What are the monitor connections on the Mac mini purchased March 09, and the
Mac Book Pro purchased July 09? I thought they both have mini DVI, but the
mini DVI to DVI connector that came with the Mac mini doesn't fit in any of the
slots on the Mac Book Pro. I'm determining if I need to purcha
What you are looking for is something similar to a mini USB port...kind of.
LOL It's not easy to describe.
On Sat, Apr 24, 2010 at 12:12 AM, Brett Campbell
> What are the monitor connections on the Mac mini purchased March 09, and
> the Mac Book Pro purchased July 09? I thought they both
I have to say I like Samantha better than the British voice on the iPhone who
cannot say E or R at the speed I have it. I much prefer her to eloquence though
any day. And after trying Samantha, I think the british one is called Cathy and
Karen, the Australian one, i have to say I revert back to
hi can anyone get me a unison 1.81 serial number?
I don't care i am pirating it isn't my fault they not fixed the new version
with voiceover lol
william lomas
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hi i sorted unison found a serial number
william lomas
follow me on twitter:
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If I've decrypted your email correctly, surely one of the reasons why
developers aren't making there apps accessible is because people are
pirating them?
Some what self forfilling really imo.
On 24/04/2010, william lomas wrote:
> hi can anyone get me a unison 1.81 serial number?
You will want to go read a little and familiarize yourself with the gestures.
The URL is http://www.apple.com/accessibility/iphone/vision.html and you can
have VoiceOver turned on by going to settings, general, accessibility, and then
VOiceOver. To make it easier for them to turn it on/off, they
You know Will sure has a pair of big ones now doesn't he? First he admits to
downloading and using an illegal copy of the iPhone 4.0 beta software and now
he openly admits that he will pirate software because he can't get what he
wants. Gee, I think I gave him a route to take with respect to dea
So, did you find it by contacting them or liberate it illegally?
On Apr 24, 2010, at 4:58 AM, william lomas wrote:
> hi i sorted unison found a serial number
> william lomas
> follow me on twitter:
> billbow_baggins
> --
> You received this message because you are subscr
I'm surprised they chose Samantha. I still think she sounds better on a
computer, but still, she gives me a headache after a while. If I could choose,
I'd go with the Acapela voices, but sadly, that might not happen.
Mobile Me: nic2...@me.com
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MSN Messenger: nico.
Hi what's available for ocr software.
I use kurtzweil on the windows side.
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Hi Shen,
I'd like to know if there are Mandarin voices to use with VoiceOver,
too. There are Japanese voices that worked with VoiceOver under
Leopard from DTalker, but I don't know if they've been updated yet for
Snow Leopard. Here's the link to my post to Yuma on this subject from
i think acapella are doing a manderin voice
On 24 Apr 2010, at 14:14, Esther wrote:
> Hi Shen,
> I'd like to know if there are Mandarin voices to use with VoiceOver, too.
> There are Japanese voices that worked with VoiceOver under Leopard from
> DTalker, but I don't know if they've been up
Hello Chad,
On Apr 24, 2010, at 2:15 PM, chad baker wrote:
> what's available for ocr software.
The best for accuracy is Abbyy FineReader Express. Only the Express version is
available for Mac but it does a good job. Unfortunately, it doesn't support all
scanners, so you may have to use another
Hello Will,
It would certainly be good news if there were a Mandarin Chinese voice
added to the Infovox iVox voices from Acapela, since their voices are
very well tested for use with VoiceOver. However, unless you have
more direct information from them than has appeared in the exchanges
wish they would ahve mac compatible voices.
On 24 Apr 2010, at 15:29, Esther wrote:
> Hello Will,
> It would certainly be good news if there were a Mandarin Chinese voice added
> to the Infovox iVox voices from Acapela, since their voices are very well
> tested for use with VoiceOver. Howe
Ya know, back in the old days, I used to use Victoria on the mac, before they
brought out Alex. Victoria IIRC didn't have any naturalism to her voice, but I
never heard her mispronounce much, and she does have a nice English accent
imho. YMMV. I'll have to try her out again, been using alex so
Hi Karen,
I concur with Scott's suggestions. Before you go to the store to check
out the iPhone, review the section on VoiceOver gestures in the iPhone
User's Guide:
The direct link to the section on VoiceOver is:
Well, she's Vicky now. They changed the original Victoria I believe to Vicky,
and the female who is now Victoria is different.
Most of them seem to have the same pronunciation though, even Alex. It's hard
to detect, but if you listen carefully, you can easily hear the resemblance
between a
Well, I don't know why or how, but my macbook pro running 10.6.3 has both
Vicki, and Victoria. Vicki has a softer voice, and Victoria, is got a little
robotness going on, but I think her voice is clearer than Vicki's. So I think
I'm going to use her. That way, my devices will all have a simil
Well, they didn't get rid of her. Just renamed her and introduced Victoria as
another voice than the previous one.
