Am I missing something, or is there an almost total absence of podcasts on 
Mavericks? I find it funny that on the day iOS 7 was released there was an 
explosion of podcasts on every tiny little insignificant change from iOS 6, but 
half a week later still none on the 200 new features and two completely new 
apps in Mavericks. I guess it just shows the difference in popularity between 
iOS and Mac.
I'm sure the Tech Doctor will have a great podcast on Mavericks soon, and I 
know the Maccessibility Round Table is focusing on Mavericks next episode (this 
Thurs I believe), but it seems a desperately long time for someone like me, 
craving Mavericks info, to wait. At least if I resist upgrading before then the 
info will be that much more exciting, rather than listening to people discuss 
what I've already discovered.

Anyway, if anyone knows of any podcasts I've somehow missed please let me know.


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