No, the I phone is not like the track pad as I do not have the magic one.
I find the I phone less sensative and on occasions find that I have to tap the
I phone twice to open things.
Sent from my iPhone
On 2 Aug 2011, at 04:00 AM, Christopher Peppel wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have been
Hello All.
I listened to Ricardo's podcast re activities and tried setting a safari
activity changing the voice too.
I turned Voice over off before loading Safari and turned Voice Over back on.
The voice did not change so I assume the activity did not work.
I wish to know what I am doing wrong
Hi listers,
I think I need a bit of help getting airdrop to work. As discussed earlier on
the list, drag and drop with VoiceOver, using v o comma to indicate the item to
drag, and v o period to start the drag operation onto the spot where the voice
over cursor is at the key press, does not work
Hello everyone. This morning my IPhone update failed so I had to restore it.
I chose to restore from my IPhone backup. All is well except for my apps. My
folders are app there but none of my purchased apps are. I looked in my apps
tab and can see all of them. I thought I could check the apps that I
Have you tried connecting to Itunes using your Mac or computer?
Sent from my iPhone
On 2 Aug 2011, at 10:38 AM, "Paul Hunt" wrote:
> Hello everyone. This morning my IPhone update failed so I had to restore it.
> I chose to restore from my IPhone backup. All is well except for my apps.
Hi All,
A hopefully quick question, I used to have my mail in Snow Leopard set up so
that my forums mail, which has its own mailbox and e-mail address, would be
shown in a threaded view, I would arrow down my mailbox list to the Forums
mailbox, stop interacting and arrow right to the messages v
Yeah I must admit, I used to browse this way too. I have not tried it in
classic mode, so have you tried to see if you can still do it that way?
On 2 Aug 2011, at 10:53, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:
> Hi All,
> A hopefully quick question, I used to have my mail in Snow Leopard set up so
Hi Ricardo!
Someone on the other list suggested that you might find them in
And be able to delete from there!
On 2 Aug 2011, at 01:27, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hello list,
> I was wondering, when you download the new voices found in Lion, where do
> they go?
it does seem to work that way in classic view, but my opinion is that switching
back to classic view is ultimately self defeating, as eventually classic view
will go, and this will not be in Lion sure, but perhaps a revision or so down
the line, at which time, learning all the changes from Snow
Hello, Kawal,
I'll see if I can spell the steps out both thoroughly and concisely.
Open VO Utility and choose Activities from the categories list. Then go to the
add button and press it. Follow all of the controls on the new activity screen.
You must name your activity by choosing a running ap
I find that using the favorites bar in combination with quick-keys associated
with it makes the new layout very easy to navigate. Once you create aliases in
the favorites bar by simply dragging the mailboxes to it, you have the
keystrokes command-1, command-2, command-3, etc. depending on the or
I should clarify something I said. In the new activity settings, there is a
place for the title. Just rename it from the default untitled. There is also a
setting to associate it with an application. It's best to have the application
open before you open the new activity, as all the open ones wi
Hello Teresa.
I did as you have described, but when I opened Safari after turning Voice Over
Off and on, I expected to hear Daniel but Alex was still speaking so what is
wrong? I even restarted the Mac just in case. What do you and others think?
Sent from my iPhone
On 2 Aug 2011, at 0
Hi, Kawal,
Are there other settings in the activity that you've verified to be working?
Also, have you tested the downloadable voices to see if they are available on
your computer?
On Aug 2, 2011, at 6:47 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Hello Teresa.
> I did as you have described, but w
Hi Teresa.
I did specify other settings for safari such as quick Nav and had downloaded
quite a number of voices long before I tried this. Quick Nav works.
Sent from my iPhone
On 2 Aug 2011, at 03:21 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> Hi, Kawal,
> Are there other settings in the activity t
The keys in Fusion won't remap as you expect unless you remap them in your
virtual machine using Fusion. In other words, the right cmd key is also a
Windows key, just as the left cmd key is; the right option key is also alt,
just as the left option key is alt. You will want to remap these k
I am trying to complete a survey and can't get past the first question. It
does not have check boxes so I assume that I need to click on the appropriate
choice. I have a laptop with a trackpad and I'm still using Snow Leopard.
