Whoops I mean William, not sure where Simon came from. Well good thing I've
made more coffee, it seems I need it. :)
On Dec 25, 2009, at 5:16 AM, william lomas wrote:
> hi all i noted with itunes if you ahve a voucher on your account you
> are not prompted as to whether you really wisht o buy
SImon, that is rather interesting since I have not seen this behavior. Now
there is if memory serves me, a checkbox that you can check to prevent iTunes
from asking if your sure about the purchase. I've opted to not check this as a
secondary confirmation before I commit to the purchase. Now if y
hi all i noted with itunes if you ahve a voucher on your account you
are not prompted as to whether you really wisht o buy your selected
i have a dpulicate album now, why itunes didn't say i was already
downloading it is beyond me not happy lol
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