If someone is using Microsoft 365 on their VM, I can use some help
with MS Word. Please reply off list. Thanks.
From E.T.'s Keyboard...
You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
My e-Mail:
The following information is important for all me
Try Linux Mint Mate.
> On Jun 15, 2024, at 7:11 PM, Maurice A. Mines wrote:
> Hi all the subject line says it all. I am working on showing som
> trends what using Vm Ware Fusion on a Mac is like from a blind
> persons prospective.
> Have a
Hi all the subject line says it all. I am working on showing som
trends what using Vm Ware Fusion on a Mac is like from a blind persons
Have a outstanding Saturday everyone.
Maurice Mines.
The following information is important for all members of the Mac
VMware Fusion 13 (or higher) is what you need for your M2. Older VMware will
not work.
NOTE: To answer your earlier email about importing a Parellels VM into
VMware ... I wouldn't even expect that to work. Parallels has its own
way of creating and specifying virtual machines. And VMware ha
A look at Vm Ware’s site states that under V13 importing a Vm from
Parallels on a arm Mac is not supported. For now I will stay with
Parallels I will cost to much money to install all windows apps, and buy
a retail license. Also Jfw, and dragon are a difent story
> Hi the subject says it all . Thinking about switching from Parallels to
> Vm Ware. Is this a good idea? I am using a M2 Mac.
> I hope that all list members of the list are having a grate holiday.
> Maurice Mines.
> --
> The f
Suggest going to the M
Hi the subject says it all . Thinking about switching from Parallels to
Vm Ware. Is this a good idea? I am using a M2 Mac.
I hope that all list members of the list are having a grate holiday.
Maurice Mines.
The following information is
Hi the subject says it all . Thinking about switching from Parallels to
Vm Ware. Is this a good idea? I am using a M2 Mac.
I hope that all list members of the list are having a grate holiday.
Maurice Mines.
The following information is important for all members of
Hi this is afternoon I tried to import a Paralles Vm the resulting Vm that
was created can’t run on my M2 Mac? Someone please explain why a program
that runs an a Arm based Mac wood create an unusable Vm. As a result I
am not switching to VMware.
Maurice Mines.
;> Vertual box is free, but not sure how well it works with windows. I use
>>>> fusion and it is the most accessible. Not sure how much it costs as I
>>>> bought it a while ago.
>>>> Matthew
it works with windows. I use
>>>> fusion and it is the most accessible. Not sure how much it costs as I
>>>> bought it a while ago.
>>>> Matthew
>>>> -Original Message-
I think you can find that on Vmware.com.
But at least 8 gigs of ram.
> 9 apr. 2021 kl. 18:34 skrev :
> What specs should you have on a mac to run a Windows VM?
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> <mailto:macv
What specs should you have on a mac to run a Windows VM?
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com On
Behalf Of Pete De Vasto
Sent: Friday, April 9, 2021 12:32 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Using a VM for windows.
Thank you ever so much, Dave! I thought I could get away
gt;>> Hi,
>>>> Vertual box is free, but not sure how well it works with windows. I use
>>>> fusion and it is the most accessible. Not sure how much it costs as I
>>>> bought it a while ago.
>>>> Matthew
>>> fusion and it is the most accessible. Not sure how much it costs as I
>>> bought it a while ago.
>>> Matthew
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
t sure how much it costs as I
>>> bought it a while ago.
>>> Matthew
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>> <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>> <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> >> <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>> On Behalf Of Matt Turner
>>> Sent: Wednesday, April 7, 2021 10:21 AM
to:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> > <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>> On Behalf Of Matt Turner
>> Sent: Wednesday, April 7, 2021 10:21 AM
>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
>> Subject: Using a VM for window
; > <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>> On Behalf Of Matt Turner
>> Sent: Wednesday, April 7, 2021 10:21 AM
>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
>> Subject: Using a VM for windows.
>> Hi folks.
