Oh wow, I've actually never heard of that one, that's cool. I at one point
used this word processing program that used to run on the older mac's called
"inteli-talk," that had a text-to-speach program that came with it, that I
loved sense it was more natural-sounding than the echo, but thinking
My first Mac was an old Mac running, I think, system 4 or 5; it had 1 meg of
internal RAM and a 20 meg hard drive in it. It used OutSpoken, the screen
reader which I found worked amazingly well, and I wrote my first novella-length
work on it. Then I think I sold it for some reason which eludes
I got my apple start with an apple 2 E I used word talk ironically developed by
the same folk that went n to bring us window-eyes.
On 2013-01-12, at 8:08 PM, Jessica Moss wrote:
> I couldn't ever really figure Bex out, but a classmate of mine always
> prefered it to ProWords. I tried using Bex
I had ProWords and used it and Proterm, when I needed a nice simple WYSIWYG
processor for a quick paper. ProTerm was how I got addicted to chatting and
the "internet," such as it was at the time.
• Mark BurningHawk Baxter
• AIM, Skype and Twitter: BurningHawk1969
• MSN: burninghawk1...@ho
I couldn't ever really figure Bex out, but a classmate of mine always prefered
it to ProWords. I tried using Bex 1 time I think it was, and went right back
to ProWords, sense for some reason, I kept having to do an insert command, when
I was just typing a simple document, and my vision teacher
BEX *DOES* exist on the Mac; it's called TextEdit, and it can do WAY more than
Bex ever could. THough, I did go to Dartmouth with an Apple 2C as my main
computer, and wrote all my papers with BEX. I also had sorta a crush on Jessie
Casum from Raised Dot computing.
• Mark BurningHawk Baxter
No, I didn't get my hands on the braille app but I did like that thing, hated
going pc after they dragged me away from the E. Okay, I'm stubborn.
On 2013-01-11, at 8:32 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Funny you should bring up the Apple II E! I have fond memories of that
> thing. In my seinior year