Hi. I also prefer Carbon Copy Cloner. There was one time however where CCC
wouldn't do what I wanted, and the free version of Super Duper would. I wanted
to clone the disks that came with my Mac to an SD card. CCC couldn't manage
this for some reason.
But that's the only time CCC didn't meet
Hi Dan, Paul, Mike, and Others,
Like Mike, I've used both SuperDuper! and Carbon Copy Cloner. And like Mike
and Dan, I'm mostly using CCC right now, but I think it's more a question of
personal preference. For the purposes of making a bootable clone of your hard
drive, which is one of the mai
I currently don't use Super-Duper, so I don't know about them.
CCC was updated a few days ago. Also, I read somewhere that the developer of
CCC works for Apple. So I don't think you'll go wrong.
On Jul 24, 2011, at 9:59 PM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:
> Thanks, Mike. So, It would appear
Thanks, Mike. So, It would appear the smarter move would be to use carbon copy
cloner and save yourself $26. I just wanted to make sure they had the same
features before I decided which to buy.
SuperDuper has that sandbox feature, but that doesn't sound like anything I'd
I'm also a bit conc
Both programs have this feature, but you need to purchase super duper to get
it, carbon copy cloner is totally free, though you can make a donation, which
is worth it, it's a great program. I use carbon copy cloner myself, but super
duper is a great program as well.
On Jul 23, 2011, at 1:08 PM,
Hi, Guys. I am wondering if there is any significance between Carbon Copy
Cloner and SuperDuper. Obviously, one is free and one costs $26. But do both
have the smart backup feature?
I'm trying to figure which to get, but I really want the smart backup feature
so my backups to a USB drive won't t