[] On Behalf Of Jonathan C. Cohn
Sent: Saturday, 25 July, 2009 01:06
Subject: Re: keyboard shortcuts for Skype
You should be able to set this up in the system preferences.
Under Keyboard and mouse
Just to add to this, Anne Robertson once gave a very good description
of setting up new keyboard shortcuts which should still b available in
the archives of the discussion group. I can't off-hand remember the
url for the discussion archive - sorry not to be very helpful. The
You should be able to set this up in the system preferences.
Under Keyboard and mouse there is a tab called keyboard shortcuts.
By default there are no skype shortcuts, but below the table are two
buttons the first is add and the second is remove.
I did not actually try this myself, but when
Now that I have a working microphone for Skype, are there any keyboard
shortcuts for answering calls, hanging up, etc.? I tried Skype help,
but couldn't find anything. I also don't see global options for
setting up keyboard commands in Skype preferences the way I did in the
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