Re: bookshare books

2010-08-27 Thread Justin Thornton
what is the new daisy player called for the iphone? On Aug 26, 2010, at 7:56 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote: > Oh no I was talking about another app on the iphone.that is a new one only > for now supports dasi 2. they said it would support 3 this month but it has > not happened yet. and you would have

Re: bookshare books

2010-08-27 Thread Scott Howell
There is Book Worm and InDaisy. I gather InDaisy supports the Daisy 3 standard. Although apparently there is a possibility Book Share may be doing something as well. COnsidering they recently conducted a survey asking about such an app for various mobile platforms. On Aug 27, 2010, at 6:43 AM, J

New Pages (iWork '09) support for creation of ePub documents

2010-08-27 Thread Esther
Hi All, For Mac users of iWorks '09, especially those who are using iBooks to read ePub documents on their iPhones, iPod Touches, and iPads, the latest software update to Pages has added an option to export as ePub. Further, Apple has issue a document outlining the best practices for cre

blue miky not compatible with iphone 4

2010-08-27 Thread Yuma Decaux
Hi list, I just called miky to ask about their new mic for iphone, and two things that make it a no go for a while to come: 1-The manufacturing has had some delay on their latest microphones for iphone and touches. 2- This one is "Light has no value without darkness" blog: http://www.thebl

VLC issue

2010-08-27 Thread DJ Nezumi
hi list has anyone noticed that when you play tracks in VLC it slightly cuts off the start of each track. i have tried this with itunes and found that itunes plays from the vary beginning. VLC only cuts off a millisecond but this is still rather annoying. i haven't gotten round to sorting out how t

Re: download linked file in mail

2010-08-27 Thread Thierry Renoux
if you want to download linked file in mail do option tab to find your link and then option enter. it will download the file and open the manager. It might be new in safari 5 as I don't remember the option enter worked in mail before. Hope this helps, Thierry On Aug 26, 2010, at 7:16 PM, Sarah

voice over.

2010-08-27 Thread ian mcnamara
hi all i have to say i am very immpressed with voice over and the way it works. a friend of mine has just bought a apple mac and she rang me in the shop to get a query of some commands. i have been studying the user guide in order to try and help her learn it affishantly. after studying this u

Re: voice over.

2010-08-27 Thread Scott Granados
Ian, do it, do it now.:) I've been a Mac user for less than a week and I already can see how it is more accessible than JFW ever was / will be. Java support is better, the interaction with the machine is better and the Unix shell, for get about it it's off the hook. - Original Message

Re: blue miky not compatible with iphone 4

2010-08-27 Thread Esther
Hi Yuma, I've posted about this earlier in the month to the viphone list (and in more detail on the mac-access list). The new Blue Mikey 2 won't work with the iPhone 4 or iPad, because of the re-design to enable new digital USB recording on the iPhone 4 and iPad. However, since you have

Re: VLC issue

2010-08-27 Thread focus
Hi DJ Nezumi In which way do you want to sort your Itunes out? Colin Skype focus_66 On 27 Aug 2010, at 16:36, DJ Nezumi wrote: > hi list > has anyone noticed that when you play tracks in VLC it slightly cuts > off the start of each track. > i have tried this with itunes and found that itunes plays

Re: VLC issue

2010-08-27 Thread Ray Foret Jr
That is odd, it never skips the beginning of tracks for me in VLC. What I can't work out is how to access the playlist manager. I want to be able to add songs to a playlist but not have them play right away. So far, nobody has given me an answer to that question. Sincerely, The Constantly

Re: VLC issue

2010-08-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
Yeah mine will not only do that but mine will cut the middle of the track every minute or so. it sounds like it is buffering. It does not happen in itunes though as you said. Sarah Alawami MSN: aim: website: youtube: http://youtube.

Re: VLC issue

2010-08-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
As far as i can see and I can't find it via the window menu either, there is no way to do this. but I hope they fix the buffering issue. It sounds a bit annoying to listen to selected shorts and have it cut off about 1 ms every 30 seconds to a minute. Growl! Sarah Alawami MSN:

Re: voice over.

