Hello Anne,
have you encountered the following new issue: Delete rows or columns. VoiceOver
will still anounce them without a column character even though they are no
longer visible. Use VO + Arrow keys to find them. I experienced this issue on
three different Macs so it might be a generel issu
I set up a test table in a new instance of numbers to test this out, and I find
that with the months of the year label across the top row of the table
voiceover will only recognize out to about August and then it just doesn’t see
any labels. Also, voiceover is really acting strangely, crashing a
Hello Phil,
I haven’t much in the way of spreadsheets on my computer so I asked my husband
to test the latest Numbers on his, which is a recent MacBook Pro running
Catalina. For him, VoiceOver will read column headers for the first 22 columns,
and row headers for the first 44 rows. This is true
Has anyone else using numbers noticed a terrible bug in tables row and Collin
had a reading? In the new version 10 column labels are only read for about the
first seven or eight columns and after that numbers does not see the column
labels anymore. Similarly with row header labels the first Tann