You should be able to either use a smart playlist or simply sort the songs by
the Status column. To sort in this manner, select Songs from the Sidebar, then
navigate to the Music table and interact with it, press VO-shift-back slash
which will put VO focus into the header area. VO-right/l
honestly the best way to do this is erase your library file and reimport those
songs to music.
On Jan 3, 2020, at 1:34 PM, Paul Hopewell wrote:
Many thanks for prior help on setting up iTunes Music Library.
On my iMac running the latest Catalina I have several dozen songs listed in
Many thanks for prior help on setting up iTunes Music Library.
On my iMac running the latest Catalina I have several dozen songs listed in
albums and songs which are no longer resident on my iMac. I am no longer
interested in these missing items and would like to get rid of references to