2010-08-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
I did not get to the unix shell yet but will in time. I'm a very slow learner. *grins* On Aug 27, 2010, at 10:47 AM, Scott Granados wrote: > Ian, do it, do it now.:) > > I've been a Mac user for less than a week and I already can see how it is > more accessible than JFW ever was / will be. Jav

strange thing in mac

2010-08-27 Thread William Windels
Hello, I have discovered something strange in finder: while copying a folder "info" from my usbdisc to my homedir, that has also a folder info on the top-level, finder was replacing the folder info"in the homedir with the folder info"from the usbdisc without adding the files. This means that th

Re: download linked file in mail

2010-08-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
The option to download linked file was there int he prior safari and mail clients as far as i can remember in february of this year. It does not bring up the list for me at all actually when I vo shift m. I have to hope it's downloading. Sarah Alawami MSN: aim: marri...@gmail

Re: bookshare books

2010-08-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
OH nice! I hope htey come out wiht something. and let's hope RFBD is in the cueue next but I doubt it. On Aug 27, 2010, at 3:51 AM, Scott Howell wrote: > There is Book Worm and InDaisy. I gather InDaisy supports the Daisy 3 > standard. Although apparently there is a possibility Book Share may be

Re: strange thing in mac

2010-08-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
It should have asked you if you wanted to replace files. I've coppied gigs of stuff that way ad it has always asked me if I wanted to replace. Take care. Sarah Alawami MSN: aim: website: youtube: Podcast

Re: download linked file in mail

2010-08-27 Thread Thierry Renoux
yeah, what wasn't there is the ability to do option enter on the file. you had to vo shift m and then choose download linked file but you wouldn't see whether or not the file was successfully downloading. On Aug 27, 2010, at 12:35 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote: > The option to download linked file w

Making Skype Voice mail pick up after X rings

2010-08-27 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
I'm using a Skype phone number. It's working incredibly well, but I cannot get Skype's voice mail to pick up after, say, four rings. Does anyone know how this is done? I haven't seen it anywhere on their page or in the client app. Thanks! :) • Mark BurningHawk Baxter • AIM, Skype and

Re: download linked file in mail

2010-08-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
Sadly that's not the case and wasn't starting I think in february/. I was a new mac user then and did not see a dialogue. Ah well. Take care. Sarah Alawami MSN: aim: website: youtube: Podcast: http://mar

Re: strange thing in mac

2010-08-27 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi, you are right. This shits me no end, because I used to move 10s of gigs of stuff around with no hassels at all under windows, where-as on mac I have to comb my folders and painstakingly copy individuals or small blocks. If I were to take the albums folder from my burn folder and paste it d

Re: strange thing in mac

2010-08-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
Oh no. I movje at least 10 to 30 gigs around on the mac a lot and it gives me no trouble at all. Take care. On Aug 27, 2010, at 1:37 PM, erik burggraaf wrote: > Hi, you are right. This shits me no end, because I used to move 10s of gigs > of stuff around with no hassels at all under windows, w

the unix shell and mac terminal

2010-08-27 Thread Josh Kennedy
Hi Over the past few weeks I have been running vinux 3.0 lucid in a virtual machine and have been playing with it. And then recently I went into the terminal on my mac in snow leopard and typed some commands and surprisingly I find that most of the commands I can perform in vinux I can also do w

Re: the unix shell and mac terminal

2010-08-27 Thread Teresa Cochran
Linux does have Unix origins, and the Mac shell is Unix. It's also the Bash shell, (Born Aag SHell). It's possible to do various kinds of scripting on it, but I haven't investigated that yet. Teresa On Aug 27, 2010, at 2:35 PM, Josh Kennedy wrote: > Hi > Over the past few weeks I have been runn

Re: strange thing in mac

2010-08-27 Thread William Windels
He Sarah and Erik, Thanx for your responses. Sarah, it's not moving but copying... It can make difference. So, if you have also this problem for your self, pls report it... best regards, William Op 27-aug-2010, om 23:24 heeft Sarah Alawami het volgende geschreven: > Oh no. I movje at least 10

Re: the unix shell and mac terminal

2010-08-27 Thread Scott Granados
Just to clerify this a little, Mac is BSD based and Linux is of course System V. So there are some pretty important differences. Anyone familiar with both flavors though would feel at home. You also have pythan and perl installed I believe with the mack. - Original Message - Fro