>> Was w
Good morning, I am wanting to mention that VM where is yes absolutely free for
personal use. I have been using VMware in this mood since the company started
doing that.
Are use braille because as my signature indicates I am a board member of the
national Federation of the blind deaf wind
aries@googlegroups.com On
> Behalf Of Matt Turner
> Sent: Wednesday, April 7, 2021 10:21 AM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Using a VM for windows.
> Hi folks.
> Was wondering if anyone new of a free option for a VM, or should i just use
> Fusion?
> Als
, April 7, 2021 10:21 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Using a VM for windows.
Hi folks.
Was wondering if anyone new of a free option for a VM, or should i just use
Also I was curious about something call CrossOver. It says it will let you run
windows apps without using a vm
chine its free
>> On Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 10:21:31 AM UTC-4 meturn...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Hi folks.
>> Was wondering if anyone new of a free option for a VM, or should i just use
>> Fusion?
>> Also I was curious about something call CrossOver. It says it will
yes oracle vitural machine its free
On Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 10:21:31 AM UTC-4 meturn...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi folks.
> Was wondering if anyone new of a free option for a VM, or should i just
> use Fusion?
> Also I was curious about something call CrossOver. It says it
Hi folks.
Was wondering if anyone new of a free option for a VM, or should i just use
Also I was curious about something call CrossOver. It says it will let you run
windows apps without using a vm? but I wasn’t sure if that would actually work
with VO.
The following information is
that tell application “VoiceOver” to activate
> might do the trick. If you enable running of remote applescript on your
> client machine, then you could probably get this to work. I have always left
> remote applescript sharing turned off for the obvious security reason, but
> with a
reason, but with a VM
you should be able to lock down the network appropriately. Also, at least for
WIndows Machines, I get a list of applications to launch from my running VM’s.
One other possibility, you could disable the VO / accessibility shortcut on
the local machine.
> On Oc
I often find that you can give Windows VMs focus if you just turn VO off
temporarily and hit Tab enough times. Once your keyboard is grabbed, you can
turn VO on again, if you like.
The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries
If you have any questions
x27;re using Jaws for Windows you
> should be aware that authorizations can get a little funny in a VM my strong
> and for the most emphatic suggestion here is what you get that program
> running in your VM and authorized make sure you make a copy of the virtual
> machine because y
27;re running Windows it is probably best to use a single window or
full-screen mode if you have a window screen reader configured and ready
to go.
Passions if you are running Windows, and you're using Jaws for Windows
you should be aware that authorizations can get a little funny in a VM
That would be control-command F, but there is also a full screen mode item in
the view menu.
To enable control-left/control-right this is in the Mission Control section of
the keyboard shortcuts of the keyboard system settings.
When you first move into the VM, you have to press a key to enable
obs these days want you to have a PC, I had to
> bight the bullet and get windows 10 with vm fusion 11. I got it installed,
> but for some reason the mouse won’t click in the search box or any app for
> that matter. Trying to get Jaws, but since the mouse won’t work, I can’t get
On Sun, 30 Aug 2020 at 08:45, Kliph Senior mailto:kliph.sen...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Ok, since most work from home jobs these days want you to have a PC, I had to
bight the bullet and get windows 10 with vm fusion 11. I got it installed, but
for some reason the mouse wo
work from home jobs these days want you to have a PC, I had to
> bight the bullet and get windows 10 with vm fusion 11. I got it installed,
> but for some reason the mouse won’t click in the search box or any app for
> that matter. Trying to get Jaws, but since the mouse won’t work,
Ok, since most work from home jobs these days want you to have a PC, I had to
bight the bullet and get windows 10 with vm fusion 11. I got it installed, but
for some reason the mouse won’t click in the search box or any app for that
matter. Trying to get Jaws, but since the mouse won’t work
: Monday, 24 June 2019 10:51 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Windows Audio wit VM Fusion
Hi Pete and all,
The sound card is definitely present. I hear all the standard sounds from
Windows and when the screen readers are talking, the sound meters indicate that
audio is being
Try bringing the vm to focus and then switch voiceover off using command f5,
Then try switching narrator jaws or NVDA on.
