted the messages to follow
those rules across devices. First I had to reload the iCloud website three
times as VoiceOver wouldn't even allow me to enter my App
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