Hey listers,
I have some opinions concerning the reasons for getting a mac.
the answers to the questions are as follows:
1. Which part of the blind community is best helped with a mac?
> A. ther's no specific community who prefers the mac because anyone can buy it
> since access is universal for b
To further expand on a few points.
1. PCs are less expensive because they are essentially subsidized by
third-party software vendors. Microsoft includes a test drive version of
Office, but they pay HP, Dell, etc. for the opportunity to install such.
2. There is a considerably larger quantity of
I may have inadvertently changed something, now, when I click on a
link in Safari, Voicever announces, pressed link, and there is no
longer an indication of when the new page loads.
It does load, but silently, with no audible indication of the download progress.
Any hints as to how to get
When I download books from Bookshare, I use unarchiver to unzip them, then
click on the XML file, and it opens in Safari. Have you tried this? I do have
On Sep 1, 2011, at 10:15 PM, johns.kary wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I used to read and convert Bookshare books by, opening the XML file i
Or perhaps a dropbox link so the list can try it as well. Interested to see it
in action.
On Sep 2, 2011, at 5:55 AM, james Walton wrote:
> hi
> i would like this program
> i see it in the message body but can't download it
> could some one email me off list with it attached?
> thanks
> --
How do I organize apps into folders on my computer?
Is there a way where I can organize my apps using itunes with voice over?
Any tips are welcome.
Thank you very much.
Priscilla Garces
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Gr
A few novice mail questions, if I may.
First, How can I get an imap mailbox to show in the favorites list so I can
use a command number key to call it up? Is that even doable? Seems like a
lot of work to change to another mailbox, if not.
Second. I wanted to move a message into a temp f
I have tried this, and the file does not open in Safari.
Are you a fan of women's music? If so, join me each Thursday from noon until
three for the Eclectic Collection: a Celebration of Women In Music. Point your
media player to:
On Sep 2, 20
Hi all,
Is there a way to have more sound feedback on Mac? I'm still quite new, and
I'm switching from windows, it is something that has surprised me.
For example, when downloading a program from Safari, how do I know it's
progress or when it is completed?
Also when I connected or ejected an
Good afternoon all.
Is their a workable word processing app for the IPad? Basic
paragraph styles, numbered lists, headings bulletted lists headers
footers that type of functionality.
Many thanks, and have a fine week end won't you.
You received this message because you are subscr
Actually, I had my wife trying to help, and still very confused. I had the
Fusion disk in the Super drive, and when I tried installing the tools we got
some of error message saying boot driver could not be found. On the screen
I currently have a series of options, connect super drive, connec
Hey listers,
I have some opinions concerning the reasons for getting a mac.
The answers to the questions are as follows:
1. Which part of the blind community is best helped with a mac?
> A. there's no specific community who prefers the mac because anyone can buy
> it since access is universal for
Dear Greg,
It is good to hear from you. Thank you very much for the gift of the
audioconversion application. It's very generous.
Here in Wales UK, things are okay. I am still working, and I am mad about my
Mac computer and iPad. Truly hooked although I do worry sometimes about the
fact that o
Dear list,
I have a bootcamp partition with Win 7. I'd like to back it up but
have not found a good solution. If I were to purchase VM Fusion and convert my
partition could I then use Carbon copy cloner to back up windows as it is
probably part of my Mac HD at that point?
Related qu
You can build this under fink...
fink install re-alpinoperations-center:~ root#
operations-center:~ root#
operations-center:~ root# fink install re-alpine
Information about 10441 packages read in 2 seconds.
WARNING: your info file index has not been updated for 19 days. You should run
'fink se
Dear list,
I have a bootcamp partition with Win 7. I'd like to back it up but
have not found a good solution. If I were to purchase VM Fusion and convert my
partition could I then use Carbon copy cloner to back up windows as it is
probably part of my Mac HD at that point?
Related qu
Hello list:
I've just noticed that the show all bookmarks and history seems to be broken as
far as vo is concerned. For some reason, I am unable to find any bookmarks or
history items with vo and I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed this. Also,
could there be something that I'm not on to
Hi Tracy,
I also miss having the sound that tells you when a USB devise is added
or removed. There is no option for that on the Mac. However you will find
ways to hear download status or status of something happening, There are
settings for playing a tone or saying percent. once you
Dear list,
I have a bootcamp partition with Win 7. I'd like to back it up but
have not found a good solution. If I were to purchase VM Fusion and convert my
partition could I then use Carbon copy cloner to back up windows as it is
probably part of my Mac HD at that point?
Related qu
I bbelieve this is the podcast we are talking about. It has all of the Lion
VoiceOver documentation in mp3 format too.
