This is usually a mail server problem and not something you can fix.
Often times when I get it I just try sending again a few seconds later
and things go through. All depends on who your mail provider is. While
you might be using POP or IMAP to retrieve messages, all sent mail goes
through SMTP
I think this might be a gmail issue.
Ricardo Walker
On Jun 30, 2012, at 10:17 PM, Christine Grassman
> Why are some of my messages being sent out with no problem, while others are
> getting a "cannot send m
I have this too with my pop account sometimes. Usually, they send eventually.
I haven't found a work around, except to just wait, or use another email
address. I would be interested in anybody else's experiences.
On 1/07/2012, at 2:17 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
> Why are some of
Why are some of my messages being sent out with no problem, while others are
getting a "cannot send message using this server" message? There is seemingly
no rhyme or reason to what is being "rejected" and kept in my Outbox.
Thanks for any ideas.
You received this message because y