Have you used VO-Cmd-Right or Left Arrow then VO-Cmd-Up or Down
Arrow to change pitch? You could also try other vouces to test if the
problem goes away.
From E.T.'s Keyboard...
Are We Alone in the Universe?
On 7/29/2016 8:12 AM, Traci Duncan wrote:
Does anyone u
Does anyone use duck duck go as their search engine? She’s doing the high
pitched thing with the checkboxes at each heading. It’s also occurring when in
a mail message and there is a quote level one. Lol! I don’t really want to
switch voices, but I may need to for a while. This high pitch t
I haven't experienced this, though I do not use that tts. It would be
interesting to try using the save spoken text to iTunes and see if that
does it too. I am not sure about the tts's that Apple buys, but the Apple
TTS have features to change rate and pitch using statements enclosed in
double bra
Subject: High pitched VoiceOver
Hi everybody,
I don’t know if I accidentally changed a setting, but this is driving me a
little crazy. I use Samantha compact for my Mac VoiceOver voice. Just
recently she is doing some weird high pitch letters and web locators. A few
examples, when I VO
Hi everybody,
I don’t know if I accidentally changed a setting, but this is driving me a
little crazy. I use Samantha compact for my Mac VoiceOver voice. Just
recently she is doing some weird high pitch letters and web locators. A few
examples, when I VO-shift-left and right arrow to read o