Re: the unix shell and mac terminal

2010-08-27 Thread Scott Granados
Pythan and perl are also included. I've already compiled zshel to use instead of bash.:) You can also get a GCC for Mac and compile all the gnu tools. - Original Message - From: "Teresa Cochran" To: Sent: Friday, August 27, 2010 3:38 PM Subject: Re: the unix shell and mac terminal

Re: strange thing in mac

2010-08-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
Nope no issues for me. I've never lost files due to copying. I've always been asked to replace files. I wonder if there is a setting in system prefs you changed, even one I don't know about. lol! Like I said I move and copy 30 gigs on average of stuff as I'm reorganizing some stuff. On Aug 27, 2

Re: Making Skype Voice mail pick up after X rings

2010-08-27 Thread Nicolai Svendsen
Hello Mark! You will find this under the "Calls" tab in Preferences. It is measured in seconds, and as the Skype phone number routes the call to your Mac, the same setting will apply including your greeting. Regards, Nic Mobile Me: GoogleTalk: Facebook Twitt

VM FUsion pod cast

2010-08-27 Thread Scott Granados
Hi, for a while there was a podcast from Mike Arego (sorry if I spelled the name wrong) concerning VM fusion. I can't find it on the page or in google. Does anyone have a pointer to download the podcast? Thanks Scott -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups

Re: strange thing in mac

2010-08-27 Thread William Windels
sorry but this is unbelievable. I do a simply task in finder with strange results and you should not have this results? It's not that I don't believe you at all, but I would like to ask to do a test: e.g. you have a folder: f1, on your usbdisc with the files a b and another folder : f1 with file

Re: Making Skype Voice mail pick up after X rings

2010-08-27 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
the only box with seconds as a unit is under call forwarding. I checked this box, even though I don't have any numbers to forward my calls to, hoping that voice mail will use it as well. The "automatically send unanswered calls to voice mail," box was already checked, but it wasn't workin

Re: VM FUsion pod cast

2010-08-27 Thread Kimberly thurman
Scott, it is on and I think it is podcast number 5. I installed VM Fusion on my MBP and it works great with Win 7. I use JFW and am stilll having trouble mapping keys. I can use it, but I don't have an applications key, and insert key, thus can't get a Jaws cursor, but other

Re: Making Skype Voice mail pick up after X rings

2010-08-27 Thread Nicolai Svendsen
Hi, You might want to look passed the help button. It's right next to it. Regards, Nic Mobile Me: GoogleTalk: Facebook Twitter Skype: Kvalme MSN Messenger: Yahoo! Messenger: cin368 AIM: cincinster On Aug 28, 2010, at 1:53 AM, Mark Burn

iPhone: The Missing Manual, 4th Edition is O'Reilly's eBook Deal of the Day

2010-08-27 Thread Esther
Hi All, For those interested in the O'Reilly Missing Manual Series by David Pogue, today's O'Reilly eBook deal of the day is "iPhone: The Missing Manual" by David Pogue, including coverage of the iPhone 4, for $9.99 with the coupon code "DDMFE" used upon checkout. • iPhone: The Missing Manual,

Re: Can't Switch Through Applications Sometimes...

2010-08-27 Thread Mike Arrigo
Oh, thanks, much appreciated, if you were using JFW, you've definitely moved on to something better. On Aug 26, 2010, at 7:01 PM, Scott Granados wrote: > Mike, for what it's worth, I like your podcasts and they have been very > helpful. > > - Original Message - From: "Mike Arrigo" > To

Re: voice over.

2010-08-27 Thread Mike Arrigo
Hey Scott, glad you're enjoying the mac, it sounds like you're coming along quite well. I have 3 macs now, while I still run windows XP on my macs occasionally for a couple things, by far, I use the mac for most things now and it's great. I don't miss the PC at all. On Aug 27, 2010, at 12:47 PM,

Instructions for Kobo Books: How to change to scrolling mode and do table of contents navigation

2010-08-27 Thread Esther
Hi All, As a follow-up to recommendations of Kobo as a way of buying recent commercial eBooks to read in accessible form on the iPhone using the free "eBooks for Kobo" app, I thought I would post instructions for how to change to scrolling mode, and a description of how ebook navigation

Re: VM FUsion pod cast

2010-08-27 Thread Scott Granados
Ah right no application key. Hmmm, no application keys might be challenging. Someone detailed remapping earlier that might work. I just got Fusion installed today with JFW and I was surprised how simple that was. I only had to have the helpdesk set up the jfw for me and bind the VM to the

