I'd have a look at the assistiveware site, , or maybe Cepstral would have
voices in those languages, if Assistiveware doesn't?
On Feb 18, 2011, at 12:33 AM, Kevin Reeves wrote:
> Hey folks. An instructor in training here at the Louisiana Center for the
> Blind is from Kurgistan. She was curiou
That seems quite odd, as I have a iMac and a 13 inch Macbook Pro, and VM Fusion
is fine on the Macbook. I also have the iPal Solo (stand alone version of the
iPal). I opted for this as I did not realise at the time they were working on
Mac software.
On 18 Feb 2011, at 01:40, David Tanner wrote
Well, there is only one thing that I can say, which is, whatever the case of
Steve Jobso's health, he has done a remarkable thing which is bringing
accessability in to the main stream so whatever happens, he will be remembered
because no other company thus far have done this and I'm not saying t
Hi lister's,
For the last week or so every time I try to read comments, event invites or
practically anything other then the home page on m.facebook.com, vo just keeps
saying safari busy, safari ready. It just keeps looping around and around
till I move away from that page. The main page of
Well think you have heard wrong. My wife and I both have these and they both
have been dropped at least once or twice and worked just fine. Of course if you
drop them from a significant height, well like most things it likely won't
On Feb 17, 2011, at 8:21 PM, Sarah Alawami w
WIth regard to the sound not functioning on the 13-inch MBP while in the
Windows VM, I have not had any problems at all. The 13-inch MBP I is maybe a
year old and provided by my employer. So, even with all their tweaks and such,
I have yet to encounter any failure in sound while in the VM. I am
18 feb 2011 kl. 01.12 skrev Jes Smith:
> So, what will happen to Apple's Accessibility team after Jobs is gone? Will
> we lose access to voice over, or will it cease to be updated? What do you
> guys think?
I hate to say this, but it wouldn't surprice me in the least if the first thing
that g
Yes, I am having this too, although I haven't found any way of getting
round it, other than to use touch.facebook.com on my iPhone LOL.
Sorry I can't help moree.
Take care,
johns.kary wrote:
> Hi lister's,
> For the last week or so every time I try to read comments, event invites or
> practical
Depending on what your drive is, you can possibly get a utility to do
a low level check on it.
Failing that, now I notice you've got it fixed, and you're going to
format, do a low level format, by having Mac OS X write 0's over th
Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Okay. This is too weird. I turn my
Sorry for my partial post, I managed to hit the send key LOL.
Yeah, I was saying... do a low level format. I believe Mac OS X does
it when you set security options to write 0's over it. Either that, or
I just checked, and OS X does have the dd utility built into it. You
can load up the terminal, a
> 1. How do you import a song into Itunes using the keyboard? Right now
> I just click it in its location in the finder (or my external drive)
> and let Itunes play it, which seems to import it automatically.
> Needless to say, though, this can get laborious!
I have all my music organised by iTun
Nope. When I go to:
and read comments posted on other friends walls, (which is what I assume you
are doing) I can read everything. Am I correct in my guess?
PS. OT I guess, but, how does one make a link to one's facebook page so that
if the link is put in to an e-mail signatu
You can get a female Russian voice from infovox that works well with voiceover.
assistivewear is the vendor for that. I don't know of anything for Kirghiz.
Mary Otten
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To post
One problem with your supposition there my friend. Apple INC is in Amerca.
Rest easy.
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
Skype Name:
On Feb 18, 2011, at 5:14 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
> 18 feb 2011 kl. 01.12 skrev Jes S
Hi all,
I believe that the problem is not loosing sound in the VM, but on the Windows
side in a Boot Camp partition. I have set-up several 13 inch Macbook Pro and
invariably experienced the problem of loosing sound on the Windows side. Last
time, we were thrilled because we got sound to work,
Sorry, I seem to be doing this a lot today. Turned the mouse off now
> 1. How do you import a song into Itunes using the keyboard? Right now
> I just click it in its location in the finder (or my external drive)
> and let Itunes play it, which seems to import it automatically.
> Needless to
Well considering the source and it's legendary journalistic integrety, not much.
Accessibility is making them some money and gaining them a lot of loyalty
amongst this and other elements of the blind community, and they love that sort
of thing. Apple is as much a marketting company as it is a el
I believe your fears to be unfounded. If APple were to make such a decision, it
would have nothing to do with Steve Jobs and instead on a business-based
reason. At this point the horse has left the barn as they say, so as others
have said and I concur, the probability of accessibility being drop
That just solves the problem, only go the way of the VM. See the VM is supreme
since you can close Windows when it acts poorly. :) Actually I have been very
pleased with the entire concept of the VM and now I can actually enjoy only
using the things in windows I absolutely must. However,
I last posted this message with another subject, but as it seems to have
slipped under the radar, here it is again.