In all attempts I first verified that the mouse was on the p
Thanks for that. That's exactly where they are stored.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
On Aug 2, 2011, at 6:19 AM, Red.Falcon wrote:
Hi Ricardo!
Someone on the other list suggested that you might find them in
Hi Kawal,
I think changing the voice manually when you open safari should do it. Go to
Safari and press VO command Left Or right arrow until you reach the voices
category then, press VO command down arrow to select Daniel. He should be the
default voice for Safari now.
Ricardo Walker
Hello Linda,
Having tried everything I could think of to make this work, I asked my husband
to have a look. The buttons to select Yes, No, or I don't know, are
inaccessible with VO. VO reads the labels, but the actual buttons are to the
left, and VO skips over them.
The Web rotor shows no butt
My keys are already remapped. And like I said in my previous post, I'm able to
copy something to the clip board in windows, using mac commands, and when I
paste it in mac documents or email, it works. just fine
Kliphton SR
(twitter&Skype) kliphton72
(Marriage Blog) http://cm-i-t-real-world.blogs
Hey guys, I just installed calibre on my Mac and have found it to be
inaccessible. I know the topic has come up before here but I would like someone
to point me in the right direction to command line help if possible. When I
launch the application itself as you know, there are a lot of unknowns.
Hey, I don't know if it's me with the problem with the new update to safari and
pages like Google, but I have been experiencing some problems with text fields.
When I go to google to search, voiceover does not read anything I'm typing
though it does type. After my search is complete and I want t
I have a question about the audio editor called fission from Rogue Amoeba. How
can I select and remove chunks of a file, I was told that it's accessible?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this gr
I have had a strange thing happen since I upgraded to Lion with dropbox. The
problem is I no longer see the dropbox submenu in my context menu. How can I
copy public links or share a folder without seeing this menu? Has anyone else
had this problem?
You received this message because
Wish I had noted this before. My manager just got a new Macbook so we
used CCC to migrate everything from his old Macbook to the new one by
putting the new machine in target mode and then cloning it all via
firewire. Worked well but we never did figure out how to get to the
status thermometer a
Hi all,
I am a musician and one of the best VST's I've found is called addictive drums.
I have used it on windows under vst host and it works, but I am wondering how
this would work under garage band. And if no one has tried this, what are some
high quality, realistic drum kits that i can custo
No Ricardo this is not working, meaning that I can select Daniel for Safari but
when I quit safari and go back to finder, and change the voice back to Alex,
open safari, Alex is then the default voice.
On 2 Aug 2011, at 16:29, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi Kawal,
> I think changing the voice man
OK, I'm coming in here late, so forgive me if these questions have already
been asked. Did you check the box for voices in the Activities pane in VO
Utility. Also, did you select the voice you want to use for the activity in
the Activities pane. You must set that there in order for the act
There are some nice drum kits included in the Apple Jam Packs for Garage Band.
On 2 Aug 2011, at 19:45, Cody wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am a musician and one of the best VST's I've found is called addictive
> drums. I have used it on windows under vst host and it works, but I am
> wondering how thi
I did all of these things so now I do not understand.
On 2 Aug 2011, at 20:00, John Panarese wrote:
> OK, I'm coming in here late, so forgive me if these questions have already
> been asked. Did you check the box for voices in the Activities pane in VO
> Utility. Also, did you select the voi
To the member who noticed an issue with not seeing the Drop Box submenu, I can
verify this fact. It would appear that we must either:
1. Make the people at Drop Box aware of this issue; and, maybe they will
listen or not.
2. Report this to Apple. Most likely, they'll say it's on the develop
I use drop box with no problem with voiceover.