Re: Making Skype Voice mail pick up after X rings

2010-08-27 Thread Scott Granados
did you pay for the voicemail feature? - Original Message - From: "Mark BurningHawk Baxter" To: Sent: Friday, August 27, 2010 4:53 PM Subject: Re: Making Skype Voice mail pick up after X rings the only box with seconds as a unit is under call forwarding. I checked this box, even th

Re: VM FUsion pod cast

2010-08-27 Thread David McLean
I you go to all his podcasts are there.n Aug 27, 2010, at 7:52 PM, Scott Granados wrote: > Hi, for a while there was a podcast from Mike Arego (sorry if I spelled the > name wrong) concerning VM fusion. I can't find it on the page or in google. > Does anyone have a pointer to

Re: VM FUsion pod cast

2010-08-27 Thread Scott Granados
I didn't see it and couldn't find it with a search but I might have been looking for the wrong episode. - Original Message - From: "David McLean" To: Sent: Friday, August 27, 2010 6:35 PM Subject: Re: VM FUsion pod cast I you go to all his podcasts are there.n Aug

Re: VM FUsion pod cast

2010-08-27 Thread Kimberly thurman
Yep, pretty simple. Now, if I could just get an insert key and an applications key, I'd be happy as a clam! On Aug 27, 2010, at 9:32 PM, Scott Granados wrote: > Ah right no application key. > > > Hmmm, no application keys might be challenging. Someone detailed remapping > earlier that might

email on mac.

2010-08-27 Thread ian mcnamara
hi all my friend and i to get her use to her mac have sent a fiew emails backm and forth to eachother to get her use to the mac. basicly it's now dimd the send option so she can't send an email. how do we undim it. ian mcnamara. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the

Re: voice over.

2010-08-27 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Hi: You have to switch. I've been a Mac user for 4 months, and will never go back to Jaws and Windows! On Aug 27, 2010, at 12:37 PM, ian mcnamara wrote: > hi all i have to say i am very immpressed with voice over and the way it > works. a friend of mine has just bought a apple mac and she rang

Re: -- SPAM -- Re: VM FUsion pod cast

2010-08-27 Thread David McLean
I don't think it is labeled as such. It's one of his Mac Voiceover podcasts. On Aug 27, 2010, at 9:40 PM, Scott Granados wrote: > I didn't see it and couldn't find it with a search but I might have been > looking for the wrong episode. > > - Original Message - From: "David McLean" > To

Re: VM FUsion pod cast

2010-08-27 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Hi: Mike Arrigo's podcasts are at On Aug 27, 2010, at 6:52 PM, Scott Granados wrote: > Hi, for a while there was a podcast from Mike Arego (sorry if I spelled the > name wrong) concerning VM fusion. I can't find it on the page or in google. > Does anyone have a pointer to

Re: email on mac.

2010-08-27 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Hi: I had this happen. I didn't import my addresses to the address book properly. If she is just replying, have her interact with the toolbar, and then vo left or right arrow to send. On Aug 27, 2010, at 8:46 PM, ian mcnamara wrote: > > hi all my friend and i to get her use to her mac have sent

Droids and Macs

2010-08-27 Thread Courtney Curran
Hi, I just got a Droid today, the LG Ally, in fact. Will that sync with my Mac? If so, how do I go about this process? Thanks In Advance, Courtney Listen to The Wonderful World of Doo-wop with me, Moopie Curran on Fridays at 08:00 UTC on -- You received this mess

Re: Making Skype Voice mail pick up after X rings

2010-08-27 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
I'm paying $2.99 per month for the number which includes voice mail, etc. etc. The voice mail works, but if my computer is awake and Skype starts ringing, voice mail doesn't kick in after four or five rings or whatever. • Mark BurningHawk Baxter • AIM, Skype and Twitter: BurningHawk196

A sendspace wizard question

2010-08-27 Thread Courtney Curran
Hi, How can I create folders within the Sendspace Wizard on my Mac? Is this even possible with Voiceover? Any help would be appreciated. Courtney Listen to The Wonderful World of Doo-wop with me, Moopie Curran on Fridays at 08:00 UTC on -- You received this messa

selecting more than one file?