I am glad to say that the use of Garage Band, although different than other
programs with which I am used to working, is fairly simple. My question is in
regards to track selection
To select a portion of a track, you need to split it up into regions. For
example, you want measures 4-13 like you mentioned. You would go to the track
and press command T to split at the beginning of the 4th measure. Then move
ahead to the beginning of measure 14 and press Command T aga
Hi Brandon:
Works with the iPhone just fine. Sure, not the best for on the go. But, an
option. The other thing she may want to try is setting orientation to the
landscape mode, to give her more keyboard space, or, use a couple rubber bands
to help with orientation.
On Feb 17, 201
Ok, where did this info come from? Do we even know if it's true? How can you
speculate about the future of accessibility, and not even respect that someone
is losing a life? That is, if this is true. And if he is indeed fighting for
his life, what a huge loss in so many ways if he loses
Hi Kary,
I am able to access profile, messages, friends, etc on m.facebook.com and have
no problems reading, posting and liking.
What's your mac make, model, OS version, browser version? I assume you've
rebooted and tried the same thing with no other apps or web pages open?
Is anything else li
Hi All,
Thinking about getting a Mac Mini to get up to speed with Garage Band. As I
know nothing about the system, can anyone comment on their experience with
GB and perhaps point me to a tutorial on how to get started with GB? All
comments appreciated.
You received this message
Of possible interest, as it gives these folks subjects from many platforms.
hope some can take part.
Take a Survey: Text-to-Speech Delivery of Description of
Web-based Video
WGBH's Carl and Ruth Shapiro Family National Center for
Accessible Media (NCAM) is conducting a joint study with
Hi all,
I hope you are having a wonderful day. I hope someone can help me. I'm trying
to format a disc to do TIme Machine backups on. THe hard drive I had the
backups on died. I'm thinking I need to reformat it and do the backup again. I
have to take my Macbook to Apple as it will not hold a ch
Well, personally, if he only had 6 weeks to live I don't think he would be
going out much and he was spotted out last night at a meeting of tech
executives and Obama at the home of a venture capitalist. Everyone was there
including the founder of facebook, Chambers from Cisco, Steve Jobs and fo
I also have a 13 inch MBP running windows under VMWare Fusion with no sound
issues whatsoever. I'm running Jaws 12 over there as well. My MBP is 15
months old.
On Feb 18, 2011, at 5:29 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
> WIth regard to the sound not functioning on the 13-inch MBP while in the
> Window
In disk utility format as hfs journaled.
On 18/02/2011, at 9:50, Allison Manzino wrote:
> Hi all,
> I hope you are having a wonderful day. I hope someone can help me. I'm trying
> to format a disc to do TIme Machine backups on. THe hard drive I had the
> backups on died. I'm thinking I
No his power button is now faulty. Take care all.
On 18/02/2011, at 2:26, Scott Howell wrote:
> Well think you have heard wrong. My wife and I both have these and they both
> have been dropped at least once or twice and worked just fine. Of course if
> you drop them from a significant height,
Hi Sarah,
Thank you for the helpful hint. I don't see the HSF format you spoke of though.
Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place. Hmm, I went under disc utilities and then
saw format mac os extended jurnaled, mac journaled. I erased all my data on the
disc and I'm now backing up again. It seems t
Hello. go to the disk utility choose yoru time machine disk and choose erase.
Now choose hfs hournaled from the pop up menu.
On Feb 18, 2011, at 1:53 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
> Hi Sarah,
> Thank you for the helpful hint. I don't see the HSF format you spoke of
> though. Maybe I'm looking
Is there any good way to record a podcast on the Mac. What is the best software
to use. Please let me know thanks
Sent from my iPhone
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Has anyone had any success getting card s from MSN to read with the mac. I got
a card. But, all I get is "flash" messages. Any help appreciated lest I have
to retrieve it with that other unmentionable OS.:)
Carolyn H
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Hi all,
Any one using the Kindle application?
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How about garageband.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
On Feb 18, 2011, at 7:24 PM, Conrad Bennett wrote:
> Is there any good way to record a podcast on the Mac. What is the best
> software to use. Please let me know thanks
I use amadeus. works like a dream. You will get many answers regarding this btw.
On Feb 18, 2011, at 5:10 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> How about garageband.
> Ricardo Walker
> rwalker...@gmail.com
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Feb 18, 2011,
Hi again!
Uh, had something weird happen today. I was working in Garage-band
today, yes, finally got some of the loop issues figured out, and VO
started being *really* slow to respond to keystrokes! As in, like,
I'd press a key, including VO navigation keys, and it would take like
ten full secon
In the Applications folder you will find a utility called disk utility. You
can do a spotlight search for disk utility and probably get it as a top hit.
