Just a guess but it should be in Sound and should be listed in the output popup
On 1 Mar 2014, at 09:01, Jürgen Fleger wrote:
> Hi William,
> So, how can I play a stream (with itunes) so that I can hear also the music
> in my airplay speakers?
> Somewhere in the system preference
Hi William,
So, how can I play a stream (with itunes) so that I can hear also the music in
my airplay speakers?
Somewhere in the system preferences you can choose Airplay as the main output.
I don't remember exactly where because I use something that suits me better:
Airfoil for Mac. Here you
Hello all,
With mavericks 10.9.2, I want to play a stream from the internet also with the
airplay speakers.
If I open the url in safari, I hear the music in the speakers of my macbook air
but not in my airplay speakers.
When I open the url from inside itunes with command+u, it seems that one o