Hi Mary,
Sure! It was all in the article that Hai posted yesterday from Scott Davert.
You have to go in and re-add the voices to the rotor. Once I did that,
everything was fine. One thing, though. I downloaded a couple of different
voices. I figured that once I downloaded them, they would a
Still have not updated my old iPhone to iOS 18. I’m strongly thinking about
doing it with my iPad mini first. And I have more than one language in my iOS
17 language rotor, including two English voices, one of which if I have it set,
the default one, if I run into Russian on a page, the voice au
I solved this.
> On Sep 17, 2024, at 1:30 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have three voices on my iPhone, one for English one for Spanish, and one
> for Italian. But only the English and Italian voices show up in the rotor.
> Anyone have any thoughts about why this wo