From the first aid tab, do a verify disk and then repair disk permissions to
see if that improves the situation. If you are using less than
It isn't Fusion that is the problem. The issue is if you try to run Windows
without running it as a virtual machine. The sound usually works if you are
running Windows through Fusion as a virtual machine. But, if you choose to
boot to Windows instead of booting into Snow Leopard and boot dire
I wish I could tell you that it is the older ones. However, we just had the
problem again two weeks ago with a brand new one. Again, if I am running
Windows as a virtual machine all is well, but if I boot directly into
Windows 7 it is a problem. At that point Fusion is not running because I a
Usually using Windows through the VM is fine. However, sometimes one might
want to be able to dedicate all of the machine's memory and processing power
to something they need to do on the Windows machine. In those cases it is
nice to be able to boot directly into Windows and not loose
tha'ts odd. I use bootcamp and have no sound issues at all but good luck with
yoru scanning solution what e'er it may be.
On Feb 18, 2011, at 7:14 PM, David Tanner wrote:
> It isn't Fusion that is the problem. The issue is if you try to run Windows
> without running it as a virtual machine.
Clearly people are not reading the entire message before they say all is
well. Never has anything been said about not having sound when running
Windows under VM Ware Fusion. The issue is when running Windows by itself
without Snow Leopard. So, it really doesn't make any sense to post a
Hi everyone:
My mac ceased bringing in new mail today. Had to go back to that unmentionable
OS just to get my mail:(
This after it kept re-asking for password. (and no, I haven't dropped it!:)
Anyone else having email issues?
TIA for any ideas.
Carolyn H
You received this message because
Gmail has been acting up for me lately. I hadn't changed my account settings or
had any major crashes or anything. It's been fine for the last couple days
without any tweaking from me, though.
On Feb 18, 2011, at 9:25 PM, Carolyn wrote:
> Hi everyone:
> My mac ceased bringing in new mail
I'm really not haveing any problems running bootcamp and windows. I can do it
flawlesly after I install the driver cd.
On Feb 18, 2011, at 8:45 PM, David Tanner wrote:
> Clearly people are not reading the entire message before they say all is
> well. Never has anything been said about not
Actually gmail has been acting a bit funny for me as well. it quit syncing my
notes so I've given up on them for now.
On Feb 18, 2011, at 9:47 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> Gmail has been acting up for me lately. I hadn't changed my account settings
> or had any major crashes or anything. It's
I see these problems periodically on my hotmail account. I simply hit escape
(which closes the password dialog) and then shift-command-N to retrieve new
mail and it works.
On Feb 18, 2011, at 10:47 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> Gmail has been acting up for me lately. I hadn't changed my ac
hi Guys.
This week I updated audio hijack pro. After the update, I was no longer able
to record system audio along with my microphone. This was the case for my USB
mic, and the Macbook pros internal mic. So in other words, Recording system
audio doesn't record the input once it has been sele
What I reckon you need to do is this.
1. Completely delete Audio Hijack Pro from your system but you can keep the
audio Hijack plist pref file.
2. Download the newest version.
3. Install it.
4. Install the instant highjack component.
That should take care of it.
On Feb 19, 2011, at 1:2
Hello. try hijacking system and the mic but make sure you mic is set to sound
flower I think. not your headphone or what not. I just used audio hijack pro
the lattest version to record stuff wiht my system and the mic. I think it was
the updated version anyway.
On Feb 18, 2011, at 11:23 PM, R
This is a RAM issue. I've noticed it happening more of late though. Usually,
just pressing command tab to switch from garageband to the finder or another
app, and pressing it again to go back to garageband, seems to solve the
problem. And of course, cycle VO off and back on with comman
Thank you and Sarah for your suggestions.
I will try them both.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
On Feb 19, 2011, at 2:27 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> What I reckon you need to do is this.
> 1. Completely delete Audio Hijack
Good luck. I can't think straight as I am just a bit out of it but hopefully
my directions were a little clearer then mud and readable? lol!
Take care and good luck.
On Feb 18, 2011, at 11:30 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Thank you and Sarah for your suggestions.
> I will try them both.
I don't know much about ram and stuff but do youthink you might have a bad
stick or something in there?
Good luck.
On Feb 18, 2011, at 11:27 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Yeah.
> This is a RAM issue. I've noticed it happening more of late though.
> Usually, just pressing command tab to sw
In my case that doesn't work. mail just sits there and I've tried taking
accounts off and bringing them back online. Let's hope these gmail problems are
On Feb 18, 2011, at 11:07 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
> I see these problems periodically on my hotmail account. I simply hit escape
> (whi
I haven't seen this issue with gmail (I use IMAP). only hotmail does this to me
for some reason.
On Feb 19, 2011, at 12:33 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> In my case that doesn't work. mail just sits there and I've tried taking
> accounts off and bringing them back online. Let's hope t
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Steve, you're in.
On Feb 19, 2011, at 2:43 AM, Steve Gladstone wrote:
> New to the list. Wanted to see if I’m in the loop. Anyone receive this?
> Thx
> Steve
> --
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Thanks Les. I'm a JAWS user and looking to get started with Voice Over. Any
suggestions where to find a good "getting started" tutorial?
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[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Les Kriegler
Sent: Saturday, February 19
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