Listers, please don't reply to this on the list.

   I'm sending this here now so that you and everyone else knows now  
that I've not only already taken care of this, but that I'll be  
changing settings in the background to hopefully prevent this sort of  
thing from happening again.
   As well, I've reported the spammer to Google.

   so, please, in future, if you have suggestions / thoughts for me,  
in regard to the list operation / policy and such, please please  
please email me off-list.

   My job as a mod here is to make things happen behind the scenes so  
to speak, so be aware that you're not always going to know when I've  
taken care of something like this.
, and by replying to this note on-list, without trimming it, (as I've  
done below) you're actually proliferating this spam as well,  because  
rather than making it stop, it's showing up again with your post as  
well.  Know what I mean?

   So please bare this in mind.  This matter is in-hand, and as I  
said, you can feel free to write me off-list at any time if you feel  
something isn't being dealt with the way you'd like, K?…

   Thanks for reading, All, and my apologies for the spam.  There was  
no way to know about this one in advance, and as I said, measures are  
already being taken.

   Have a terrific weekend!…


Cara  :)
View my Online Portfolio at:

On Mar 7, 2009, at 10:48 AM, Justin Harford wrote:

Umm, MODERATOR!  Could we please cut these spammers off the list?

Muchas gracias
Justin Harford

"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already
tomorrow in Australia." Charles Schultz, creator of the Peanuts comic

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