Hi, guys none of these options work. The VO-command-J has exactly the same
reaction with the tab button and the quickNAV on with F doesn’t work at all. It
says no text elements found. How does the outfill works?
That’s a government site that you can fill out and print forms.
18 Φεβ 2021, 11:59 μ
Are you doing this with Quicknav on or off/ Also, what is the website? Some
things to try perhaps is with Quicknav on, use F to go from field to field. You
can then turn it off and fill in said field. Also, autofill can be your friend
in Safari as it can fill in a lot of the info saving work.
you might try form controls with vo-command-j. I use that sometimes.
> On Feb 18, 2021, at 1:39 PM, Steve Z. wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I tried to fill a form on Safari, but I am facingI am facing problem
>> interacting with the edit
>> boxes. I tried to move with tab, but it moves the first, seco
> Hi list,
> I tried to fill a form on Safari, but I am facingI am facing problem
> interacting with the edit
> boxes. I tried to move with tab, but it moves the first, second and then
> throws me to the end of the webpage. I tried with veal left arrow and move to
> one or two edit boxes and the