remember to press command f5 to turn VO
On Feb 13, 2014, at 6:22 PM, Caitlyn and Maggie
> It should come up talking, but if nothing happens when you turn it on, hit
> enter and that should bring up everything.
> Enjoy!
> Cait and Maggie
> On Feb 13, 2014,
It should come up talking, but if nothing happens when you turn it on, hit
enter and that should bring up everything.
Cait and Maggie
On Feb 13, 2014, at 11:01 AM, Jenine Stanley wrote:
> We are now the proud owners of a just unboxed iMac. It needs to come back up
> to room temperature
That is excellent. I hope you enjoy you're mac.
On Feb 13, 2014, at 11:22 AM, Jenine Stanley wrote:
> Thanks much.
> My office in New York was just closed due to snow so I get to play Mac this
> afternoon.
> Geek On! :)
> Jenine Stanley
> On Feb 13, 20
Thanks much.
My office in New York was just closed due to snow so I get to play Mac this
Geek On! :)
Jenine Stanley
On Feb 13, 2014, at 11:49 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Congratulations! Setting it up will be easy - just hit cmd-f5 once it is
> booted, and
Congratulations! Setting it up will be easy - just hit cmd-f5 once it is
booted, and go through the process. Make sure you know your wireless passcode,
or plug the iMac into the router directly, but aside from that it is a simple
matter. Of course, if you plan to give it your or your husband's A
You can set up messages and iCloud during setup.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 13, 2014, at 10:01 AM, Jenine Stanley wrote:
> We are now the proud owners of a just unboxed iMac. It needs to come back up
> to room temperature before I attempt to turn it on but is there anything I
> should kno
We are now the proud owners of a just unboxed iMac. It needs to come back up to
room temperature before I attempt to turn it on but is there anything I should
know about the initial setup?
I'm excited that it can be set up with VO. It will be my husband's machine so
it will also have Zoom inst