2010-08-27 Thread Conrad Bennett
How do i select more than one file to move and can i move some but skip others with out selecting all of them please help thanks. I hope I'm clear enough as to what i want to know. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to t

Need Mac User's advice on which Windows screen reader to purchase and learn

2010-08-27 Thread Bryan Jones
I realize the question might sound strange and even off-topic, but I really want to hear this advice from fellow Mac and VO Users. When I last used Windows I was able to get by with a screen magnifier and didn't use a screen reader. By the time I needed to start using a screen reader I had alrea

Re: strange thing in mac

2010-08-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
Yep I can and do this all the time. I get asked if I want to replace. usually I say yes as the stuff I'm copying is newer. On Aug 27, 2010, at 4:52 PM, William Windels wrote: > sorry but this is unbelievable. > I do a simply task in finder with strange results and you should not have > this resu

Re: Need Mac User's advice on which Windows screen reader to purchase and learn

2010-08-27 Thread Scott Granados
Jaws is more or less the standard in terms of you'll run in to that more than others. Window-eyes is another great option. I haven't used it but many many people think very highly of it. What I would do if I were you is take that Mac, set yourself up a virtual machine and try the demo copie

Re: Droids and Macs

2010-08-27 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Courtney, I've had an Ally for a couple of weeks. I have not found an answer to your question. In general, Google is more interested in you syncing with their server than with your computer. There is a program called Missing Sync, but I haven't yet had time to try it. If you need any oth

Re: Need Mac User's advice on which Windows screen reader to purchase and learn

2010-08-27 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Bryan, I love WIndow-Eyes. I have used all three screen readers Hal, Jaws and Window-Eyes. THe last one Window-Eyes is the one I use now. I have to use a WIndows PC at work, and also at home for some of the tasks like scanning and reading with Kurzweil etc. I like WE because GW Micro has a p

Re: selecting more than one file?

2010-08-27 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Conrad, To select more than one file consecutively, hold down the Shift key while moving from one file to the next. To select several noncontiguous files, Turn cursor tracking off (VO-Shift-F3), then use the VO keys and arrows to navigate to each desired file and select it using VO-Comma

RE: To Chris Moore!

2010-08-27 Thread Simon Fogarty
And both going by this list, work well with VO? -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Chris Moore Sent: Wednesday, 25 August 2010 9:28 p.m. To: Subject: Re: To Chris Moore! Yes it supp

RE: Gizmodo: Giz Explains: How Blind People See the Internet

2010-08-27 Thread Simon Fogarty
Has anyone actually tried / started putting to gether a list of accessible apps for the I devices? I know there are a lot of apps out there, but it would be interesting to know what is accessible or not. Even games could be made accessible to a point. -Original Message- From: macvisio

Re: Gizmodo: Giz Explains: How Blind People See the Internet

2010-08-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
Yeah go to and see what's there. the list is growing daily. s On Aug 27, 2010, at 10:29 PM, Simon Fogarty wrote: > Has anyone actually tried / started putting to gether a list of accessible > apps for the I devices? > > I know there are a lot of apps out there, but it wo

RE: New Pages (iWork '09) support for creation of ePub documents

2010-08-27 Thread Simon Fogarty
So esther, If you own a copy of pages on your ipad, then you should get this up date for free I'm assuming? Or is it a buy update situation? Cheers Simon f -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Esther Sent: S

Re: To Chris Moore!

2010-08-27 Thread Chris Moore
Yes Adium and iChat work fie with VO, they are not perfect yet but are heading in the right direction and for 98% of the time both IM clients do the job well. On 28 Aug 2010, at 06:27, Simon Fogarty wrote: > And both going by this list, work well with VO? > > -Original Message- > From: m

Re: Saving VO Preferences

2010-08-27 Thread Dan Eickmeier
Hi linda, it shouldn't matter where you save this file. HOpe this helps. On Aug 26, 2010, at 12:23 PM, Linda Adams wrote: > Hi, > > I haven't had any problems with Voiceover but after reading some recent > messages, I decided I should save my preferences which I haven't done since > buying

Re: Saving VO Preferences

2010-08-27 Thread Teresa Cochran
Just don't do as I did and forget where you save it. :) Unfortunately the VO reset happens to me at least once a day, so I've had a lot of trial and error. G. Ha. Teresa On Aug 27, 2010, at 11:43 PM, Dan Eickmeier wrote: > Hi linda, it shouldn't matter where you save this file. HOpe t