May and Prince Noah
On 2011-08-02, at 3:03 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> To the member who noticed an issue with not seeing the Drop Box submenu, I
> can verify this fact. It would appear that we must either:
> 1. Make the people at Drop Box aware
I was going to personally reply to a list member but I can't figure out how to
highlight each header. Before, I could open the message with return, shift tab
to headers, vo/right arrow to the email address so that I could select it. Now
I can't seem to highlight any headers and I don't th
Have you tried using a different voice for the Activity just to see if the
Daniel voice isn't the problem? Again, just thinking out loud here. I know
when I used Daniel for an audio demo I did on the new voices, I initially had
trouble getting him to stick in my activity. I had to keep s
I will certainly file a trouble report with dropbox. Meanwhile, Do you know
how to copy a public link from the web interface?
On Aug 2, 2011, at 3:03 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> To the member who noticed an issue with not seeing the Drop Box submenu, I
> can verify this fact. It would appear t
There is a new beta that works with Lion. You might have to grab it and
then reinstall it.
Take Care
John Panarese
On Aug 2, 2011, at 3:13 PM, May McDonald wrote:
> I use drop box with no problem with voiceover.
> May and Prince Noah
> On 2011-08-02, at 3:03 PM, R
Are you using Lion? IF so, how do you access the Drop Box submenu now? I can
no longer be done via the short cut menu. I thought perhaps I might find it in
the sidebar or tool bar; but, no luck.
Please, remember, the member and I are reffering to Drop box under Lion, not SL.
Okay. So, where is it?
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
Skype name:
On Aug 2, 2011, at 2:16 PM, John Panarese wrote:
>There is a new beta that works with Lion. You might have to grab
It came out a few days after Lion's release. Unfortunately, I can't find
the version number. I had to get rid of the previous version and then install
the new one using the same instructions that were posted on
Take Care
John Panarese
On Aug 2, 20
I will try that and let you know.
On 2 Aug 2011, at 20:16, John Panarese wrote:
> Have you tried using a different voice for the Activity just to see if
> the Daniel voice isn't the problem? Again, just thinking out loud here. I
> know when I used Daniel for an audio demo I did on the new
I'm sure that this works fine for any sort of mailbox management issue, but the
issue to which I am referring to is a very specific one relating to interacting
with columns.
On 2 Aug 2011, at 14:29, Teresa Cochran wrote:
I find that using the favorites bar in combination with q
What is the equivalent of file associations in the Mac world.
Currently, all PDFs open in an inaccessible version of Acrobat
Reader. I can read things in Preview, but don't know how to make all
PDFs open in Preview instead of Acrobat. How do I do this?
You received this m
Found it.
The link to it is:
This will start the download.
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
Skype name:
On Aug 2, 2011, at 2:24 PM, John P
I am glad you figured it out. I've yet to reset my pram, though I am afraid
I'll let up on the keys a split second too late or something and screw things
up. I think that might help my problem though.
On Aug 1, 2011, at 6:08 AM, joseph wrote:
> hi
> finally with a help of a sighted friend i
The beta version will have the context menu back.
On 2 Aug 2011, at 22:17, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Are you using Lion? IF so, how do you access the Drop Box submenu now? I
> can no longer be done via the short cut menu. I thought perhaps I might find
> it in the sidebar or tool bar; b
The new Dropbox betas solve this problem. We've been using 1.2.16 and it
seems to work fine.
Note that 1.2.18 is out now but we've not tried it.
The thread on the Dropbox Beta forums about this release can be read at
It's worth noting that
Sorry, got an emergency phone call. Meant to send another message. Ignore my
message, I remembered after I sent mine that this had to do with LIon. I don't
use that yet. I've thought of trying it but haven't made the switch.
Sorry for the confusion.
May and Prince Noah
On 2011-08-02, at 3:17 P
Thing is, I still cannot access the prefs menu for Drop box. In fact, this
brings up the issue that Michael raised yesterday about the mouse and hidden
items in the menu bar.
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
Skype name:
If you select the document file and do a Get Info (Command-I) you will
find a section pretty far down called Open With. This could be a
collapsed disclosure triangle. If you expand it (spacebar) you'll find a
pop up button to choose which app you want that document to be opened
with. A little f
And it works! It wasn't easy to find that beta but I got it and installed it
and it's working fine.