On Sep 1, 2011, at 9:09 PM, David Tanner wrote:
> Hi John,
> I am using iCatcher. What is the best way to subscribe to this podcast u
Just for what it's worth, the ITunes update fixed not only ITunes issues, but
another problem I was having with VO. I'm thinking that perhaps there was a
conflict of some kind that was resolved.
On Aug 23, 2011, at 8:25 AM, Maccessibility wrote:
> iTunes 10.4.1 is Released with VoiceOver Fixes
Can anyone please tell me how to disable programs that start up when I boot up
my Mac?
Also, how do you remove a bootcamp partition and allocate the space back to
your Mac's hd?
Kind regards
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
I am afraid you will have to be a little more specific.
1. In Lion by default every program that was running when you logout or
shutdown the computer will be restarted.
2. You can mark programs to start at login via the DOCK and/or system
3. Several utility programs are started by i
Hi Gram,
About the partition removal. You get rid of it the same way you built
it. Go to the utilities folder under applications then to bootcamp. start the
app. there will be a button for create or remove bootcamp partition. select
that and follow the directions. It is straightf
On Thu, 1 Sep 2011, Paul Erkens wrote:
So, given the 4-byte representation of characters in utf8 unicode, a
braille table could easily be made up based on that character set. This
would of course imply that some braille dot patterns would occur more
than once in unicode, because an accented le
When in the body of the e-mail message, listen for Voiceover saying "link. Then
try to interact with the text with vo+shift+down arro and move vo cursor rightt
or left until you hear voiceover say "link. Even if you are at the beginning or
end of the link as long as Voiceover says link,
hi i just i got a iPod 4g touch 32 gig and connect wirelessly
it shows my connection
is there a way to edit the connection
i double tapped my connection and no luck
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group,
Yes Chad,
You need to hit more info
Then leave network
Then re join the network
On Sep 2, 2011, at 9:08 PM, chad baker wrote:
> hi i just i got a iPod 4g touch 32 gig and connect wirelessly
> it shows my connection
> is there a way to edit the connection
> i double tapped my connection and no l
Just double tap the More Info button beside where it has the name of your
network. Then, you can edit the IP address and such if that's what you're
trying to do.
On Sep 2, 2011, at 9:08 PM, chad baker wrote:
> hi i just i got a iPod 4g touch 32 gig and connect wirelessly
> it sh
Hi folks,
Is there more then just one way to move mail into their mailboxes? As it is,
one has to first close the post before using the ctrl+option+shift+M command.
Is there an alternative command that will allow you to move mail without having
to first close the post you wish to move?
Hi all,
I have a question about moving files into folder, is there a way of moving
email into seperate folders especially for the IPhone? I am wanting to put two
folders on gmail. One for college and one for mac info. Inbox gets cluttered
and its hard to organize the emails this way. Thanks in a
Hi all,
Is anyone else experiencing this?
Sometimes I will get a piece of mail in Lion Mail that keeps multiplying
itself. I have seen a miracle happen where I would move a certain post into a
mailbox only to be surprised to come back to my inbox to see the same post I
just moved. The first
Hi all,
I know of course, of iTunes for radio, however is there other options? I've
been looking around in the app store, and I was thinking on seeing about any
Safari extensions.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" gro
I use radium to listen wold radios on its directory and put URLS of streams.
You can find this app on the appstore
Atention: This app has an equalizer and the sound cavity is rally cool, but you
can't record from the radio
El 02/09/2011, a las 23:16, Traci escribió:
> Hi al
My trackpad has been acting really weird. If I have trackpad commander on,
voiceover randomly does various commands, such as what seems to be a flick
right or left to go to the next or previous item, double tapping, muting
voiceover, etc. When voiceover is off, others report that the mou
I've noticed similar things when Trackpad commander is on but only when using
VO. I've just chalked it up to my thumbs getting close enough to the trackpad
to be sensed and thus causing the issues. Therefore, I've stopped using the TP
commander when doing lots of typing sorts of things. I can
Usually, you go into the Settings then into the WIFI connection and then you're
able to edit in from within there.
On 2011-09-02, at 7:08 PM, chad baker wrote:
> hi i just i got a iPod 4g touch 32 gig and connect wirelessly
> it shows my connection
> is there a way to edit the conn
Thanks, that worked like a charm.
- Original Message -
From: "Jon Cohn"
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2011 2:17 PM
Subject: Re: Subscribe to Vision Australia podcasts [was Re: How do you use
autocorrect/fix a mispelled word]
I bbelieve this is the podcast we are talking about.
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