thanks, Alex, that was what I wanted to know.
On 2013-09-26, at 9:48 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> What do you want to know? It reads pdf, doc, epub, daisy, and a few other
> formats in any of the A Capella or, on iOS7, VO's HQ voices. It hooks into
> Dropbox, Bookshare, Project Gutenberg, Instapaper,
What do you want to know? It reads pdf, doc, epub, daisy, and a few other
formats in any of the A Capella or, on iOS7, VO's HQ voices. It hooks into
Dropbox, Bookshare, Project Gutenberg, Instapaper, and Google Drive to get
content. It has a sleep timer, background playback, text searching, full
can you please tell me some about voice dream?
On 2013-09-26, at 6:43 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
> I personally like voice dream better than read2go.
> Also, I wish we had access to Bookshare ion the US because they get more
> books than we do in Canada.
> Still going to check it out though.
> Ma