Narrator would be the simplist one.
Remember that by default the left command key is not going to work as a widnows
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com On
Behalf Of
If your using fusion then try using a USB speaker or adaptor to get your audio
out of the windows machine, that should do what you require until you get your
audio working out of the vm.
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com On
Behalf Of Kelly Ford
Sent: Sunday, 23 June 2019 10:28 PM
:06 PM
Subject: Re: Windows Audio wit VM Fusion
Two thinks, Kelly, that you’ve probably already done but just in case:
1. JAWS, particularly, as you know, has the Sound Card option as one of the
things in the Utilities folder. See if there’s more than just the default
Windows sound card
Two thinks, Kelly, that you’ve probably already done but just in case:
1. JAWS, particularly, as you know, has the Sound Card option as one of the
things in the Utilities folder. See if there’s more than just the default
Windows sound card as an option.
2. With your VM running, you should be
hear that.
From: 'Andrew Lamanche' via MacVisionaries
Date: Sunday, June 23, 2019 at 11:06 AM
Subject: Re: Windows Audio wit VM Fusion
Have you installed VMWare Fusion tools? I had to do it via VMWare Tools menu
in VMWare window.
On Ju
during our
>> Shoutcast live Stream <http://s2.free-shoutcast.com:18228/>
>> And our blog <https://sturittup.wordpress.com/> for updates and announcements
>> On Jun 23, 2019, at 12:13 AM, KellyFord > <mailto:ke...@kellford.com>&
so follow us on Twitter, during our Shoutcast live Stream
> And our blog for updates and announcements
> On Jun 23, 2019, at 12:13 AM, KellyFord wrote:
> Hi,
> I am curious if anyone else can duplicate an issue or has a suggestion for a
> work around?
duplicate an issue or has a suggestion for a
work around?
I installed Fusion 11 on a MacBook Pro. I then created a new Windows VM and
booted from an ISO for the most current release of Windows 10. I was able to
get Narrator to start to do the Windows install but have no speech. I do have
I am curious if anyone else can duplicate an issue or has a suggestion for a
work around?
I installed Fusion 11 on a MacBook Pro. I then created a new Windows VM and
booted from an ISO for the most current release of Windows 10. I was able
to get Narrator to start to do the Windows
Command. Then, you can use Command+Tab to move away
> from VMware Fusion to any other app you might have running. All the VO
> command will work once you have done the Control+command keystroke.
> Now, to get back to Windows under VM is where it’s a little tricky. First,
> Use
es@googlegroups.com On
> Behalf Of Pete De Vasto
> Sent: 08 February 2019 04:53
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: VM fusion question
> Hema,
> It’s a bit tricky, but let me see if I can explain it right: When you’re in
> Windows, press Control
Thanks Pete and all for chiming in.
Let me try and get back.
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com On
Behalf Of Pete De Vasto
Sent: 08 February 2019 04:53
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: VM fusion question
It’s a bit tricky, but let me
g a Mac command while in the
Windows VM can throw back into the Mac environment.
Launch Fusion. Press VO space to launch your Windows VM. Wait for it to
boot. Press command f5 to turn VO off. Press command g to grab the keyboard.
You should now have control in your Windows VM.
If you want t
As has been said, its tricky. You will need to be very methodical, and be
> careful with keystrokes. Inadvertently pressing a Mac command while in the
> Windows VM can throw back into the Mac environment.
> Launch Fusion. Press VO space to launch your Windows VM. Wait for it to
As has been said, its tricky. You will need to be very methodical,
and be careful with keystrokes. Inadvertently pressing a Mac command
while in the Windows VM can throw back into the Mac environment.