Thank you so much.
On Aug 2, 2011, at 3:34 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Found it.
> The link to it is:
> This will start the download.
> HTH.
Activities is now doing my head in. Selected new voice Emily and still the
activity does not work.
On 2 Aug 2011, at 20:31, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> I will try that and let you know.
> On 2 Aug 2011, at 20:16, John Panarese wrote:
>>Have you tried using a different voice for the Activity
OK, as a last resort, try completely removing that Activity and carefully
set it up again from scratch. I just changed my Safari Activity to using
Daniel and it works as it should.
Take Care
John Panarese
On Aug 2, 2011, at 3:57 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Activi
On Tue, 2 Aug 2011, Geoff Shang wrote:
We were able to just copy the app into the applications folder as normal and
then run. Of course, we had to force-quit the running DB in order to do
Sorry, this is wrong. I forgot that it doesn't show up in force-quit.
You need to go into Activi
I've just tried to do this. This is what I did.
I vo+left arrow to the message header area. I then interacted with it. Once you
interact, I moved with vo+right once and landed on "details" link. Voiceover
actually says here "link". I pressed vo+spacebar on this link. This resulted in
On Tue, 2 Aug 2011, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
Thing is, I still cannot access the prefs menu for Drop box. In fact,
this brings up the issue that Michael raised yesterday about the mouse
and hidden items in the menu bar.
True, I forgot to say that this solves the context menu issue but
Just done as you've suggested and now I have the same problem but also now if I
press H for headings, even though I have selected navigation and quick nav
nothing works.
On 2 Aug 2011, at 21:08, John Panarese wrote:
> OK, as a last resort, try completely removing that Activity and
> carefu
I am sitting here scratching my head. I'm not sure what is going on here.
If you want, please write me off list and I can try to troubleshoot this via
iChat or Skype. I've set up four Activities and I have not encountered any
issues with voices or the like.
Take Care
John Panarese
I used CCC when I switched to a larger disk before installing Lion.
It worked great. I'm actting because folks have said that Super Duper
is accessible. I tried several times to get it to work for me, and I
did read one or two screen ssuccessfully, but in general, I found
myself doing
I am having the same problem. It has happened to me on all websites
where I have tried to enter text. Two of the websites are Facebook
Does anyone have ideas how to correct this?
Thank you,
laura Selena Sang wrote:
> Hey, I don't know if it's me with the problem with the new u
I knew about your method Kliph a long time ago.
Not tried Fusion in Lion though.
On 2 Aug 2011, at 17:31, Kliph&Sharrie wrote:
> My keys are already remapped. And like I said in my previous post, I'm able
> to copy something to the clip board in windows, using mac commands, and when
> I paste
I have an audio book whose tracks have names like 0101-0.mp3 and go all the way
through 0115_0.mp3 before switching to 02-1_0.mp3, obviously ripped off the
disks but not given sensible names. When I selected all five disks with 18 or
so tracks each, Itunes imported them and then promptly mixed
I just used the screen saver that dimmed the screen; the default one, but
suspecting that, I turned it off to no avail. I haven't had the problem today
though as soon as I post this I probably will. That's usually what happens.
:) I think that it was because the Log Me In program was no
Can we do this tomorrow? I am based in the Uk. My Skype is kawalgucukoglu
write me off list to discuss times.
On 2 Aug 2011, at 21:39, John Panarese wrote:
> I am sitting here scratching my head. I'm not sure what is going on
> here. If you want, please write me off list and I can try t
Hello Simon, and thanks for the reply. I tried doing this, just now, but the
only header that shows is hide. I can't get details or anything like that to
come up as I used to. I'll try it again but this is frustrating. Thanks again
.On Aug 2, 2011, at 1:19 PM, Simon Cavendish wrote:
> Hell
Hello Ricardo,
This just happened here.
What I noticed was that the VO cursor was, at the time, over a dynamic part of
the page (ads, in this case).