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On Apr 24, 2010,
This is great, however, have you found a quick way to determine what column
your in as you navigate through various rows. I know, I could memorize this
info, but, I have to use different work sheets and everyone has there own order
to how they put in the columns. If there is a way to quickly r
Nice, but it also stated that you have to say yes to the install. Unlike
windows 7, it will install without say a thing unless you have active x turned
off. Then using the browser becomes a pain to use.
Also saw the article on snow having builtin virus, and we all see it still
don't have virus p
Hello. Instead of using Vue Scan for the scanning part, why not just use
Preview? If you use Snow Leopard, just open preview, then from the file menu,
go to the import from scanner submenu. Your scanner should show up in that
On Apr 24, 2010, at 9:38 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello C
Hello Ryan,
On Apr 24, 2010, at 7:47 PM, Ryan Mann wrote:
> Instead of using Vue Scan for the scanning part, why not just use Preview?
> If you use Snow Leopard, just open preview, then from the file menu, go to
> the import from scanner submenu. Your scanner should show up in that menu.
The p
Do you have certain things you do to make the Vue Scan interface easier to use?
I tried to use it a year ago and it seemed complicated. I cold have swarn
that there were a bunch of unknown sections of the interface and I had to
interact with those sections to find out what they were.
I'm just
Thank you Peggy.
I was afraid I wouldn't make much sense :)
On Apr 23, 2010, at 10:21 PM, Peggy Fleischer wrote:
> Very excellent clear and well done podcast. I enjoyed it.
> Peggy Fleischer
> peggyfleisc...@bellsouth.net
> Jude 1:24 Now to Him who is able to keep you from st
Just what I required.
On Sat, 24 Apr 2010, Scott Howell wrote:
You will want to go read a little and familiarize yourself with the gestures.
The URL is http://www.apple.com/accessibility/iphone/vision.html and you can
have VoiceOver turned on by going to settings, gen
PSH. Articles. They say it's not there. But really, let's see when Macs get
viruses. And if you're attacked and your Mac does not defend itself, you lose
the battle. And you have to invest in software.
Actually, it's malware protection Mac has. Not antivirus. When downloading
files, Mac OS
Wow Esther,
Even better and I thank you.
I suspect based on my short phone chat with the cell phone store I will
visit that they are already a tad aware of voiceover and the iphone. the
provider originally given rights to carry the phone in the Toronto area
got some very bad nasty press when
Hello Ryan,
I wrote a User Guide for VueScan ages ago that explains how to configure it. I
think it's still on the icanworkthisthing site and the Maccessibility site. It
shows how to set it to use ReadIris, but you can just change that to Abbyy
All I have to do when I launch VueSca
Hi all,
I'm interested in learning how to program on the Mac. Is Alice accessible using
voiceover? If not, can anyone that is efficient at programming recommend an
accessible programming environment with tutorials for beginners?
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Mine is. 2 gtigs causes my vm to c hoke every sngle time and the fan to turn on.
stumpped here.
On Apr 23, 2010, at 3:11 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hi,
> Wow. I suck. These specs clearly show I must update my RAM. I've been using
> both Windows XP and Windows 7 for months now, only utilizi
actually in my case It will keep telling me a whole slew of rows are added and
today I just sent out messages meant for yesterday forgetting they were even
there. I wish mail can't quit with items in the outbox. but I do myself notice
the slowness.
Take care.
On Apr 23, 2010, at 8:25 AM, Mike R
lol, I still got viruses with antivirus on windows. But I see what you're
saying. I guess eventually either apple will help protect us from viruses or
we'll have to invest in a third party app. I just hope no viruses or malwear
get me. lol
On 24 Apr 2010, at 19:23, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hi
maybe some cleaning up needs to be done on your systems? I'm assuming mail has
cash, not that I pretend to know the ins and outs but I am not seeing the same
issues. :)
On 24 Apr 2010, at 19:42, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> actually in my case It will keep telling me a whole slew of rows are added
Hi all,
John is not on this list, so his follow up did not come through.
I am sure if the story is cleared he will contact those who have written
to him privately.
Thanks again,
Message below...
Subject: Re: ot: ipad user for a possible article?
Karen and list members:
Thank you for po
One of the tips in the malware article is to protect yourself by preventing
safari from opening safe files after download. This setting can be changed in
Safari's preferences. Basically, it means that disk images are not
automatically mounted, zip files are not unzipped, etc. This makes s
Hi all,
List members may find this report from TUAW of interest: one reader
was able to use the iPad's Camera Kit USB connector to attach a USB
keyboard to his iPad and use it to type in text entries. Another
reported use of this kit by Glenn Fleishman of TidBITS was to connect
up his US
I already have mine set that way. Seems a good plan :)
On 24 Apr 2010, at 20:01, John J Herzog wrote:
> Guys,
> One of the tips in the malware article is to protect yourself by preventing
> safari from opening safe files after download. This setting can be changed in
> Safari's preferences. Ba
Hi all,
I'm a very new mac and voice over user, I just had some questions.