Launch Fusion. Press VO space to launch your Windows VM. Wait for it
to boot. Press
Now, to get back to Windows under VM is where it’s a little tricky. First, Use
either command+Tab or the dock to get back to VMware Fusion. Then, wait a few
seconds. Wait a few seconds, and hopefully VO will say something like VMware
Fusion, full screen, the name of your Windows virtual
When fusion is running, it depends on how you have things setup. But I use
command tab to go between both systems
> On Feb 7, 2019, at 11:40 AM, Hemachandran Karaha wrote:
> Hi all,
> Kindly let me know how to use VM fusion effectively to alternate between
> Win
Hi all,
Kindly let me know how to use VM fusion effectively to alternate between
Windows and Mac. I am making this request for the third time on this list. Hope
I will get a response this time.
The following information is important for all members of the Mac
Dear all,
I have a Maltron ergonomic keyboard for windows. I just installed VM fusion on
Mac, and I love it. Is there any way I can use the same Windows keyboard for
both the operating systems. I don’t understand well concept such as keyboard
mapping. Kindly help me.
Take care,
Hi all,
Kindly let me know whether we can get a detailed podcast on running VM fusion
on a Mac. I like to also run Windows with Jaws on.
The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries
If you have any questions or concerns about
n the past. What if it were true?
On 1/24/2019 1:20 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
I've just recently removed my fusion,
Or should I say I reimaged my notebook and haven't reinstalled fusion yet.
There was an option in fusion that allowed you to to use a second network
connection to the vm,
I've just recently removed my fusion,
Or should I say I reimaged my notebook and haven't reinstalled fusion yet.
There was an option in fusion that allowed you to to use a second network
connection to the vm,
So what I had and this may be why it worked.
Primary connection came in
Many believe that we have been visited
in the past. What if it were true?
On 1/21/2019 11:25 PM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
Try changing the VM's network settings from nat to bridge I think it is,
You need to tell the vm to use the mac's network port so that
Try changing the VM's network settings from nat to bridge I think it is,
You need to tell the vm to use the mac's network port so that the printer can
see the network that way.
Unless you can use wifi to connect the mac to the internet and wired ethernet
to connect your vm to t
Running VMware Fusion 11 under Mojave. I had things working with the
printer connected via ethernet. I had to disconnect and move the printer
and when reconnected I could not print. I tried adding it again but not
sure sure Windows now sees the ethernet port. Works fine on the Mac
side. Idea
Okay, I am trying to install windows 10 from a disk, but it keeps saying there
is no operating system found. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.
The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries
If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this l
ybody gotten this error:
This is in swedish so i try to translate it:
I can’t access the vm shared folder.
I am not having the rights to do so for some odd reason.
This started happen after i have moved my vmware guest to another hard disk and
imported it back into Vmware fusion.
Any thoughts?
Has anybody gotten this error:
This is in swedish so i try to translate it:
I can’t access the vm shared folder.
I am not having the rights to do so for some odd reason.
This started happen after i have moved my vmware guest to another hard disk and
imported it back into Vmware fusion.
Yes I need to boot from the Windows disc to run a repair. I will
look at the VM menu. Hopefully it will do what I need.
From E.T.'s Keyboard...
Science is not only compatible with spirituality;
it is a profound source of spirituality.| --Carl Sagan
On 7/30
As in you need to boot from a DVD of windows 7?
Or from the vm HD for the win 7 vm machine your running?
If first then under virtual machine menu you should find an option for optical
drive / dvd / cd rom
You'll have to select which one you require.
-Original Message-
From: '
Running Windows 7 VM. I need to boot from the Windows 7 disc. How is
this accomplished from Fusion? Thanks.
From E.T.'s Keyboard...
Science is not only compatible with spirituality;
it is a profound source of spirituality.| --Carl Sagan
The foll
One advantage of using boot camp is that all the resorsis are used and this
could come ion handy, but you would need a pare of usb headphones to get sound
at first dirring the install. If you use vmware you will have to alacate ram
for your vm. HTH.