So I pressed "Escape" to cancel the "Add bookmark" window that VO wasn't seeing
and moved the VO cursor to a static part of the page and tried agai
Hi Carlene!
OK I'm still not using Lion!
But could the add to address book command help here!
Or has that been removed!
Just in case you do not know it, :] the command is command+shift+Y
Well hth Colin
On 2 Aug 2011, at 23:45, carlene knight wrote:
> Hello Simon, and thanks for the reply. I t
Thanks for reminding me of that command. I didn't have to put anything in
addresses before, but perhaps I will have too. Thanks for the thought.
On Aug 2, 2011, at 4:02 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:
> Hi Carlene!
> OK I'm still not using Lion!
> But could the add to address book command help here!
> O
Hi Laura and Laura! :]
Yes I've inherited this problem as well!
I'm still on SL and I've also got that reading misspelled words in other
peoples messages!
And a couple of the other things people have mentioned!
Oh well we'll see if all these reports to accessibility might help!
> I am havin
This happens with Safari 5.1 in Snow Leopard.
There's no fix for it for now, except upgrading to Lion, sorry…
On Aug 2, 2011, at 10:14 PM, Laura Bratton wrote:
> I am having the same problem. It has happened to me on all websites
> where I have tried to enter text. Two of the
How odd. With safari open, and daniel selected, try opening VO utilities again
and go to your safari activity. Then for the "Automatically use this activity
for" option, choose safari from the pop up menu.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
You have to down load the beta. It is version 1.2.16.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
On Aug 2, 2011, at 3:16 PM, John Panarese wrote:
There is a new beta that works with Lion. You might have to grab it and
then reinstall it.
Actually there is a partial work-around. Once you've typed text into a field,
interact with that field. YOu'll now at least be able to reread / edit your
this doesn't solve the issue of the characters or words not being spoken as you
type them, but it does at least improve the situation j
Mark, have you tried selecting your 'Recently Added' playlist in iTunes? This
will show the latest files you've added so that you can either rename them or
change their classification to audio book if you choose..
HTH and have a wonderful day!
Cara :)
View my Online Portfolio at:
Hello carlene,
This still works, you just have to do a few extra steps:
1) Open the message with enter.
2) VO left arrow to move to the "message headers group".
3) Interact with the "message headers group".
4) VO right arrow to the link that reads "details" or "hide". If it's
"details", VO space
Hmm. I might have to run my external drive version of Lion a bit more. I'm
still not ready to reinstall it oficially, but
from what I've seen, at least on my system, isn't going
away. Yes, I know that all I have to do to get
rid of it is press command tab, but that just seems
Sadly, I don't think has anything to do with spotlight.
I've disabled spotlight to the best of my
ability, and still shows up. My theory, for what it's
worth, is that it has something to do with
customizing/rearranging the programs on your doc. My doc is or
in the past I have installed windows with little to no speech and had sighted
assistance. this will be my first time doing a mac install.
will vo talk during the install? and is it worth it to do a clean install ore
is the upgrade working for people.
I am thinking that now is the time to do it be
The vo commands don't work in ITunes 10.4 and neither does the commnd. How do I
access the menus?
On Aug 2, 2011, at 7:02 PM, craig J Dunlop wrote:
> in the past I have installed windows with little to no speech and had sighted
> assistance. this will be my first time doing a mac install.
> wi
Thanks. I was afraid that if I tapped the hide button it would do just that
and hide something I wanted to see. I forgot that it toggles. Thanks so much.
That's confusing to my wee little brain. :)
On Aug 2, 2011, at 4:52 PM, André Nuno Soares wrote:
> Hello carlene,
> This still works,
I just checked, the voics are definitely there. You may not want to just delete
them though, if the system still thinks they are there, it may cause problems.
I think if you uncheck the option for each voice, it may uninstall them, not
sure on that though. The premium voices definitely use a lar
One interesting thing I noticed, all of the compact voices are there, but I
guess only the ones that you check will be available, the quality difference is
huge, honesty I see no reason to use the compact voices, the quality is just
too poor.