First, about mail. I have not set up mail yet, as I wanted to ask some
advice. I have a Gmail account, and know from reading, that you may set up
Gmail to work in apple mail using either pop or imap, I'm just wondering,
Hey All; -Just wanted to send along a quick one to see whom might be
interested in helping manage the VIPhone and / or MacVisionaries lists. Feel
free to contact me off-list at:
Josh and I aren't sure just yet if we'll be taking on new mods,
I'm not seeing it either. In fact, I'm perplexed.
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AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
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On Apr 24, 2010, at 8:57 PM, marie Howarth wrote:
> maybe some cleaning up needs
I actually have set that setting. Not really because I'm concerned about
malware or other risks, but just because I don't want them to open. That
doesn't mean that I'm not cautious, though. :)
I know Mac OS X scans for malware at least, at least the types that it knows
of. However, I've ne
Hello. I have a 15 minute recording deminstrating to the best of my ability
vmware fusion under 7. this si runing vmware 3. skip over the silent parts if
you want and sorry about the yucky recording. lol.
Take care.
You received this message because you
That's I beieve how it is set by default. someone correct me if I'm wrong.
On Apr 24, 2010, at 12:01 PM, John J Herzog wrote:
> Guys,
> One of the tips in the malware article is to protect yourself by preventing
> safari from opening safe files after download. This setting can be changed in
After installing Snowy without an upgrade, it was set to opening safe files.
That's the default.
Mobile Me: nic2...@me.com
Skype: Kvalme
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AIM: cincinster
yahoo Messenger: cin368
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On Apr 24, 2010, at 10:10 PM, Sara
Hi Robert,
I very much enjoyed your Tech Doctor podcast featuring iPad vs. iPod/
iPhone formats examining issues like web browsing, and screen layout
as it affects the user experience. It occurred to me during the demo
with Yahoo news, that there may still be advantages to visiting mobile
I was having the same problem at first when I started using mail. In fact, the
Mac was downloading all my old gmail messages in the background. You might
wanna check the mail activity window with cmd 0. I was surprised to see very
old messages coming back to me.
On Apr 24, 2010, at 12:40 PM, N
If I have to, I'll use a PC, but I first wanted to know what software there
was (preferably free) that will allow me to run EXE files on my Mac without
having to get a VM (virtual machine) up and running. I have to have this
answer ASAP.
You received this message because you are subscribed to
Your not going to get an answer with out a vm.
On 24/04/2010, Rob Lambert wrote:
> If I have to, I'll use a PC, but I first wanted to know what software there
> was (preferably free) that will allow me to run EXE files on my Mac without
> having to get a VM (virtual machine) up and running. I hav
Oh...well, thanks. Windows, here I come (bleck).
On Sat, Apr 24, 2010 at 3:32 PM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:
> Your not going to get an answer with out a vm.
> On 24/04/2010, Rob Lambert wrote:
> > If I have to, I'll use a PC, but I first wanted to know what software
> there
> > was (preferably f
I think I read somewhere that you can get applications that can read the .exe
files and extract the various contents separately, such as audio, documents
within and so-forth, but no installation. That part is Windows only.
Mobile Me: nic2...@me.com
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
In case it helps, the file I'm trying to work with is an eBook from the ETS
(educational testing service).
On Sat, Apr 24, 2010 at 3:35 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hi,
> I think I read somewhere that you can get applications that can read the
> .exe files and extract the various contents sepa
Thanks so much.
On Apr 23, 2010, at 2:32 PM, Darcy Burnard wrote:
> Hi Christina. Go to http://www.youtube.com/html5. You'll find a link there
> to opt in to the html5 beta. You can do this regardless if you're signed in
> to you tube or not. This uses cookies, so if you ever have to clear y
I've had this happen many times. The only time this happens to me though seems
to be at teh end of the page. I think I may be in the footer of the document
but I'm not sure. The only way that I "fix" this is to back up word by word
instead of line by line with vo left arrow.
Good luck,
I don't know if you got help with this already. I did it a very long time ago
so I don't have clear instructions as I don't remember the steps exactly but
you should be able to figure it out from what I tell you.
I went up to the view menu by using vo plus m then moving to teh view menu.
I remember that my first record player had two knobs you had to turn on and a
handle like a suitcase. It was quite heavy also. it had a good speaker though.
Now I mostly read comercial audiobooks because I like putting them on my
Iphone. I recently got one of the nls players though and I agree
Hi everyone:
I had my firwt training session through Apple's One to one program. It was
interesting, anda little peculiar. My training ws held in the middle of the
store, with all the noise and bustle of a Friday afternoon. I got familiarized
a little more with the visual layout of the screen
I love these sort of things in a geek/tech way, but I I don't think that the
headset is practical. Skype sounds incredible with the built-in microphone on
the iPhone. I can't believe that the iPad will be worse. You can already plug
any pair of headphones that you'd like in to the stereo headpho
It isn't Mini DVI.
Its Apple's own mini display port connector. So, to go to a TV, you need their
DVI adaptor, then you need to get an HDMI to DVI cable.
-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com]
On Behalf Of Rob Lambert
I'd happily pay $100 for VoiceOver compatible Accapella voices to use on the
iPhone/iPad. Hope someone is listening that can make this happen and wants my
money. *smile*
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From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com]
On Behalf Of
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