-Original Message
your machine.
Either option has it's pros and cons, but it's really up to the user to figure
out what is better for them themselves.
Fusion is very good and out of the vm platforms it is pretty much fully
accessible. Bootcamp has some limitations regarding setup of the windows OS
So I have used both, fusion is a better solution.
Bootcamp has the advantage of running natively so probably faster than in a VM
but that’s about it for advantages. You can’t use it as the same time as OS X,
the drive / boot loader selection screen is not accessible although very
So, I have used fusion in the past, but never fusion. Someone asked me witch
is better, but since I have never given bootcamp a spin, I can’t answer that.
So, anybody tried both, what is the advantages and disadvantages? Except with
fusion I know you can run both systems at once, so besides t
s 7 with JAWS 17. I had no
> issues except frequent crashes. As I mentioned, I believe those were related
> to the heavy encryption of the actual SSD and VM itself.
> -Original Message-
> From: WebAIM-Forum [mailto:webaim-forum-boun...@list.webaim.org] On Beh
i tomorrow
-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com]
On Behalf Of Anders Holmberg
Sent: Thursday, 11 May 2017 10:01 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Sharing Files Between my mac and the VM ware Fusion
DO you use v
Of Scott Granados
> Sent: Thursday, 11 May 2017 10:02 AM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: Sharing Files Between my mac and the VM ware Fusion
> Anders, VBox has a command line mode that I think most blind users work
> with.
>> On May 10, 2017, a
On Behalf Of Scott Granados
Sent: Thursday, 11 May 2017 10:02 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Sharing Files Between my mac and the VM ware Fusion
Anders, VBox has a command line mode that I think most blind users work with.
> On May 10, 2017, at 6:00 PM
Subject: Re: Sharing Files Between my mac and the VM ware Fusion
DO you use vmware or virtual box?
How can you use vb with voiceover?
> 10 maj 2017 kl. 09:52 skrev Simon Fogarty :
> Or just setup a shared folder between yoru fusion vm and the mac host.
same as the Mac directory you added.
Hope this helps.
On 5/10/17 3:52 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
Or just setup a shared folder between yoru fusion vm and the mac host.
There should be an option in the Fusion system to setup a shared drive
I've just done this with virtual box on a window
hink most blind users work with.
>> On May 10, 2017, at 6:00 PM, Anders Holmberg wrote:
>> Hi!
>> DO you use vmware or virtual box?
>> How can you use vb with voiceover?
>> /A
>>> 10 maj 2017 kl. 09:52 skrev Simon Fogarty :
>> Or just setup a shared folder between yoru fusion vm and the mac host.
>> There should be an option in the Fusion system to setup a shared drive
>> I've just done this with virtual box on a windows 7 vm and sierra host
>> I used
DO you use vmware or virtual box?
How can you use vb with voiceover?
> 10 maj 2017 kl. 09:52 skrev Simon Fogarty :
> Or just setup a shared folder between yoru fusion vm and the mac host.
> There should be an option in the Fusion system to setup a shared drive
Hi Remy,
If you do a Command-E then right arrow once you will land on
Sharing. It will be worth your time to explore the settings and learn
what options you find there. You can invoke the settings with the VM
running or not running but some options will require you to unload the VM.
> added.
> Hope this helps.
> CB
> On 5/10/17 3:52 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>> Or just setup a shared folder between yoru fusion vm and the mac host.
>> There should be an option in the Fusion system to setup a shared drive
>> I
directory you added.
Hope this helps.
On 5/10/17 3:52 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
Or just setup a shared folder between yoru fusion vm and the mac host.
There should be an option in the Fusion system to setup a shared drive
I've just done this with virtual box on a windows 7 vm and sierra ho
Or just setup a shared folder between yoru fusion vm and the mac host.
