Did you try pressing shift+command+a to open your apps folder and see if it's
You do know, don't you, that when you install an app, it's usually best to open
the .gmd disk image file and copy the app to your apps folder? Sometimes the
app will have an installer package and sometimes not
If you downloaded the zip file from the Net, it may still be in your Downloads
folder. If not, check in the Applications folder of your root. Maybe also do
a Spotlight search for the file named Skype.app
• Mark BurningHawk Baxter
• AIM, Skype and Twitter: BurningHawk1969
• MSN: burningha
Hi all-again!
Yesterday I downloaded Skype but couldn't get it to make calls. Today I seem to
have lost the ap altogether! Any idea where it might be hiding? I have been
into 'finder' and found it at the bottom under 'devices', but when I try and
interact with it, or select it, it just says 'in