Paralles is inaccessible. Boot camp or fusion wioudl work.
On Oct 13, 2010, at 6:14 PM, Brent Harding wrote:
> Hi there. I've been looking at running Windows on my Mac to play a couple
> games and maybe to do a little streaming, probably with Stationplaylist. I
> heard Sara's demo of Fusion and
DO not use parallels, it pretty much sucks the big one in terms of performance
and fusion is much more accessible.
Also, audio is not a problem under fusion. I'm not sure what you heard but I
run tons of apps under fusion at the same time as apps on the Mac and no
problems. Streaming, the TTS
Hi there. I've been looking at running Windows on my Mac to play a couple
games and maybe to do a little streaming, probably with Stationplaylist. I
heard Sara's demo of Fusion and how incredibly bad the audio was almost like
a buffered stream or something. Is Parallels any better in this regard