There should be an option in the Fusion system to setup a shared drive
I've just done this with virtual box on a windows 7 vm and sierra host
I used the shared folder on the mac os as the host end and then specified
You may wish to use dropbox on both mac and windows to share files or google
> On 9 May 2017, at 22:12, Ramy Moustafa wrote:
> Hello all:
> I need to share some files between my mac and my VMware, they are on my mac,
> and i need to open them with my Windows o
Very easy to do, you can copy and paste from outside the VM to inside the VM or
you can place the files in documents or downloads, desktop etc. that are
automatically shared with your VM. This assumes a windows VM that you’re using
and that you have these features enabled which should be when
Hello all:
I need to share some files between my mac and my VMware, they are on my mac,
and i need to open them with my Windows on Vm.
how please?
Thanks in advance
The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries
If you have any questions or
it works adoringly, we use it all the time with the flight sim.
On 5/8/17, Jonathan Cohn wrote:
> Can anybody verify for me that Audio HiJack works with Fusion VM's. I am
> thinking it would be convenient for attaching defects to issue reports, but
> would love to know if there are any issues or
Can anybody verify for me that Audio HiJack works with Fusion VM's. I am
thinking it would be convenient for attaching defects to issue reports, but
would love to know if there are any issues or complexities.
Best wishes,
Jonathan Cohn
The following information is importa
FWIW, I have the same setup but use the right option key as the modifier—but
that’s because the accent key, when shifted, means “home directory” in Unix.
> On Dec 2, 2016, at 10:31 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Thanks guys. I've installed Sharp Keys, and am using the accent key as my
> modifier. I'd
Thanks guys. I've installed Sharp Keys, and am using the accent key as my
modifier. I'd prefer caps lock, but this works for now, and is supported by
Alex Hall
> On Nov 29, 2016, at 10:36, Andrew Lamanche wrote:
> Hello,
> I just want to add that Karabiner doesn't at presen
I just want to add that Karabiner doesn't at present work under Sierra OS. An
update is coming but we don't know when yet. So whilst the method described in
the article Rachel has kindly posted, it will not work in Sierra if you run
VmWare fusion with Windows in this operating system.
Hi Alex,
This article will walk you through all steps necessary to remap caps lock to
insert for use in Fusion.
> On Nov 28, 2016, at 6:29 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
Hi all,
I have Windows running on my MBP using Fusion. How do I get caps lock to act as
a modifier for NVDA? Even with VoiceOver completely off, Windows doesn't seem
to see the key correctly. Narrator speaks it when I press it, so Windows knows
about it, but NVDA just won't use it like it should
When I first started using a Mac in 2013, I used bootcamp and created a VM from
it. Shortly afterward, I moved away from this configuration due to a space
consideration-I have a 256 GB SSD. However, if I had it to do over again, I
would have stayed with both as it allows more flexibility. I did
So I can not reverse in other words, I can not create a bootcamp
partition and tell the assistant to install windows from that, but If I
were using windows in a bootcamp partion and desided at some point that
I wanted to use a vm I could do this.
What I want is to run windows
nathan, I already have a vm with windows 10. Are you saying I
could tell vmware to create or install to the boot camp partition?
For some reason I am told that the partition could not be resized or
somerthing to that affect. I am using mac os extended journaled so
not sure what is going on t
Yes, VMWare Fusion does have a migration tool to migrate from a windows
computer. My test lab staff did the migration for me from my HP laptop. I did
have to uninstall some drivers on the VM using a remote terminal session before
control-alt-delete would work. Also, if the your windows software
matthew dyer
> wrote:
> Jonathan, I already have a vm with windows 10. Are you saying I could tell
> vmware to create or install to the boot camp partition? For some reason I
> am told that the partition could not be resized or somerthing to that affect.
> I am using m
On Nov 21, 2016, at 3:32 PM, matthew dyer <mailto:ilovecountrymusic...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Jonathan, I already have a vm with windows 10. Are you saying I could tell
> vmware to create or install to the boot camp partition? For some reason I
> am told that the partit
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