On Aug 2, 2011, at 10:24 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
To get pdf files to open in preview, do the following. Highlight a PDF file,
and press command i for the info window. Navigate to the extension section, you
may have to expand it. You will find an option for what to use to open the
file, open the pop up menu and choose preview. Right after that
Hi! I'm noticing that too. Even though my typing verbosity is set to
characters, I almost never hear what I'm typing in
saphari. In fact, the only place I'm getting reliable keyboard echo seems to be
text edit. I'm still using SL, so I'm
guessing this is something weird with the new Saphari. Of c
I couldn't agree more. Some of them are just down right unintelligible in my
Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
On Aug 2, 2011, at 8:44 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
One interesting thing I noticed, all of the compact voices are there, but I
I would do a clean install, though others have had good luck with the upgrade,
I just prefer to start fresh with a new operating system. Whether you choose
the upgradeor clean install, it's totally accessible through the whole process,
that's something windows can't even come close to.
On Aug 2,
I have seen this but more often than not I'm getting typing feedback. I'm not
sure if this will make a difference but, maybe people who are encountering this
problem often might want to consider using web kit.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
Agreed! I'm already not a super big fan of Nuance voices in general, so the
compact versions just weren't an option. The high
quality versions are actually listenable, though; I really like Karen and Lee
in particular.
-Original Message-
From: [mailto:macv
What is web kit and how would I go about finding/installing it? I don't know if
that would be too advanced for me to handle
at this stage, but I really do want typing feedback back in saphari.
-Original Message-
From: [
Its nothing to complicated, I promise. :). Webkit is the engine running
underneath safari. Its a open source project, and they are always putting out
nightly builds. So you find yourself having fixes earlier. Problem is, Once
in a very blue moon, a annoying bug will be introduced. In t
funny enough, pressing control and arrows on my virtual machine brings up
dashboard. i have no idea why this is happening since i installed lion.
On 2 Aug 2011, at 22:40, carlene knight wrote:
> Hi:
> I just used the screen saver that dimmed the screen; the default one, but
> suspe
Do you notice that the australian voices can't read text, but when on the
IPhone Karen reads just fine. Oh well, the compact voices are nasty anyway.
sent from my macbook pro
On 2011-08-02, at 8:44 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
> One interesting thing I noticed, all of the compact voices are there, bu
I actually like the nuance voices quite a bit, I like them better than acapela
voices actually, speech is a very subjective thing though.
On Aug 2, 2011, at 8:33 PM, Missy Hoppe wrote:
> Agreed! I'm already not a super big fan of Nuance voices in general, so the
> compact versions just weren't a
Want another weirdness? Here you go. For at least three days now, I've been
able to expand a conversation in Mail by using the right arrow key and then
arrowing to each message I wish to read and pressing VO+j to interact with the
text and just read. Now, starting with this session of
I know exactly what you mean Mike. I'm using the Samantha voice on my Mac, my
Iphone and my Stream.
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
Skype name:
On Aug 2, 2011, at 9:22 PM, Mike Arrigo wro
HI all,
I have created two different calendars in Ical. One for home and one for
work. When I create an event I choose "home" or "work" under event details so
that the event I created will be under the correct calendar.
When I try to view the events on one of the calendars, all events for both
Not to mention that the compact voices sound like the voices used in iPods and
iPhones, especially Samantha.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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When I hit the VO keys a lot, such as in Facebook, I either get the dashboard
or finder popping up as one has a hotkey of control+left arrow and the other
control+right arrow. I know I'm pissing and moaning, but am I the only one
with this problem? Sorry for my rant.
You received thi
My fiancé is having a problem where her iPhone is not locking while she is on
the phone. So, she ends up accidentally pressing buttons and such while she is
talking, and it is quite annoying both for her and the people with whom she is
I've looked through the settings, but can'
go into system prefs/mission control. Now all the pop up menus after Keyboard
and Mouse Shortcuts? Change them to dash dash to disable them.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
On Aug 2, 2011, at 10:52 PM, carlene knight wrote:
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